Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Do you know what they call a night like tonight?

A pitch-black night.

No moon, stars, or anything else in the sky can be seen from the ground.

"They said they were preparing, and they're really preparing."

The Pendragon family's vacation home in Seoul was built solely for Ray Pendragon life in Korea, tucked away at the edge of a neighborhood of embassies.

Of course, that meant I could see his mansion from the top of the mountain.

"Hmm, they're few in number. I wonder if Pendragon's reinforcements have arrived yet."

There were few elite troops in sight.

Just a few cops were roaming around the neighborhood, agents from the Awakened Police Department, and a few members of the family.

"Well, then, let's see if we can dispense justice today."

God. Please allow me to be a righteous thief.

Of course, since he's the president, he has more people than the previous time, so I've prepared some different methods for today. They should look forward to it.

My current appearance is blackened by [Clown Makeup], as if I'm covered in darkness.

"Let's get started."

I continued running down the mountain slopes and picked up speed towards the Pendragon Mansion.

From what I could see from above, it wouldn't be long before I reached.


"Huh? An animal?!"

I ran into a police officer on patrol and immediately fired a tranquilizer at the officer's arm.

The officer is shot in the arm and falls to the ground before he can radio in but I don't slow down, instead use the aura in my legs to enhance my physical abilities and blend in with the darkness as I leap.

In an instant, Im airborne and leap over the barrier of the Pendragon Mansion.


A chill ran down my spine as I felt something run through my body.

"He would not be Ray Pendragon if he allowed someone to break in so easily."

Unlike the secretary's house, which had inscriptions engraved near the wall and had guards stationed there, this one had inscriptions in the form of a dome.

Een! Ehhhhhh! Ehhhhhh! Ew!

The mansion turned bright red with an eardrum-splitting sound.

"Ehhh, so security companies are characterized by hurting eyes and ears? It's a nuisance to the neighborhood."

Frowning, I ran toward the entrance, hearing several people running from around the corner.

-She's over there!


Apparently, there's some sort of tracking device. If so, the task is simple.

"Black Flame."

I activate Black Flame, and black flames will begin to rise around me, fueled by the light around me.

At the same time, the surrounding light begins to slowly fade away.

-Someone's turning off the lights!

-I can't see!

Pendragon's mansion is slowly losing its light.

It turns out that turning on the lights quickly from the other side was a good thing.

I take advantage of the opening and run inside, heading straight for the secret vault.

-Where the hell are you? Turn on the lights!

-The light went out right awayWhat the hell! Fire, fire, fire!

Over there, the combination of darkness and Black Flame has already taken its toll.

Of course, it's not much different over here, butI have another eye.

-In two seconds, turn left.

-3 2Yes. Stop there. Open the door on the right and move forward. There are only normal people, so you can ignore the sounds.

My partner, who has been helping me with my good deeds since my last outing.

Yes, the man at the desk has my back.

-Yes, that's the break room for internal employees.


I move cautiously, receiving accurate situational information.

Is there an unavoidable section?

Then it's simple.

I bring my left hand to my right cheek.

"Magic. Character Change."

I glanced at it as if scanning it.

Clown Makeup] activated at the same time and my face suddenly became that of the cop I met in the mountains.

I grab the clothes hanging in the break room and put them on before anyone notices.

Disguise and infiltration are the beginning of the theft.

"You ready?"

-Of course. Uh-huh.

The greatest show on earth, for the entire nation, is about to begin.

* * *

* * *



They look at my face and are immediately stunned.

"Lord Gallahad? You've arrived in Korea already?"

I shrugged at them and patted them on the shoulder.

"It's classified, so keep your mouth shut. OK?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Let's go downstairs!"

They don't call faces seals for nothing.

It was ridiculous to be suspicious in the first place.

You wouldn't know anyone named Galahad unless you were related to House Pendragon.

He was a knight in charge of guarding the lords within House Pendragon, so he kept a low profile.

And as such, his face was like a surety check to the Pendragon's officials.

-Its working.

"The idea of me imitating Galahad's face in the first place would have been unthinkable in their minds."

Well, it's a nice free pass to be in the know.

"Well, let's get right to it."

With the most difficult gate easily cleared, it was just a matter of light footsteps.

Once I made it all the way down the stairs, I found myself in a large room with metal all around.

Each door was a massive vault that required a four-digit password to open, and the materials and techniques used to create them made them impenetrable by conventional means.

It was so difficult that even two wrong guesses would set off an immediate alarm.



No point in knowing the answer.

The door slowly opened with a rattling sound.

At the same time, the stacks of gold bars inside were revealed.

"I see the master brought quite a bit of pocket money, huh?"

Each gold bar bore the official certification mark.

"Haru, can you process gold?"

-Not impossible, but it would take a while.

It doesn't matter.

I put all the gold bars into the cube. The bars quickly fill up the cube.

"Alright then let's open the next safe."

The password for the next safe is 9998.

Once again, the safe opens with a clunk.

This time, there were several paintings hanging on the wall, reminiscent of an art gallery.

"Paintings, are they expensive?"

-They're probably paintings used in illegal transactions, because paintings are very easy to turn into money and hard to trace.

"I'll take them all, then."

It was another clean sweep.

I start taking them one by one before the others come.

Soon enough, the cube is full of stuff.

"How much do you think I've got so far?"

-I'm guessing at least 10 billion credits.

"That's a lot of money, huh?"

-The 10% cut you agreed to give me. Don't forget.

"Of course."

The information Haru gave me was invaluable for this heist.

-But how in the world do you know the combination to the safe? They don't even sell that on the market.

Haru asks me about the secret of the password, wondering if it's funny that I keep opening the safe as if it's not difficult.

"Well, it's a trade secret."

-Is stealing a trade secret, too?

"It's a one-man operation."

I'd actually made a corporate profit this time.

"Okay, so we're down to the last safe, huh?"

-It's bigger than the others, and it's got a big lock.

As far as I can see, it has a password, fingerprint reader and a special keyhole.

-I don't think you'll be able to open this one with the combination, but what are you going to do?

"Oh, that?"

You're asking the obvious.


Like the Magical Rogue Ill go with the regular method.