Chapter 164

As Charlotte removed the blindfold and gazed upon the massive monster, her orange eyes soon became blank and unfocused. It was only then that she discovered Thesaya, whose lower body and arms were embedded in the monster's torso.


As Charlotte sighed, a feeble voice continued.

“This is a gift from the Empress, Dragon Slayer....”

Ian's eyes sank deeply. His gaze passed Thesaya and landed on the vampire.

[The Creator.]

It was also the name of the new quest.

"She asked me to tell you that she hopes you like the gift. And this... is a gift I prepared for you."

The creator raised the arm he had been holding out. His long, skinny, pale hand with overgrown fingernails twitched as if playing an instrument.

Squelch. Thud—

From his shadow, more monsters began to crawl out. Chimeras, arbitrarily grafted from animals and beasts, and experimental ghouls, larger than those seen outside, began to appear one after another.

“...Rest.” Ian stood up as he spoke.

Charlotte, who had been staring blankly at Thesaya, turned to look at him in surprise. Ian's voice was colder than ever.


Without responding, Ian moved forward. Chimeras and experimental creatures quickly filled the passage and open space, glaring at him without attacking.

“I can't move, Ian.”

Thesaya spoke urgently.

“I can't control anything below my neck. Help me, Ian–-”

“To get through here, you will have to kill all my creations....”

The creator's voice interrupted. It was small and weak, but it penetrated everyone's ears clearly.

“Of course, that includes me. So if possible... I would prefer it if you just died... You would make a very... valuable ingredient....”

“...So I hear.” Ian, who had returned his sword to its sheath, extended his right arm to the side. A giant greatsword suddenly appeared beside him.

Without avoiding Thesaya's gaze, he added, “I'm sorry, Thesa.”

“Why, why are you apologizing, Ian?”

Despite his expressionless face and calm voice, the red divine power emanating from Ian's body burned fiercely. As Thesaya asked in a trembling voice, dark magic spread among the chimeras and experimental creatures.

A sound like nails on a chalkboard filled the air.

Ian lunged first.

The greatsword carved a huge red arc as it swept out.


Chimeras and experimental ghouls were torn to shreds. Immediately after, the monsters imbued with dark magic began to charge. Among them was Thesaya, who had become part of a giant experiment. While the many limbs attached to her body moved violently, her face was a mixture of shock and terror.

“You're going to kill me too, Ian? No, right? You're here to save me?”


Ian did not respond.

He simply continued to swing the greatsword. A chimera with a bear's body, bat wings, and a valley spider's head was torn apart while spewing venom. Beyond it, an experiment made from four humans stitched together was split in half.

Ian slammed the remains with his shoulder, punched the oncoming creatures, and swung the greatsword again.

As Thesaya realized that the path of death was approaching her, tears of blood welled up in her eyes.

“It's me...! It's me, Ian! This isn't my will. I'm not moving on my own–-”


The greatsword tore apart an experimental creature blocking Ian and Thesaya. A fountain of red blood erupted.

“No! Ian! Wait...!” Charlotte, who had followed, shouted.

She held a broken fang sword and a halved silver sword in each hand. Her wounds, which had been healing with divine power, started to bleed again.

“That's Thesa, Ian...! Even if she looks like that, she's still Thesa! There must be a way to save her. So please–-”

Charlotte hesitated. Ian looked back at her with eyes full of murderous intent. As he extended the greatsword fully, he spoke.

“Stay back. You might die too.”

“...!” Charlotte's eyes trembled.

But that was only for a moment. Her eyes filled with anger as she gritted her teeth, ready to break. She glanced around at the monsters surrounding her. The eyes of the ferocious beast soon found the creator's position, briefly revealed behind them.

"----!" Charlotte screamed.

At that moment, the divine power stored within her body surged to the surface, blazing red. Her mane fluttered like flames as she leaped forward.


Meanwhile, Ian was approaching Thesaya. Each time the legion commander's greatsword drew a red trajectory, it sliced through a line of space. Tears of blood filled Thesaya's eyes as she watched him.

She finally realized that Ian truly intended to kill her. The emotion greater than betrayal was fear.


At last, Ian, extending his greatsword, reached her.

Thesaya's trembling lips parted. "Save me, Ian..."


The remaining chimeras and test subjects began to rampage as if in a frenzy. Thesaya’s body was no exception. Even though the creator was dead, she still couldn't control her monstrous body.

Slash, slash!

Ian began to create red trajectories and death once again. Thesaya's body also charged toward him.

“No! You stupid pointy-eared freak!” Charlotte, entangled with a test subject, shouted.

By now, her divine power was almost entirely depleted. Thesaya murmured with a face close to tears.

“I can’t help it... I can’t....”


A massive red crescent swept in front of her. Through it, Ian, covered in blood and fluids, soared. Staring at Thesaya with a blank expression, he swung his greatsword.


Along with the arm extended toward him, a large chunk of Thesaya's massive body was cut off. Thesaya howled. Ian landed and immediately leaped again.

Slash! Crunch, slash.

A one-sided massacre ensued. Ian continued slashing and cutting as if he couldn't hear Thesaya's screams. Her massive body was being chopped and torn, growing smaller and smaller. Then, in an instant.


Ian reached out and grabbed Thesaya’s nape.

“....” Thesaya could no longer scream. She only looked at Ian with muddled eyes filled with pain, fear, and resentment.

Ian turned his gaze. No chimera or test subject was left alive. Charlotte, too, seemed completely exhausted, sitting next to the corpse of a test subject, panting heavily. Ian tossed his greatsword aside and embraced Thesaya's trembling body. His whole body tensed.

Crack, crack.

“....!” A silent scream erupted from Thesaya's mouth as she lifted her head. Ian was violently pulling her upper body away. The pain of being torn apart alive was unbearable.


Finally, her upper body was completely severed. Blood gushed out, and the remaining torso went limp and collapsed.

“A... Ah....”

Thesaya, cradled in Ian's arms, was in a dire state. Her body was missing everything below her waist, and her arms were torn off at the elbows, bleeding profusely. Ian laid her limp torso down gently.

"I-Ian..." Thesaya's lips trembled as she barely managed to speak. Ian, looking down at her with hollow eyes, finally murmured.

"...Are you just going to let her die like this?"

No, that can't happen. Adding words that Thesaya couldn't understand, he removed the glove from his left hand.

"...?" Thesaya blinked as she watched Ian forcefully tear off his wrist guard. The divine power that enveloped his body faded. Ian held his bare forearm out to Thesaya.

"Drink, Thesa."


Thesaya's eyes widened. But she couldn't bring herself to act; she was too weak to even suck blood. Realizing this, Ian drew the fairy dagger and sliced the outer side of his forearm. The red blood that flowed out fell onto Thesaya's lips.


Ian, whose irises were tinged with a faint purple hue, added. Thesaya was already doing so. From the moment Ian's blood touched her lips, she opened her mouth like a baby bird being fed. Soon, her mouth was filled with fangs. Ian brought his forearm closer, and she bit into it eagerly.


The sound of gulping followed. Her slender neck moved continuously. As Charlotte, who had been staggering, approached, Thesaya's body began to regenerate.

Bones sprouted from her severed arms and lower body, veins spread, and soon, muscles and flesh, then skin, rapidly restored themselves to their original form. Ian's eyes narrowed at that point. As he prepared to strike Thesaya's head,

"Ha, ha... ha...." Thesaya spoke first. With her face smeared with blood, she breathed heavily, a faint smile spreading.

"As I thought... I knew it would be like this...." She looked into Ian's eyes.

"Your blood is incredibly delicious, Ian. The best I've ever tasted...."

"If you stopped in the middle, it doesn't seem that way," Ian replied nonchalantly.

Thesaya shrugged her shoulders.

"I don’t want to die while drinking. I just survived." She flexed her newly regrown hand and turned her head to the side. She smiled, baring her teeth, as she met Charlotte's approaching gaze.

"Good thing you didn't die by my hand, kitty."

"...You should be the grateful one."

Charlotte's response was met with a brief giggle.

"...!" Suddenly, Thesaya's eyes widened. Her chest heaved dramatically.

"Thesa?!" Charlotte rushed over, startled.

"Ian...? Something's wrong. Inside my body, something...!" Thesaya cried out, looking at Ian with eyes turned red.

Ian spoke in a calm voice. "As expected. It's starting now."

"What do you mean...? Ah, ahhhh...!" Thesaya let out a suppressed scream. Her body convulsed violently, and her limbs bent as if they would break. Ian grabbed her limbs one by one and turned his gaze away.

"...!" Charlotte, who had hurriedly climbed over the flesh, quickly came over. As she held Thesaya's other arm and leg to prevent them from breaking.

"My blood, my blood...!" Thesaya managed to utter. She frowned deeply as if resisting something with all her might. Ian, pressing her arm down with one knee, spoke up.

"The Empress is trying to drain your true blood. Resisting is futile."

He drew the fairy dagger again and added.

"You will die now, Thesaya."