Chapter 55: Terminal Lucidity

Chapter 55: Terminal Lucidity

Curtain Calls habit of announcing her attacks may be because she had a strange obsession. However, the reason she was able to maintain her reputation as a promising fixer was because her opponents would often be cleaved in two as they clumsily defended her attacks.

Curtain Call demonstrated her incredible skill by slicing Je Mu-gyeongs crude hammer vertically in two.

However, Je Mu-gyeong grasped the bisected hammer with both hands and swung it fiercely, managing to deflect Curtain Calls assault. He then used his remaining strength to launch an attack on Curtain Call with his other two arms.


Letting out a fierce battle cry mid-air, Curtain Call coiled her body and forcefully plunged her zanbato into the ground. She then yanked on the zanbato and launched both herself and her weapon through the air. Such movements showcased an uncanny strength far beyond what seemed physically possible for someone of her weight and height.

For a brief moment, the battle between these two monsters raged on.

Curtain Call made use of her small size and overwhelming strength as she started darting in all directions. She looked like a small whirlwind with a huge blade attached to it.


Je Mu-gyeong managed to block Curtain Calls attack with his chains, but the assault was far from over. Curtain Call spun around with renewed vigor and repeatedly struck Je Mu-gyeongs chains. The zanbato she wielded was swung not so much to slice as it was hammered down like a blacksmiths hammer pounding on an anvil, creating a shower of sparks as it clashed with the chains.

Die, die, die, die!!! Bleed out all your blood and die!!!!

However, their entanglement was short-lived. Je Mu-gyeongs abilities were not limited to his immense strength and the four arms that moved at will.

Suddenly, Je Mu-gyeongs figure blurred and then disappeared altogether.

With her weight shifted too much on the zanbato, Curtain Call swung at thin air, lost her balance, and her posture crumbled.

Je Mu-gyeong then emerged from a blind spot with his hammer already brandished in his hand and the huge hammer was now hurtling towards Curtain Call.

Holy shit. Stop it, brute!


I launched a fireball towards Je Mu-gyeong in an attempt to protect Curtain Call. The sackcloth made from human skin provided Je Mu-gyeong with remarkable magical defense, but it wasnt impervious to the impact.


I was concerned that the explosion might damage the USB he possessed so the blast was intentionally contained. The explosion spread only as far as Je Mu-gyeongs head and this alone was insufficient to inflict a fatal wound on him.

It seems trying to extract any information through dialogue is now off the table.

I had been foolish to even attempt dialogue. Wasting energy on such futile stuff was a mistake. It was time to give up and look for another way to clear the quest.

But how? The magical defenses of the sackcloth he wore remained intact, and until I could seize the USB he possessed, burning, crushing, or incinerating him was not an option.

And a single mistake would reduce me to just another set of dismembered remains scattered throughout this corridor.

Ah, dismembered remains?

There was a simpler way, after all.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

I had hoped to avoid resorting to such measures, but there seemed no other choice.

I conjured a temporary telekinetic force and pulled out an artifact from my backpack before I started conjuring a magic circle.

Dozens of sinister purple magic circles imbued with the malevolent power of the netherworld formed and started spreading a chilling mist of ominous energy in all directions.


[Plea of the Starving Dead]

An unpleasant sulfuric stench filled the air, accompanied by bell-like sounds that seemed almost hallucinatory.

Ding, ding,

The corpses strewn across the corridor began to twitch.

After absorbing my magical power, the artifact I had activated, the silver bell of the underworld defied the established laws and raised the dead scattered around.

Feed your hunger, you who died bearing grudges.



Most of the bodies in the corridor began to stir.

Those crazy bastards had cut them into pieces so much that only a few of them had enough of their limbs intact to stand.

This spell wasnt the one to conjure the zombies one might typically imagine.

Creating undead that moved under my command, like zombies, would require far more conditions.

These beings would not heed any command other than to exact retribution upon those who had killed them.

Moreover, the consumption of magical power was ridiculously inefficient and the duration was far too short.

But what does it matter? Right now, all I have is magical power.

[The unique effect of the S-rank magical tool Silver Bell of the Underworld , Pure Silvers Madness, has been activated.

// Pure Silvers Madness: Grants Mental IllnessViolence to summoned creatures and increases their attack power by 100%.]

Artificially raised corpses rushed towards their target, driven by immense hatred and hunger.

Those without legs crawled and those without arms charged forward using their teeth and skulls. Even those who had lost both arms and legs moved towards their target like insects, inching forward however they could.

A cold-hearted fighter might ignore these creatures and attack me, the summoner, but instead of doing that

He who has lost his skin cannot stand up!

Je Mu-gyeong, like a madman, began destroying everything that came his way with insane fervor.


The sound of metal chains attached to hooks danced through the air.

Ah, that damned magic resistance!

[Ice Spear]


Spears of blood ice erupted from beneath his feet. Je Mu-gyeong demonstrated his immense strength by shattering the rising ice spears with a kick but at that very moment


A bolt of electricity emitting a pure white flash flew toward him in a complex trajectory.

Fizzzzzzz! Crackle!

He was unable to dodge the sudden lightning strike.


It was but a moment of stiffness, yet it created a fatal opening.

[Invisible Hand]

A magical hand that exerted telekinetic power threw an object that had been hidden until now.

It was Valusias Blue Elixir.


The bottle reached above his head, and at that precise moment, the magic was activated.

[Arrow of Destruction]


The bottle was hit by a bolt of netherworld energy and was easily shattered.


[Valusias Blue Elixir (S-rank Catalyst): One of the potions used by the ancient serpent people. It contains a corrosively potent poison that can be deadly, so its dangerous to use without proper purification.]

A corrosive poison that was capable of effortlessly dissolving human skin was unleashed on him.


The skin that covered his body began to melt away.

Aaaargh! No! Stop! Dont do this! My skin! I cant be without my skin!

Madness, confusion, terror, and despair filled his eyes.

Any sane person would have stripped off the skin tainted with the corrosive poison.

But even though the poison threatened to seep beyond the sin and into his very flesh, he did not do so.

A bitter feeling arose within me.

Perhaps I could end up like that too.

This madness and obsession were beyond my control.

The mask made of human skin that was covering Je Mu-gyeongs face was now gone.

Although his bare body was revealed after losing the mask and sackcloth, I still couldnt discern his features.

This was because the corrosive poison had melted away half of his face, along with the mask.

Anyway, the artifact that had been protecting him was now gone.

[Burning Spear]

[Spell Enhancement: Multicasting]


Four spears created by condensing flames flew forward.

And it was at that moment that I saw it.

The look in his eyes changed.

Uh Aaah!


Je Mu-gyeong screamed as he intercepted the spears of flame.

He swung his saw and arm to knock two aside and twisted his body to dodge another, but it wasnt perfect.


The last spear of flame he couldnt evade pierced through his body.

Even the hand that had swatted the spears wasnt unscathed. In the act of batting away the spears with his bare hands, he had nearly lost all the fingers on one hand.

And Je Mu-gyeong who momentarily halted in that state slowly opened his mouth.

Keke Quite the strong one you are.

His way of speaking had completely changed. The voice and tone were entirely different from before.

It felt as though I was listening to a different person speak.

Was this a moment of terminal lucidity? A brief return to sanity after losing the source of his madness, the skin, and being cornered?

But even so, that didnt change the fact that now I had the upper hand.