Chapter 48

"Lucia, all the way to that distant place?" Ian asked.

"Yes, that's why I'm asking you, Ian," Mev replied.

Ian paused, pondering. Regardless of whether he was able to go or not able to go, he couldn't see any connection between Lucia and the Temple of Brazier.

"Is there a reason it must be done?" Ian asked.

"There are several reasons. Yes... it might be a long story, are you okay with that?" Mev replied.

"If you start with the most important one," said Ian.

Ian picked up a bottle of wine from the table, offering a drink.

"Would you sir like a glass?" Ian asked.

"Yes, that would be nice," Mev answered.

This is clearly no ordinary matter, thought Ian.

Ian poured the wine into a glass and handed it to Mev, who looked down at her glass. She continued speaking.

"Soon, Lucia will be sent to the Empire. As you once predicted, His Majesty hasn't given up on the war," said Mev.

"To the Empire...?" Ian asked.

"Yes, officially it's adoption, but in reality, it's more like a tribute, a hostage situation," Mev replied.

"The Empire should have no interest in Agel Lan," said Ian.

"Exactly. But the war might change the story. They could remain bystanders as before, but this provides them enough reason to intervene," said Mev.

"Hmm..." Ian remembered the game. The Empire had no interest in the border kingdoms, as long as they didn't rebel or fail to pay tribute. They were unconcerned with whatever else happened.

Their focus was solely on the Black Wall and beyond. The same went for wars between kingdoms as well; the Empire did not get involved. But whether this was due to the tribute or simply a lack of interest was unclear.

"Perhaps this time they'll decide to conquer the kingdoms outright. So, His Majesty has decided to offer a separate tribute to a powerful imperial family," said Mev.

"...When was that decision made?" Ian asked.

"Before I returned. As preparations for war began, it was deemed necessary to have a protector within the Empire," said Mev.

What an asshole, so serious about war, Ian snorted.

"But why Lucia specifically?" Ian asked. T0pp novel updates at

"That's because..." After taking a sip of wine, Mev looked at Ian.

"Lucia has royal blood running through her veins. Her mother was His Majesty's sister," said Mev.

Ah, a political marriage, thought Ian.

It was not really surprising to him. Blood was often used to solidify bonds.

"The princess died giving birth to Lucia. My uncle... passed away a few years later. His Majesty never considered Lucia as his niece. He saw her as the enemy who took his sister's life, a thorn in his side," said Mev.


Selling a hated niece to the enemy. It is understandable, yet..., thought Ian.

“Since Lucia is also of the Riurel family, couldn't it be refused?” Ian asked.

"If His Majesty had asked, perhaps. But they wanted Lucia specifically. There was no other choice,” Mev replied.

"Looks like there's more reason to be Lucia," said Ian.

"Lucia is... blessed," said Mev.

"Blessed?" Ian asked.

"According to the elders of the family, she has received Lu Entre's grace," said Mev.

"...!" Ian's face showed surprise for the first time.

Those born with the ability to manipulate magic were considered to have mimicked divine powers and were the origin of mages in this world. Among them, those with special talents were thought to have received God's blessing.

Lu Entre was the God of Passion and Madness. His blessing meant an innate talent for handling red magic, likely similar to elemental affinity traits. It reduced mana consumption and enhanced performance when using specific elemental magic. Although the exact differences were unknown without firsthand experience.

"Have you seen her manipulate fire?" Ian asked.

"Yes. Around the age of two, she conjured fire out of thin air. Naturally, no one had taught her magic. You would know better what that means," said Mev.

I know. I'm fucking jealous, really, Ian murmured to himself

Ian smirked as he spoke, "Truly a remarkable family, producing both paladin and a mage."

"It's the influence of the royal lineage. The first king was the same. Since then, descendants receiving blessings have emerged," said Mev.

Ian's smirk deepened. In a world where special abilities and talents existed, lineage could not be ignored. Tracing back the lineage of those called nobles often led to an ancestor with some special ability.

"And they ascended to the throne. Until the twilight of magic came," said Mev.

Ah, so now even this phrase comes up, Ian took a sip of his drink.

Ian smirked slightly, adding, "Even the Goddess would be pleased with this choice. It's the right one."

“...Ian, you really are." Mev, after a few moments of silence, suddenly embraced him, as if this was the only way she could express her gratitude at the moment.

That scared me, Ian's eyes widened, as a quest window appeared before him.

[The Embers of the Brazier]

Closing the window, Ian whispered, "There's still more I haven't said."

“...Oh” Mev stiffened, realizing there was more to discuss. Her ears flared red, and she stepped back, awkwardly unclasping her arms.

Ian added with a smirk, "The most important part hasn't been discussed yet."

"...? Oh right, the reward has not been set," Mev realized.

"And I haven't received the reward for the last commission either," Ian pointed out.

The King had given a reward, but it was more of a bonus.

Mev's eyes narrowed in determination., "I'll give you anything I can. What do you want?"

"It might be the least valuable thing to you right now...," Ian then broached the subject with what he desired. It was enough to make Mev's eyes widen even more. After a moment of being frozen, she finally spoke out.

"Are you serious?" Mev asked.

"Will you accept?" Ian asked.

"If that's what you want... Yes, I'll give it to you. Definitely," said Mev.

A satisfied smile appeared on Ian's lips. "The contract is settled."


The next day, Ian woke up late and immediately learned upon leaving his room that Mev had already spoken to Miguel. He knew this because Miguel's face, as he swept the floor, looked utterly despondent.

"You're up," Miguel greeted Ian with a sigh.

"What have you decided?" Ian asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean have I decided? Who else but me would guide you through the long journey? Damn it. Just when I thought I could settle down, I can't believe we’re going back up north and not anywhere else. Seems like my fate is to wander the streets and die a stranger," Miguel lamented.

Ian cut off his rant with a chuckle, "Save your nonsense for later. You have a lot to prepare for."

"You need to be fully healed before we can prepare anything... Surely, you're not already healed, are you?" Miguel asked in disbelief.

Ian moved his arms and legs, which were tightly wrapped in bandages as if it was nothing.

"Yes, I've been pretending otherwise," said Ian.

"That's impossible... The doctor said it would take months to recover from those injuries. But you're already healed?" Miguel asked.

"I have a good recovery. And it's not just me that recovered," said Ian.

"But she is an apostle of God... Wait, are you... Did you become an apostle of the god without me knowing?" Miguel asked.

"Such nonsense," Ian dismissed.

Miguel sighed heavily as he realized it was real. He must have thought he'd be here for a while longer, at least.

"I’ll give you a day and a half. Make sure you're ready to leave by then," said Ian.

"Damn it... Understood. And Lady Lucy has been waiting in the lord’s room. It's been about an hour now," said Miguel.

"Then let her wait a bit longer. I really need to have breakfast now." Ian decided, knowing he would miss the food here in a few days.

After breakfast, Ian leisurely headed to Mev's room, where Mev, Lucia, and even Philip were waiting for him.

Ignoring Philip's complex gaze, Ian asked, "Have you finished the conversation?"

"Yes. Lucia wants to as well," Mev replied.

Ian turned to look at Lucia, who was sitting quietly in a chair. Her expressionless face made her look like a porcelain doll meticulously crafted by an artisan.

So this kid is a genius mage, Ian thought.

Then he spoke up, "It's going to be tough. You won't be given any special treatment for being young. You'll see a lot of death. There's no turning back. Once we go, there's absolutely no returning halfway."

After scrutinizing Lucia's eyes for a moment, Ian added, "Even so, do you really want to go?"

"Going to the empire doesn't seem much different," Lucia replied in her distinctive, even-toned voice, turning to look at Mev.

"If I go to the temple of the hearth, at least I can keep my name. I want to live as Riurel, not as Larmut," said Ian.

Mev smiled faintly at this.

Such a grown-up statement from a child, thought Ian.

Ian nodded in agreement and then gently brushed Lucia's long, red hair.

"In that case, we should start by cutting this hair. Very short," said Ian.

Lucia's head whipped around to face him.