Chapter 76


Charlotte lifted her heavy eyelids, and the first thing that entered her view was the deep green eyes of a fairy, carrying a strange smile.

Thesaya whispered, "Did you sleep well, you useless beast?"


Charlotte gasped for air and jolted upright. Fuzzy memories raced through her mind: the dense black mist, countless eyes hidden in the shadows, Ian's silhouette walking alone atop the darkness, and a demon standing silently at the crossroads of the thoroughfare.

"The adjudicator...! What happened to him—"

"Calm down, Charlotte."

Thesaya pressed her shoulder with a smile.

"It's all over now."


"Yes, all done. While you were snoring away." Fôllôw new stories at


Charlotte's mouth slightly opened, her gaze dropping numbly to her forearm, specifically to the hastily wrapped bandage.

Thesaya continued, "I had to drink a bit of your blood. Didn't really want to, but the situation called for it. Of course, you wouldn't know."


"You're not going to get mad, are you? I did save your life by risking mine, after all."


Charlotte found herself unable to respond. There was nothing to contest; Thesaya wasn't wrong. Her orange eyes finally settled, weary and overwhelmed by a storm of self-loathing.

"Oh, look at those drooping ears. Poor thing. Are you that shocked, Charlotte? Don't worry. As you can see, we won in the end." Thesaya's voice was gentle, clearly enjoying the moment.

"Ian turned that damn vampire into ash."

"...Ian." Charlotte's voice cracked.

She turned to Thesaya with a look of bewildered loss.

"Where's Ian now?" Charlotte asked.

"He had some cleanup to do. Got surrounded by soldiers and went off somewhere. Probably..."

Thesaya walked to the window, opening the wooden shutters to reveal the clouded sky and the chaotic streets below, with citizens and nobles trying to organize the aftermath. Her gaze lingered over the rooftops, eventually settling on the grim, off-white silhouette of a castle.

"He might be somewhere around there by now. It's getting late. It's been a while."

Turning to Charlotte, who was also gazing at the castle, Thesaya wore a refreshing smile.

"Want to sleep more? I'll wake you when Ian comes back."



The silence within the meeting room grew heavier by the moment. The guards standing in line at the door remained expressionless, yet as time passed, they couldn't help but steal glances at Ian, who sat alone at the round table. There was no one among them who hadn't seen the devastation at the city center.

Although Ian had been cooperative throughout and testified that it was the work of a demon, in their eyes, this mercenary who had single-handedly turned such a demon to ash was a monster just the same. That such a creature had been left unattended for over an hour made their anxiety, in a way, a natural response.


However, Ian himself seemed unconcerned. If anything, he felt quite comfortable. He had braced himself for a brief incarceration, yet not only was he unshackled, but he also enjoyed a warm room and decent meals. His clear evidence of defeating the demon and the endorsement of his identity by the Temple of Brazier likely played a role. He could afford to wait here, leisurely, for another half-day or so.

Click, click—

Footsteps approached from beyond the door.

The person who entered the meeting room was a brown-haired knight in plate armor, likely in his mid-twenties and with the typical appearance of an Imperial. He sat down across Ian and smiled.

"Pleased to meet you, Sir Ian. I am Lucas Lamfield, commander of the Glumir National Guard."

"...Pleased to meet you, Sir Lucas," Ian responded with an odd look in his eyes.

While the formal language was slightly awkward, there was another reason for the narrowing of his eyes.

To encounter him here of all places.

Lucas had been a major NPC in the game, offering Ian numerous quests, big and small. However, back then, he was located in Travelga and Karlingion.

Starting with command in this peripheral area and working his way up, perhaps...?

As Ian pondered, Lucas, with a smile, continued, "We've completed the examination of the evidence you submitted. The bottle contained blood, seemingly prepared like alcohol, and there were clear signs of use on the dangerous magical artifact. The remains also match the description of the vampire's remains recorded. My visit is to confirm your testimony and clarify any doubts once again."

"I'll cooperate for sure but...."

Lucas nodded in understanding, "When you've finished all your business and made your way to Travelga, would you seek me out?"

That was when the quest window appeared.

[The Young Commander.]

Could this be how a series of quests begin?

It was the second quest Ian had encountered in a city he thought had no quests.

Ian smiled, "To book a request directly with a mercenary you've just met is quite bold."

"The commanders in the north always need external assistance. They have already formed their own forces. Young commanders like myself don't last long in the north due to a lack of such a foundation."

"Fear of risking one's life seems to be the biggest reason."

"That's true for me as well. But we must try our best, mustn't we?" Lucas smiled slightly.

Ian thought of him from the game, worn but always doing his best for the peace of the north.

"I'll stop by Travelga after completing my request. We'll discuss this matter again then. It seems early to talk about it now."

"An excellent decision. Mercenaries with both skill and a sense of responsibility are rare, so I'll be waiting."

Ian had not expected Lucas to be so eloquent.

In the end, Ian chuckled, "If I don't show up after a few months, assume I'm dead."

"May the stern Goddess watch over you. Then, Sir Ian, our discussion is concluded." Lucas stood up.

Ian, following suit, asked, "Where can I find my weapons?"

"They've been prepared for you. They'll be waiting for you as you leave."

True to Lucas's words, the captain guard, holding all of Ian's weapons, was waiting at the end of the corridor.

As their eyes met, the captain smiled, "Didn't you say you were going to rest up, spend a lot of money, and then leave?"

"...It wasn’t as easy as it sounds."


"Ian...! Why are you so late? I was worried."

As Ian opened the door, Thesaya rushed over as if she had been waiting. Ian, frowning, pushed her extended arm away, but she giggled without care.

"Did you finish cleaning up neatly?"


Briefly answering and closing the door, Ian's gaze eventually moved to the corner of the room. Charlotte, unable to meet his gaze, stood pressed against the wall.

"Why are you standing there?"

Thesaya answered for her, "What else? She's ashamed."


Ian's brows furrowed as he looked back at her. She must have been severely chastised. He clicked his tongue and moved to sit on the bed.

"Are you alright?"

Charlotte answered with weary eyes, "Why wouldn't I be...? While you two were fighting... I just... slept...."


Ian's gaze brushed past Thesaya again. To have put someone who should be fighting on the front lines in such a state.

"Take this."

He tossed something he had taken from his belongings. Charlotte, catching it awkwardly, looked at the object with a puzzled expression. A necklace with a red stone set in it. It was a Bloodstone Necklace obtained long ago from hunting the kobold chieftain. Since a new necklace had come into his possession, this one was no longer needed.

"Wear it. It'll help strengthen your spirit."

Thesaya's eyes widened, "What...? I was the one who fought, risking my life, why does she get the gift?"

Ignoring her, Ian added, "Wear it to avoid going through the same thing again. And next time there's a big fight, I'll send you against the most dangerous enemy. Make up for it with your body."

Charlotte's eyes widened. Then, looking down at the Bloodstone Necklace, she nodded as if making a promise.

"...Alright. I'll fight with the resolve to sacrifice my life."

Why do you keep sacrificing without my permission?

Ian chuckled and stood up.

"Follow me. We're off to decide the fate of a halved destiny."

"Ian? What about me? Really, nothing for me? It can't be..." Thesaya's voice faded away.

Charlotte, finally putting on the necklace, followed Ian, slowly wagging her shortened tail unconsciously.