Chapter 82: Hungry Mansion (6)

Chapter 82: Hungry Mansion (6)

The items I had taken out were salt, red beans, and a few large candles.

Yes, its a traditional method from the East. Combining these can create a basic exorcism barrier.

Is. that so.

The corners of Heo Sang-hyeons mouth twitched. Was he sneering? He seemed to be making an effort to control his expression.

It appeared he knew what I was attempting to create.

Though I had openly referred to it as a basic barrier, this truly was the most elementary of barriers.

Even those without magical power could construct it, but as a result, its effect was quite minimal. He struggled to hold back a laugh as he said,

Are you sure this will be sufficient? Ive seen another fixer create a similar barrier before but they failed.

Well, just watch.

And then, there was one more item.

A necklace with a large metal disc.

The round metal disc was intricately engraved with complex Sanskrit characters and a depiction of the Big Dipper.

While it was too large to simply be called a necklace, it was indeed designed to be worn around the neck.

It was an immensely valuable item, so much so that my hands slightly trembled when I handed it over to Heo Sang-hyeon.

[Ancient Gods Mirror (A-rank Accessory): An item imbued with the influence of an ancient god and crafted for communication with divine beings. It possesses the power to suppress malevolent forces and avert disasters.

Heavenly Lightning: Blocks possession effects and diminishes the influence of outer gods.

Heavenly Perspective: Provides the ability to see in darkness with enhanced vision and increases sight by 100%.

Heavenly Divine Qi: Automatically casts the Healing Meditation spell on a chosen target and increases the effect of rest by 100%.

Heavenly Malevolent Miasma: Automatically casts a Powerful Hallucination spell on a chosen target and enhances sensitivity to magic and divine power.

Creator: Kim Shin-hwa

Further enhancement possible]

For me, it was thousands of times more important than any legendary sword or magical staff.

The Ancient Gods Mirror was crafted to fend off the terrible nightmares that haunted me every night. Without it, I couldnt sleep.

I couldnt hold myself back and finally added a word of caution.

This is an extremely precious item. Do not lose or damage it under any circumstances.

What is this?

When I begin to formally establish the barrier, the ghosts will start to swarm towards us.

Does this protect against the ghosts?

Well its better than nothing.

Heo Sang-hyeon looked at the Ancient Gods Mirror skeptically.

Hes doubtful.

But no amount of examination would change its purpose. It was, in fact, an item capable of warding off possession.

Perhaps concluding that wearing it posed no harm, he eventually put the mirror around his neck.

It feels somewhat strange.

That would be due to your sensitivity to magical power.

This was no mere trinket.

As an artifact that emitted its own magical power, someone sensitive like Heo Sang-hyeon could detect its presence.

I will now begin the process.

I scattered salt and beans in each corner of the living room and set up candles before lighting them one by one.

Heo Sang-hyeon, still wearing a face of skepticism, followed me closely.

Ive been suddenly attacked by a ghost from behind before.

He said this as his reason, but I suspected he had another reason for staying so close.

As the number of barriers increased, the atmosphere within the living room began to transform.


It shifted into a more sinister and dangerous form.

Magic surged and ghosts wailed.

At the same time, Heo Sang-hyeons expression gradually turned to one of mounting anxiety.

They must be about to start moving, right?

The barrier was nearing completion.

Only two more candles needed to be lit.

However, I deliberately dawdled at the last moment and dragged out the time.

Completing the barrier was not my goal.

I had no intention of subduing them by finishing this barrier from the start.

Moreover, as Heo Sang-hyeon mentioned, attacks usually start before the completion of such barriers.

[System: Enhanced Vigilance trait has been activated.]

The Enhanced Vigilance trait alerted me to the impending danger.

Theyre here.


At that moment, the atmosphere began to churn.

A blurred something started to seep through from beyond the walls.

Was it foam? Smoke? Mist? The shadow of a human?

Or could it be something as trivial as dust in my eyes?

Well, it was a surreal mass akin to a smear erroneously brushed across this space and reality.

They were bizarre entities that were difficult to describe in human terms. Spiritual beings that exist solely through emotion, thought, and magical power.

Among the spirits swarming this mansion, the strongest and most malevolent have revealed themselves.

They eventually ran away while screaming.

I thought theyd crash into the wall for a moment, but since they were intangible ghosts they flew right through it and vanished.

Phew, shouldve done this earlier.

What a waste of fine decorations.

You are amazing

The voice belonged to Heo Sang-hyeon.

A lot of people have come here over the years, but Ive never seen anyone like. you. Youve got some serious skills.

Its nothing This isnt really that big of a deal.

He seemed taken aback. He probably expected me to create a trivial barrier but he witnessed me instead overpowering the ghosts through sheer force.

As Ive mentioned before, the barrier wasnt created to capture ghosts.

I briefly looked up at the ceiling.

Beyond it, on the second floor, I could sense the stirrings of magical power.

The location is just right

My plan was to complete the barrier and, with a single strike, take down whatever was hiding on the second floor.

I focused my mind and surveyed my surroundings.

The magical power that the ghosts had stirred up was settling around me.

It was a dense and rich concentration of magical power so that even those without the gift of sensing could notice the anomaly.

A feast for the senses.

When I was playing computer games, I could never have understood this sensation.

After all, I was already able to control the magical power left behind by the beings of the abyss.

In this mansion, the drifting magical power could become mine with just a minimal purification process.

I pulled out a small glass bottle containing purifying water from within my belongings.

Gently tilting the bottle, I sprinkled the purifying water on the butchers hook before casting a spell.


Whiooooooooooooo !!!!

It was a spell that absorbed floating magical power.

The butchers hook began to voraciously draw in the surrounding magical power with incredible force.

Of course, a vacuum cleaner is the best tool for cleaning a dirty house.

Ghosts lurking outside the living room began to scream.

Stop! Stop it!

What are you doing! You accursed fiend!

Thats Thats our magical power!

Calm down, it has nothing to do with you guys anyway. Off with you!

This wasnt a spell for purifying or absorbing ghosts.

It was merely a spell to absorb magical power that had lost its master and was aimlessly wandering.

Nevertheless, the reason they struggled was that even the mightiest of spirits couldnt influence the physical realm without the magic to project their thoughts and intentions.

A clean house doesnt attract pests, after all.

I moved forward slowly while holding the butchers hook that was absorbing magical power out in front of me

Though it was likened to cleaning, the action truly resembled that of slowly moving with a vacuum cleaner in hand.


With its enormous output, it completely absorbed the magical power of the approaching area.


As the magic that blanketed the rooms and corridors began to vanish, ghosts hidden here and there began to scream and surge in all directions.

Their numbers were greater than those of the ghosts that had attacked before.

Moreover, cornered like rats, they charged with a venomous fury.

So, youve shown yourselves, little pests.

This was nothing to worry about.

Just as I was about to draw more magical power to counter their assault

[System: Enhanced Vigilance trait has been activated.]

The [Enhanced Vigilance] trait detected a powerful flow of magical power that was moving irregularly.

It was someone nearby.

I was preparing an attack spell.

The location is ?

Directly behind me.

Though ghosts were pressing in from the front, they werent a concern.

I hastily drew more magical power and turned around.

It was Heo Sang-hyeon.

His face bore a grotesque smile, with a twisted illusion hovering over his face

He extended his hand towards me and unleashed his spell.

His hand outstretched toward me. Filled with magical power.

[Spirit Explosion].

A high-level necromancy spell.

If it hits me at this range Itll be dangerous!


The ghosts resentment and hatred exploded along with their ethereal forms, sending a massive shockwave toward me.