Chapter 158

By now, the vortex of storm clouds was rapidly closing in. Gray and black swirled chaotically, casting even darker shadows over the dreary ground. Despite this, the air was still thick and oppressive, reeking with a nauseating stench from various foul odors mixed together. It was the smell of the endless minions of darkness. The vanguard had merely been a welcome party, as various creatures charged forward in chaotic disarray.

Wolves, goblins, cave trolls, bears, and valley spiders were combined into grotesque chimeras, stitched together like patchwork quilts from the parts of various beasts and monsters. Minions wielding axes and spears, and all sorts of ghoul experiments that were once undoubtedly human, took on horrifying forms. Above them, birds such as crows and giant bats flapped their wings.

They all had one thing in common: a single-minded determination to kill Ian and his companions.

A complete gift set, huh? Fuck...

It was a scene that seemed to symbolically show what happens when demons take over a country. Minions, the results of secret and insidious hobbies, and summoned beasts to cover up the blame for the missing residents. Judging by their numbers, it was clear that the Vampire Empress was creating an army composed of ghoul experiments and chimeras.

He had seen such things in the game Glumir as well. It was probably the most logical way to recycle the overflowing human and monster corpses. At the same time, he felt the Empress's determination to deploy every last one of these creatures. She desperately wanted to stop him, at least to prevent him from entering the mansion in one piece.

And for her, it would be even better if I got killed by those creatures.

Ian continued to run straight into the midst of them, even while processing countless thoughts in a brief moment.

Crackle, crackle, crackle—

The greatsword, occasionally sparking as it dragged along the ground, was finally lifted.

And in the next moment, it was unleashed with ferocious force.

Boom, rumble—

The reddish crescent tore through everything in its path: experiments, wolves, valley spiders, and minions, even an unlucky crow caught in the fray. Everything was chopped into pieces, each spraying its own fluids.

However, it was just a small part compared to the whole. Before the severed pieces even hit the ground, more would rush in to fill the void. Ian was well aware of this fact.


Without stopping his run, he entrusted his body to the momentum of the greatsword. His body spun around once, and in the very next moment, he took a powerful step forward and brought the greatsword down in a diagonal slash. Beyond the collapsing pieces, those lunging toward him were caught in the red diagonal slash and torn apart.

Letting go of the hilt with his right hand, Ian managed the greatsword's remaining force with only his left arm, holding firm. Meanwhile, he clenched his teeth as he kept his exposed right arm tightly against his shoulder.


The falling pieces and the minions charging behind them were sent flying as if hit by a charging bull.

Various bodily fluids splattered all over Ian's body.

What the fuck.

Spewing curses, Ian cast the Wind Blade again. Simultaneously, his left arm regained its strength.

Suddenly, a cave troll, nearly two meters tall, was right in front of him. Next to it, a minion thrust a spear forward. On the opposite side, a ghoul experiment, crawling on all fours, approached. Its abdomen had the upper body of another human, headless, protruding from it, with long, spiky claws resembling the front legs of a valley spider jutting out below its elbows.

Disgusting creatures, seriously...!


Ian swung his greatsword as if venting his anger, shredding them one by one. The resistance felt in his grip was fierce, but Ian kept swinging until the end.

The closer he got, the more he cut down. Ian continued forward, crashing through the fragmented remains with his body.

"Screech—" A giant bat took advantage of the moment to dive at him with its mouth wide open.

Its scream echoed in his ears. A normal person would have lost consciousness instantly. But for Ian, it was just an irritating noise.

Ian's fist plunged into the bat's body, bursting it upon impact. The vile sensation was infuriating, but there was no time to complain.


The magic consumption was a bit higher, but it was a wider-range attack than just using Wind Blade. Indeed, what was attached to the Legion Commander's Greatsword was a level 3 Frost Blade.

Of course, he found it to be a ridiculous option. The classes that used this greatsword in the game were likely knights or barbarians, who couldn't manipulate magic. Moreover, it was a skill that consumed the user's Mana, not from the magic stone. So originally, it was just a flashy but useless item.

There were countless items in the game that seemed designed to screw over players like this. Like gems that increased critical hit rate and attack speed, or wands with slashing skills. The developers probably never imagined that any mage would use this.

Crack, crack, crack!

Ian, being that any mage, continued to swing the greatsword without pause, leading a march of death. Chimeras made from mixtures of monsters and beasts, grotesquely reconstructed ghoul experiments, and the relatively less horrifying minions and monsters were all cut down without respite.

Amidst all this, the vampire nobles started to intervene more seriously. They looked at Ian with terror as if he were the Grim Reaper, and despite their fear, they rushed at him, each displaying their unique skills frantically from above, from the sides, and sometimes, in desperation, from the front. Despite their actions, Ian kept slashing and tearing through them without getting hit even once.

The holy power scorched the true blood within them, causing it to escape their bodies each time. Their minions turned to ash and scattered.

The quest completion window snapped him out of his half-awake, almost trance-like state. The sub-quest [Servants of the Empress] was completed before he realized

This meant he had already killed more than half of the vampire nobles.


And finally, he realized that the pillar of moonlight was closer than he had thought. Through the eye of the vortex, the giant crescent moon was clearly visible. Below it was the Labyrinth Mansion.

A strange sense of dissonance followed. While the mansion's walls were steadily approaching, the mansion itself, jutting out in the distance, was still quite far away. Moreover, the plants in the garden beyond the walls loomed like trees. It almost seemed as if there was another wall behind the first.

Ian, feeling his senses distort just by focusing his consciousness, let out a faint, hollow laugh.

Playing with space again.

He wouldn’t know what to expect until he set foot inside.


As Ian was thinking that far, he suddenly turned around. A warning from his intuition. One of the vampire nobles, now materialized, was reaching out with blade-like claws, descending toward Mev's side. It was clear they had finally decided that targeting Ian directly was hopeless. In fact, it was a situation that could have happened at any time.

If he hadn’t been momentarily distracted by the mansion, he would have noticed sooner. Gritting his teeth, Ian drew upon his magic in an instant.


A golden barrier instantly enveloped Mev. The vampire’s claws scorched as they struck the barrier. A black figure loomed behind the vampire—Charlotte, wielding a reversed silver sword.


The silver blade pierced through the vampire's shoulder, embedding deeply. Mev’s sword followed, severing the vampire’s head in one swift motion.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

“Keep going, my lord! Don’t worry about us!” Hearing Philip’s shout, Ian turned forward again, a faint smile touching his lips.

He realized he might have been trying to shoulder too much alone. His companions were more than capable of protecting each other.


He channeled his Mana directly into the greatsword. The holy power and frost combined as he swung the blade toward the approaching minions.

Crack, crack, crack!

Ian no longer paid attention to what was behind him. He ignored his pounding heart, the throbbing in his temples, the ringing in his ears, and the tingling in his hands. He focused solely on delivering an equal death to everything before him.

Then, in an instant, his view cleared.


There was nothing blocking his path anymore. In the distance, the wide wall, shimmering in the moonlight, revealed its full form.