Chapter 74

Without any forewarning, an ominous magic had stealthily enveloped the surroundings.

A gasp sounded nearby, followed by hushed, frantic movements. Thesaya, with her eyes wide open, pressed herself against the wall in a corner of the ceiling.

Her gaze met Ian’s, and with trembling lips, she whispered, "It's him...! He has come...!"

"I know," Ian responded calmly as he rose to his feet, an orange glow emanating from the ground.

Charlotte asked softly, "Do you mean the adjudicator has arrived?"

"Do you not feel it?" Thesaya retorted, her question causing Charlotte’s brows to furrow.

It seemed Charlotte’s senses were dull to such magical nuances.

Good thing we rented just one room, thought Ian.

He began donning his armor, contemplating how their discomfort had ironically turned into a blessing, preventing any reckless actions. Charlotte, too, swiftly began to arm herself without making a sound.

"You two need to prioritize protecting each other. Don’t forget that," Ian stated with a firm voice.

Despite her grimace, Charlotte didn’t halt her movements. RêAd lateSt chapters at Only

Thesaya, who had been silently observing, finally whispered, "Why bother with all this? We should just stay here. That monster, after all, is a vampire. It can’t enter this place."

"Seems like fear has muddled your thinking," Charlotte scoffed after securing her breastplate.

"And you think they have no plan for such a situation?" Ian added while fastening the buckles on his greaves.

“What plans would there be...”

“They probably have several plans,” Ian spat out as he locked the seams of each shackle in turn.

"Identify your location and demolish the building. Or enchant the villagers. If it were me, I'd just kill a few villagers and lay them out as if you were to blame. That alone would ensure you couldn’t stay here any longer."

"Why not just hide until dawn and then flee?" Thesaya suggested.

Typical thought of a demon kind.

Ian tightened his boots and replied coldly, "Why would we do that? We could just kill him and be done with it."

"...Then what about the aftermath?" she pressed.

"That’s not for you to worry about."

After fastening his sword at his waist, Ian turned to Thesaya, adding, "Don't forget the reason you came to me. If you truly want to achieve revenge, start by shedding the habit of running away."

Thesaya's eyes settled after fluttering open, speechless at his words.

"Understood, Ian."

If you act like this again, just as the adjudicator intended, I'll cut off your limbs and carry them around.

Muttering to himself, Ian took a step forward and grasped the doorknob.


As Ian opened the door of the inn, his expression turned into a frown. Beneath him, a dark mist, shadow-like and dense, spread across the ground. The sensation of being watched washed over him as bats, with eyes as dark as obsidian, hung from the eaves of the buildings nearby, evoking thoughts of vampires. With these thoughts in mind, Ian stepped outside, a cold breeze grazing his ankles.

Finding the origin of this mysterious dark magic wasn't a challenge. In the heart of the city, beyond the road from the inn, stood a figure cloaked in black, strikingly out of place even under the light of a crescent moon. This entity lacked the warmth, breath, or aura typically emitted by living beings.

Approaching slowly, Ian observed the figure: its finely chiseled features, unnaturally pale skin devoid of color, attire that resembled that of the Empire, and dark hair with a hint of curl. The figure, known as the adjudicator, locked eyes with Ian, revealing not hostility but an air of calm assurance and nobility.

"To walk so openly in the midst of this chaos, you possess remarkable courage," the adjudicator noted with a low voice.

Ian smirked, "You must be mad to reveal yourself in the center of such a city, demon."

A smile flickered across the adjudicator’s face, seemingly entertained by Ian's sarcasm.

"Courage and magnanimity in one. Rare traits in these times. I find myself fond of humans like you, reminiscent of my mortal days."

Quaintly mad, indeed.

As this thought crossed Ian's mind, he glanced at the bats clinging to the rooftops around him. They seemed to be watching the inn door, likely because Charlotte and Thesaya were making their exit. Although they weren't looking at each other, they were, nonetheless, moving side by side. Then, the adjudicator continued speaking.

"Let me express my gratitude. Thanks to your bravery, we'll have fewer unnecessary sacrifices tonight."

With a gesture from the adjudicator, bats that had been circling the inn building began to swarm toward Thesaya, as he locked eyes with Ian, gleaming intensely. Suddenly, a crescent moon shaped blade was in his grasp, its tip curved forward like a crescent moon.

"Fate is amusing. To think this half-breed harbored someone with such unique blood by her side. Consuming you, I'm certain, will make me stronger."

"The feeling is mutual. Killing you will grant me experience points."

"What does that mean...?"

Instead of a response, a thrown dagger cut through the air toward the adjudicator, who dodged it with a swift sidestep. Raising his hand, he summoned a black mist that surged toward Ian.


A whirlwind dispersed the mist, and Ian charged through the clearing, his eyes cold and determined.

"Ha, ha...!"

Unable to contain his laughter, Ascold lunged forward to meet him. A dense mist followed his steps, pushed aside with each movement.


Their swords clashed. The movement of both, charging at each other, halted momentarily as the heaviness transferred through their grips.


Ian was the first to step back. Ascold had slightly pulled his wrist, bringing the crescent moon blade close enough to nick Ian's shoulder. Ascold, seizing the moment, pressed on without pause, his hand ceaselessly moving toward Ian.

Clang! Clash!

The exchange of blows continued. Joy swirled in Ascold's eyes, finding genuine pleasure in a prey after so long. The scent of well-aged wine-like blood spread with each breath, and there was no falter in their gaze, even amidst exchanging sword strikes. Although Ian's swordsmanship was less than expected, his exceptional strength, swift movements, aid from what seemed to be wind magic, and bold decisions to exploit openings compensated for his lack.


Occasionally, the crescent moon sword grazed the chains around Ian's limbs, drawing blood.

Each time, the faint smell of blood stirred Ascold's exhilaration further. The madness that had been veiled by composure and dignity now surged in his red eyes. The dense mist reflected his tumultuous emotions.

"Wonderful, truly wonderful. Had you honed your skills for a few more years, you'd surely have reached mastery!"

Ascold exclaimed, continuously swinging his sword.

"But do not be disheartened. Your will and courage are already comparable to theirs!"

While defending, Ascold took immense pleasure in observing Ian's composed and steadfast look. This spurred a desire to extend their duel, believing Ian was too valuable a treat to devour in haste. He intended to relish Ian's existence, waiting for the moment his face would be submerged in fear and despair, the spark of determination in his eyes dimmed, and until his blood lost its allure.


Their swords clashed, sending sparks flying as the Sword of Judgement grated against the crescent blade. Ascold, attempting to maneuver his wrist, was momentarily pushed back by the renewed force, feeling the power behind the blade grow stronger and more flexible. Just as Ascold's brow began to twitch,

"...My body feels lighter now," Ian murmured while their swords were still locked.

Staring into Ascold's eyes, he added calmly, "Thank you. Your decision not to kill me right away gave me enough time."

"What...? Ha, ha!"

"I hope this isn't all you've got. Otherwise, the experience points you'd give would be quite disappointing."

"What in the world are these experience points you speak of?"


No answer came back this time either. Instead, an immense attraction to his sword was felt for a moment, followed by an even more powerful, invisible explosion that engulfed him. Ascold flung back without understanding why and saw Ian closing in on him swiftly.


Ascold raised his arm to block the unnaturally descending sword. For him, a veteran of the sword's path, such a straightforward attack could be instinctively parried or deflected.


As he was pushed back by the clash of swords, a whirlwind laden with mist swirled around Ian, coming to a halt. However, Ascold couldn't afford to pay attention to the swirling veil. Red magical energy swirled in the pupils of Ian, who was glaring at him.

A mage? Could there exist a mage with such strong power and excellent swordsmanship...?


Before he could even conclude his thought, a column of fire erupted explosively from beneath Ascold's feet.