Chapter 15

"You recognized it, it's the fee for the contract." Ian calmly replied.

"Ah, I mean, this is...," said Miguel.

Miguel was gasping for breath, understandably so. Even a regular gold coin was more than a considerable amount, but the imperial gold coin was worth twice as much. It was a high-purity currency, nearly impossible to counterfeit, effectively a standard in itself.

As Miguel stared at the gold coin, Ian added, "Why? You don’t like the gold coin?"

"No, no, not at all!" Miguel quickly clenched his fist around the coin. Ian smirked. Miguel, feeling a bit awkward, continued, "It's just, this is too much for a guide's fee."

"It's the price of your life. That's the least it should be." Ian's casual response made Miguel's expression turn a bit grim.

"Does that mean it's that dangerous, or do I have to risk my life to get there on time?" Miguel asked.

"Well..." Ian trailed off as Miguel was swallowing hard.

"If you're not confident, you can give it back. I'll take it if you return it now." Ian said, clicking his tongue.

Torn, Miguel hesitantly opened his hand to reveal the shining gold coin. Positive thoughts raced through his mind, ‘It's just five days, right? The mercenaries and knights are incredibly skilled. It's an easy job to just guide them to the forest, and for an imperial gold coin, no less. Missing out on this would be foolish, wouldn't it?’

"...I'll do it. I'll make sure to get you there in five days." Miguel eventually pocketed the gold coin deep into his cloak.

"A wise choice." A smile formed on Ian's lips.

Ian was confident that Miguel would accept the offer from the start. The fee was excessively high for a guide, especially for someone who had lost all his comrades and was left only with a finder's fee. It was an irresistible temptation. Of course, Ian had another reason for making such a generous offer.

I needed someone to take care of the dirty work, and he fits the bill. Ian planned to accompany Mev only as far as the Tomb Forest. Miguel seemed like the perfect candidate to serve as a backup for that moment, easily swayed by the scent of money and, whether due to superstition or not, responsible enough to bury his dead comrades without witnesses – a perfect fit.

'Better to handle it this way than to argue and shed blood. It's a win-win for everyone.' While Ian was musing with a smile, he felt a gaze and turned his head. Philip was looking at him with a complicated expression.

"What's with that look?" Ian asked.

"...I'm just impressed by how freely you spend money,” answered Philip.

"Hm...." Ian narrowed his eyes in his mocking admiration.

Now he's learned to be sarcastic, thought Ian. But after a brief moment of amusement,

"That's a good point, Philip." Ian, with a smirk, turned to Mev. He continued, "Sir, you owe me a gold coin."

"What do you mean my lord is in debt?" Philip's eyes widened in surprise.

"I paid on behalf of her. Why else would I hire him?" Ian replied.

"By the light of Lu Solar...." Philip sighed, holding his forehead.

"Truly, sir, you are the most remarkable person I've ever met—" Philip could not finish his sentence. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Enough. You're right, Philip." Mev cut him off. She turned to Ian, adding calmly, "Ian. We'll settle the debt after this mission is over."

"Understood." Ian glanced at Philip, who was still sighing and nodded.

"Now that you're officially employed, I trust you'll fulfill your role diligently. Miguel." Mev's gaze naturally shifted to Miguel.

"...Yes, of course, sir." Miguel nodded in response to her stern voice. His face slightly stiffened, realizing he was now irrevocably committed to this journey.

Miguel, who had been rolling his eyes, finally couldn't hold back and spoke up, "But... why are we heading to the Tomb Forest? It's said to be a cursed place, rumored that those who enter never return."

"That's exactly why we're going." Ian casually replied while biting into a piece of jerky.

"What do you expect to find there...," Miguel murmured uncertainly.

"We're hoping to find a dark mage," said Ian.

"A dark mage? But we hardly see any mages around here, let alone such a notorious villain. I've never heard of one hiding around here..." Miguel's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Just because it's not spoken of doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist," Ian replied.

"How can you be so sure?" Miguel asked.

"Because I've met him before. I killed one of his minions and destroyed his manifested avatar. Earned his wrath, for sure." Ian looked at him, slightly annoyed by his skepticism.

As Miguel's face paled at this revelation, Ian added, "The headless rider was one of his servants too. You got caught up in bad luck."

"Does this mean we might face more attacks like that?" said Miguel.

"That depends on how quickly you can lead us to the Tomb Forest." Ian shrugged.

"Damn...." Miguel's mouth fell open.

"It’s nothing." Ian shrugged nonchalantly. Technically, losing two horses was all because of him, but no one pointed that out.

"Do you have separate matters to attend to?" Mev asked.

"I heard there's a temple of Lu Solar. I plan to visit there first." Ian nodded.

"A temple? Then, shall I accompany you after visiting the inn?" Mev asked again.

"Together...? Do you also need to visit the temple, sir?" Ian's brow furrowed slightly.

"Not really. I just wanted to offer prayers to Lu Solar before the expedition," Mev replied.

"In that case, it's better if we move separately," Ian quickly added, touching the hilt of his sword. He continued, "I have to visit the blacksmith after the temple. It'll take some time, and who knows what these two would do without me around."

"Hmm... Alright. Understood," Mev agreed, somewhat disappointed.

Ian sighed in relief, inwardly grateful to avoid the inconvenience.

Ian didn't want to reveal his intentions for visiting the temple. This was because priests often found knights the easiest targets. Knights, inherently bound to values of faith and honor, were naturally susceptible to the influence of clergy. If he moved together with her, even Ian might end up being exploited.

"I'll arrange a separate meal for you. Don't be late," Mev added.

"Understood," Ian replied.

"Miguel, where's the inn?" Mev asked.

"Over there, sir," Miguel answered.

Mev directed her horse where Miguel pointed. Philip quickly followed.

"The temple's behind the village. The blacksmith's in the previous alley." Miguel approached Ian.

"Alright. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone," said Ian.

"Stupid? What do you mean...?" Miguel replied.

Ian, noticing Miguel's embarrassed expression, patted his shoulder and turned around. He strode confidently through the filthy, smelly streets. Despite the size of the village, its hygiene was deplorable. To Ian, a modern person, the passing villagers looked no better than beggars.

If I had to end up in a game, why not an adventurous fantasy? Ian brushed off the thought. Ian thought it would be more constructive to ponder about the priest he was soon to meet. The possibility of the priest being a fraudster was high. But then again, even if the priest weren't a fraudster, it probably wouldn't make much difference.

"Unless they're worse than a fraudster," said Ian.

Like many other aspects of this dark age, the religious orders and priests serving the Gods were also corrupt and degenerate. Of course, in a world where Gods, the afterlife, and miracles genuinely existed, such things might be inevitable. The important thing was that the priests were all incredibly annoying characters, so much so that Ian didn't even want to interact with them unless absolutely necessary.

The Gods who lend their powers regardless seem to be the real issue... Lost in thought, Ian suddenly stopped in front of a small, dilapidated house. Its exterior was utterly shabby.

"Wow..." Ian's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

"I've found the right place." He felt a divine power emanating from inside, as distinct as Mev's. A faintly engraved sun symbol above the door indicated it was the temple of Lu Solar. Ian grasped the doorknob.

Inside was a small prayer room, seemingly too small to seat even twenty people. Ian's gaze settled on a statue at the end of the room—a woman in a robe, kneeling with hands raised above her head, her face covered. The divine power was flowing from the statue's grasp, accompanied by a soft glow.

"To find a holy statue in a place like this..." said Ian.

Ian stopped in front of the statue, gazing at the radiant hands. This was a true miracle, without any visible source of magic or light. The corners of Ian's mouth curled upward, indicating his realization that he could finally purify the tainted essence bead.


The light from the statue's hands intensified suddenly. It overflowed, making the entire statue seem bathed in morning sunlight. Ian, puzzled, tilted his head, wondering why this was happening.

"Prayer time has passed," a cold voice echoed from behind.

Ian turned around to see a middle-aged man in white priestly robes, frowning at the door. His arrogant demeanor and the golden sun-shaped pendant around his neck were exactly as Ian had expected.

"Are you the priest of this temple?" Ian asked, scoffing internally.

"Clearly. But now is not the time for visitors. Unless you have a special purpose here—" The priest's chilly words halted as his gaze fixed on the glowing statue over Ian's shoulder.

After a moment of stunned silence, he murmured in awe, "By the grace of Lu Solar...."

With a sigh of astonishment, the priest turned back to Ian, his eyes flickering with an unsettling intensity.

His lips quivered slightly as he began to speak again. "The apostle of the radiant goddess, what brings you to such a remote place?"

Ian's brows furrowed involuntarily.

"Apostle...?" said Ian.

What is this nonsense now? thought Ian.