Chapter 278

Chapter 278

When I returned to the manor, I ran into Alessia, who was already outside.

"Greetings, Master."

"Alessia, what are you doing at this hour?"

She was out despite it being quite late.

"I'm the one on duty for tonight's walk, so when I finished, I came out for some air, and here I am."

‘Lucky me.’ She murmurs and smiles brightly.

"I know, I haven't seen much of you lately since the academy opened."

Alessia is Jiyun’s maid.

She's been busy taking care of Jiyun, who will be entering elementary school next year.

"By the way, Master, what's that behind......?"

"Oh, a rat got in, so I caught it. Is my father or the intelligence officer home now?"

She shakes her head at my question.

"As far as I know, they're both out at the moment. Do you want me to call them?"

"No, that's fine. Oh, and the basement of the annex is empty, right?"

"Yep. It's probably empty right now."

"Perfect. Latte, can you move him down to the basement?"


At my command, Latte immediately took control of the rats and began to carry Kwak Jung-woo to the annex.

Alessia looked at me curiously.

"Is it something important? Can I help.......?"

I smiled lightly and held out my hand.

"No, it's nothing, just something fun. Latte will do."

"Yes! Leave it to me!"

Latte pats her chest proudly at my words.

Still, Alensia’s expression didn't ease.

"......I mean, sure, but you have to go to school tomorrow, so don't do it for too long."

"Okay. I will."

"Then I'll be off to bed, Master."

"Good night."

With that, I bid Alessia farewell, and slowly make my way to the annex, a place that holds fond memories of my deal with the Triad.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries with the man guarding the entrance, I head down to the basement, the musty air assaulting my nostrils in a way it never did upstairs.

As I walked down the concrete corridor, I could see Latte’s figure in the distance, her back to the iron door.

"Ah, Master, here we are!"

"Why are you sitting so far away?"

"Oh, it's the tradition! It's so far away that the screams can't be heard outside."

"......Isn't it?"

"Come on, inside!"

I followed her hand inside and saw Kwak Jung-woo in chains, tied in the air.

"How would you like to do it, Master, the traditional way or my way?"

She asked, sounding casually creepy.

I shook my head and removed the gloves from my hands, stuffing them into the cube.

“Honestly, I don’t want to see that horrible sight......Let’s leave it like this for now.”

"What? Let's leave it as it is? You said you didn't want it to be gruesome, so I got the water in the tub."

......I don't know why she put the water in the bathtub for that reason, but like I said, I wasn't planning to do anything spectacular in the first place.

He's been in the orphanage since he was a kid, so how much information can he have?

"It's more important that we got him and instead of prying information out of him, why don't we use him as a way to get to them?"


Let me see......Surely, this was the number?

I dialed the number, I vaguely remembered.

-Yes. Hello?

A normal, middle-aged man's voice. Confirming that it was his voice, I got straight to the point.

"Director of National Intelligence. Hello."

-......You, who?

The tone sharpened in an instant.


She was kidding.

“Latte, starting tomorrow, Cielo Notturno will receive double the number of customers.”

"Eek?! Why?!"

"You'll have to ask your tears."


No matter how you slice it, this was just too much to play with, ugh.

* * *

The contact date from the National Intelligence Agency was tomorrow night at 9pm.

The location was a Korean restaurant in downtown Seoul.

"Look how they're trying to work it in."

The place was actually an undercover restaurant used by the NIS for meetings with important people, and it was also a place filled with cameras and recorders everywhere.

Not surprising, given their nature.

After all, that's what they were.

The National Intelligence Service is the most powerful intelligence agency in the South Korean government.

It was also an organization that only worked for the "national interest" of the country and not the president.

Initially, the NIS route would seem to say that over 80% of quests are state quests.

"What the fuck is wrong with him this morning?"

Jin-woo walked in with his shoulders up to his head, walking like a model.

Se-ah, who was sitting in the front seat, sighed in annoyance, and Young-jae chuckled in amusement.

"Good morning~!"

With a flourish of his arms, he spun around and sat up in his seat.

"Ah, the beautiful world. How colorful and beautiful it is."

Se-ah was the first to comment on the oddity of his crossed-legged posture.

"What, did you have a good day yesterday? Did your master give you any compliments?"

"Mmhmhmhmh, I actually caught a spy who entered Corleone – right in front of him! Haha!"

I asked him what was wrong, and he said it was because of yesterday's events.

No, I caught the mole, so why is he so happy?

"Good morning, Jin-woo. You're noisy as usual."

This time, the newest member of our club, Kang Hyun, joins in, and before I know it, there are four people around me.

"What the hell?! How dare you scold me for receiving Master Corleone’s affection!"

He’s never been my favorite, but he seems to think he is, so I'll keep quiet.

"Then, Jin-woo, are you going to abandon our Familia and go to Corleone?"


Se-ah suddenly asks Jin-woo a powerful question.

His eyes widen enormously and he turns to me.

"That's for sure. Jin-woo calls me boss, so what happens if he calls the heir to Corleone boss?”

I ask with a chuckle.

It was a great opportunity to see what he's really thinking.

Jin-woo stares at me and Se-ah as if at a loss for words.

" mean......?"

"Wow. I see you can't answer right away. Eugene, why don't you just fire him? Kang Hyun came in anyway. Fire him!"

"No! Don't say that to me! Do you think I'm going to abandon the boss I've been working with all these years?!"

Oh, you would choose me?

"Then you're abandoning the Corleone heir?"

"Not! For God's sake, you'll always be Boss Number One to me!"

With that shout, I kicked the guy who was charging at me, sending his body flying into the classroom wall.


Like a frog being blown away by a typhoon, he sticks to the wall with a smile on his face.

At the same time, the front door of the classroom opens, and seeing Jin-woo laughing ‘hehehe' against the wall, Ji-hyun sighs as if it's no big deal and throws the attendance book on the table.

"Jin-woo Bevalt. Quickly take your seat."


Another peaceful morning at the academy and even in the midst of such a mundane story, I didn't miss the tension.

It felt like a prelude to the ‘war' in the afternoon.

‘After all, I'm bringing ‘him' to the table today, right?’