Chapter 162

The Wind Blade that shot out momentarily slowed Ian's speed. Following behind, the greatsword cleaved through the barrier at an angle, extending outwards. Ian drew upon his holy power and twisted his body with all his might. His joints felt like they were screaming, but he ignored it. Soon, the blade slipped out of the barrier.


Ian crashed into the barrier back-first.

The spikes densely embedded in the barrier thudded against his armor. Some pierced through the gaps between the chain links at his waist and arms. Ian merely furrowed his brow, paying no heed. He trusted his regenerative abilities. There was no need to remove the spikes. Even if they caused some kind of status effect, he was confident he could overcome it.


In the aftermath of the collision, the severed vines began to cascade down in front of him, tangled and resembling a heap of severed snakes. Nathen also fell among them.


Nathen, who had fallen, rolled among the blood-splattered heap of vines. The thorns embedded in the vines pierced his entire body. Only then did he drop the fairy dagger he had barely managed to grasp. His hand, which had gripped the dagger, was not only burned but also charred black. Yet, he could barely manage a groan.

Amidst the blood pouring down like rain.


Ian landed, greatsword in hand, only a few steps away from him. Looking down at Nathen, Ian raised his greatsword and spoke.

"Nice to see you."

"D-damn it—!" Nathen hurriedly reached for the ebony staff that had fallen beside him.

Swoosh— Crash—

However, the greatsword fell mercilessly, splitting his body in half.

A beat later, blood spurted from Nathen's body, split by the broad blade of the greatsword. Just as flames of magic began to swirl in Ian's eyes, gripping the hilt with both hands.


Nathen's blood gushed out like a fountain, while his true blood separated and was drawn beyond the barrier. The remaining blood lost its strength and poured out. Ian's entire body, already red from the fluids, was now stained a bright red.


Fireballs rose around Ian.

What a belated response, damn it.

Closing the quest completion window that appeared before his eyes, Ian looked at the ground. The rose vines sprawled, bleeding. Nathen's dismembered body, already dried out, crumbled into ashes.

Even the ground was absorbing the spilled blood without a trace. Ian picked up the fairy dagger and the ebony staff among the remains.

After shoving the greatsword and staff into his pocket dimension, he finally turned his gaze.



Crash! Slash!

The battle between the maids and his group was still raging. The group was gradually retreating, steadily reducing the number of enemies. Despite this, many maids remained. Some of the maids rushed at Ian, brandishing their wavy daggers.

Ian shook his hand as he drew a new sword. The flames flickering around him surged out as if they had been waiting.

Boom, boom, boom—

Explosions erupted among the maids charging at him and in the midst of the rampaging horde as the maids engulfed in flames screamed.

"...!" Alfwyn, who was engaged in a duel with Mev, saw this and leaped back. Maids filled the gap left by him.

Meeting Ian's gaze, he spoke. "I didn't expect Sir Nathen to fall so soon. You truly are remarkable...."

Despite his calm tone, his expression was less composed than before. His well-groomed hair was messy, and his face was smeared with sticky blood.

Of course, he wasn't as much of a mess as Ian.

Moving forward with a bloodstained appearance, Ian spoke. "You're next."

"It seems that way...." Nodding his head, Alfwyn suddenly turned and bolted. He rapidly approached the corridor.

"...?!" As Ian's eyebrows shot up, the remaining dozens of maids also rushed toward the corridor. Only a few, entangled with his group, attacked more ferociously as if resigned to their deaths.

Seriously, are they really running away?

Despite the unexpected response, Ian started to run as well. However, Alfwyn was already out of sight in the corridor. Only the backs of the fleeing maids were visible.

Is he a gardener or a beast tamer?

As Ian thought this and looked ahead again, his frown deepened further. The gardener was now holding several vines twisted together in each hand.

Magic surged through his entire body. He reattached the cut ends of the vines. The vine, now reconnected, slithered like a snake and moved behind him. The gardener bent down, one hand gripping the garden shears planted in the ground, the other holding the end of the vine. Standing up straight again, he swung the vine with all his might.


The twisted vine fell straight to the ground like a whip. It was an incredibly long, thorny whip.

"Ahahahaha!" As he swung the whip back and forth, the gardener let out a laugh that sounded like phlegm bubbling in his throat.

This guy is seriously insane.

Ian surged up his magic power. The gardener's size alone indicated that he possessed incredible strength. While he, blessed with the blessing, and Philip, who could use holy power, might withstand it, neither Charlotte, who wasn't wearing a helmet nor Mev, clad in full armor, could be guaranteed to come out unscathed if caught in it.

Moreover, the wave of the vine walls was getting closer and closer.

Philip's shout continued. "My lord! Behind! Behind you!"

Now what, damn it.

Ian turned around, his eyes blazing with power. Beyond the corridor, obscured by the wave of the vine wall and then reappearing, stood Alfwyn and the maids.

It seemed that they had circled back with the gardener's help.


Ian ground his teeth as flames danced around him, more numerous and intense than usual due to the chaos power imbued in them. Without hesitation, he directed all the flames toward the gardener.

Boom— Boom, boom—

The flames clashed with the thorny whip, causing about half of them to explode.

However, the remaining flames engulfed the gardener and the walls around him, causing explosions. It was enough to stop the gardener's whipping.

As Ian swallowed a sigh of relief.

"Groooar—" The gardener, engulfed in flames, let out a howl. It was a cry of pain and fear, completely at odds with his size.

Of course, it wasn't pitiable at all.

The next moment, the power burst from his body, and the walls around him, covered in a dark red mist instead of flames, rippled like waves.


The speed of the wave that followed increased right after.

This is driving me crazy.

As Ian pondered his next move.

"This won't do! Everyone, get down! Trust me!" Philip extended his right arm and shouted.

Ian, seeing the dazzling golden light emanating from his sword, slowed down and threw himself to the ground.

"Everyone, stick to the ground!"

Seeing Charlotte and Mev also throw themselves down, Philip extended his sword one last time and dove.

At the same time, a brilliant light burst from his sword. The light turned into a golden barrier that covered the party.


And the wave of the wall swept over them. The party only felt a brief touch of something hot on their backs. As soon as the thorns and vines touched the dazzling barrier, they turned to ashes.

The thorny wave passed over the party. As the holy barrier dissipated, firefly-like lights, created by the dispersing holy power, mingled with the fallen thorns and vines, swirling in the air.

"Hah..." Ian let out a short breath and stood up. His gaze was still fixed on the gardener, who was writhing in the heat beyond the receding wave.

As Charlotte and Mev also stood up.

"See that!"

Philip jumped up triumphantly.

"I told you to trust— urgh!?" Mid-sentence, Philip turned around with a start and reflexively swung his left arm. But the sword's trajectory was faster.

With a short, sharp sound, Philip's movements became stiff. The group simultaneously turned around. Philip collapsed immediately after.
