Chapter 29

In a moment of rigidity, Mev asked, "What do you mean by that cannot be allowed?"

"There's still a contract between you and me that hasn't been completed," replied Ian.

"It means that I am breaking the contract, Ian," said Mev.

Ian shook his head slightly. "I have never once broken a contract due to a client's circumstances. Once I accept a contract, it's not my place to question it."

Looking directly at Mev, he added, "I’m sorry for what has happened. But I cannot make an exception."

Mev's divine power wavered. It seemed she had never considered Ian might respond this way. Philip and Miguel felt the same, staring at Ian with their mouths agape in shock. However, Ian had more to say.

"And I have never let a client who unilaterally breaks a contract or withholds payment go without facing consequences. So, if you decide to break our contract..." Ian tightened his grip on his sword.

"We will have to fight. Until one of us dies," said Ian firmly.

"That's...." Mev trailed off.

"It shouldn't be difficult, right? According to you, you're going to kill many others anyway. What's one more to the list? Of course..." Ian's gaze swept over Mev. Her damaged shoulder guard. Her trembling, exhausted hands.

"You could be the one that ends up dead."

The divine power quietly subsided. A murderous intent mixed with anger and disappointment seeped from behind her visor. Ian met her gaze without flinching.

"Let's, let's calm down first-" In a flurry, Miguel hastily covered Philip's mouth, whispering urgently for him to be quiet as he retreated.

During this commotion, Mev gripped the sword embedded in Vernon's chest. The blade was slowly drawn out.

"I have already lost someone important today." Mev faced Ian once more. She continued, "...I don't want to lose another."

The divine power faded. Mev retracted her sword. Philip and Miguel, who had been tense, collapsed in a sigh of relief, but Ian remained unmoved and asked, "So, you're not breaking the contract?"

"That's right. Our contract remains valid. But... so does my vengeance," replied Mev.

"I have no intention of stopping your vengeance." Finally lowering his sword, Ian added, "Whether you'll succeed is another matter."

"...Are you saying my method is wrong? Or that I can't do it alone?" asked Mev.

Ian didn't bother explaining how abstract her method was or the kind of end it might lead to her. Instead, he just shrugged as usual, "Both, I'd say."

After a moment, Mev exhaled deeply.


Her visor was lifted. The face of a knight, weary and saddened by grief, was revealed. New novel chapters are published at

"...If you were to help me with my vengeance?" Mev asked.

"Then, things would be different." Ian sheathed his sword. After looking around at his companions, he finally turned away. He continued, "Let's leave this place. This isn't something to discuss in this stench-filled crypt."

Of course, there were still things that needed to be settled first.


It was already the middle of the night. Miguel had lit a campfire at the entrance of the underground tomb. Ironically, with the dark mage gone, this had become the safest place to spend the night.

"You were incredible, Sir." Miguel, who had laid out strips of jerky next to the fire, turned to Ian.

"What are you talking about?" Ian, who had been resting, barely moved his lips.

"Stopping her." Miguel lowered his voice as he glanced at the duo tidying up Vernon's body. "Our lord, no matter how lost in rage, you knew that she wouldn't have actually killed you, right?"

"Not really," Ian replied.

"What do you mean not really? In that tense situation, too seriously..." Miguel stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Ian's eyes. He then continued, "...You were serious. I suppose... you could be."

"Exceptions, once made, can become endless," said Ian.

I didn’t plan to kill, but Ian swallowed the rest of his words. In truth, he had been prepared to slash her arm if necessary to subdue Mev. He couldn't prevent her from becoming an apostle of vengeance, but he didn't want to watch her die a senseless death either.

In that sense, Mev's decision to withdraw her sword was unexpected for him. Ian had sensed the swirling hatred and madness in her, and suppressing it wouldn't have been easy for her.

"What do you mean by endless?" That's when Philip sat down next to him.

"To the capital...?" Miguel's excitement turned to confusion.

"I have another task for you. I want you to act as a witness to his majesty about what happened here," said Mev.

"A witness...? But don't we already have all the evidence we need?" Miguel seemed uneasy about meeting the king.

"His majesty is surrounded by courtiers, among whom there may be traitors. To make it indisputable, we need not only evidence but also witnesses, preferably many."

"And what about Ian...?" Miguel asked.

"I'm heading to Orendel," said Ian.

"Ah, right... dammit." Miguel cursed softly but then nodded. He continued, "Well, it's not like I’ll be making up a story. I'll go with you."

"Thank you. Even if there are moments of danger on the way, don’t worry about it. I will protect you," said Mev.

"Danger... Ah, well, it can't be worse than a tomb full of undead. I'm fine with it."

That guy, he has grown bolder. Ian smirked as Mev then turned to Philip.

"I have a request for you, Philip," said Mev.

"Yes, my lord, I am listening," replied Philip.

"You go with Ian," said Mev.

"Me...?" Philip looked bewildered.

As Ian frowned, Mev continued. "I cannot send Ian... a valuable... witness and mercenary, alone on such a mission. So, I'd like you to assist him and be a witness to his endeavors.”

"But, my lord. I should be serving you," said Philip.

"Miguel is here, isn't he? Would you be willing to serve as my retainer, Miguel?" Mev asked.

"Of course, my lord." Miguel chuckled.

Philip sighed as if he couldn’t say anything. Ian, watching him with an enigmatic gaze, finally spoke, "I understand your intention, but this mission is inevitably going to be dangerous. This guy might end up dead. Are you okay with that?"

Philip looked at Ian, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Philip is a proper squire and warrior. He's always been prepared for such risks." Mev nodded.

"I will understand that as saying you won't hold any grudges if that happens,” said Ian.

"My lord...!" Philip cried out.

As Ian chuckled, Philip turned back to Mev, who sternly added, "You will learn a lot from journeying with Ian, Philip. Serve him faithfully and learn as much as you can."

"...Yes." Philip finally nodded, though reluctantly. It seemed he wasn't thrilled at all about being left alone with Ian.

What is he thinking? He should realize that he’ll be left alone with me. Perhaps he has a spare life, Ian, who was smirking inwardly was caught in Mev's gaze again.

"From this moment, you are my proxy, Ian. I trust you to thoroughly investigate the ancient tree incident and return safely," said Mev.

"Don't worry about me. You should be concerned about yourself." Ian's expression cooled.

"Don't kill anyone or reveal your intentions. If you wish to fulfill your vengeance, you must be cautious... at least until I return." Mev bit her lower lip as if caught off guard, and Ian added, "You need to be alive to pay for the information I'll bring back."

"I swear. There will be no dispute until your return." Mev nodded in agreement.

A strange silence fell again.

"Have all important matters been discussed now?" Unexpectedly, it was Miguel who changed the atmosphere. He continued, "Since we might not see each other for a while. For one last time..."

Miguel pulled out a wrapped keg from his bag, "How about it?"

It was a keg full of liquor. The fact that it hadn't broken amidst all the chaos, not to mention Miguel's foresight to bring alcohol before entering a dungeon, was astonishing. Instead of reprimanding him, Ian looked thoughtfully at Mev.

"I don't usually enjoy drinking... but today, I feel like it." Mev soon nodded.

"You've made the right choice! After crossing the line of life and death together, it wouldn't be right to part ways without sharing a drink," said Miguel.

The group shared the liquor, getting sufficiently drunk before falling asleep, exchanging light-hearted jokes and tales of valor without delving into any more heavy topics.