April 25, 2023Ai Hrist

“… Those who follow will live, and those who go against with will die. Heavenly talismans are everywhere, and they will never be broken forever. God has the order to kill evil demons. When the fire bell shakes, the demons will be killed. Hurry up and appear like a law!”

She lowered her eyes and recited the “Slaying Evil Mantra”. When the last sentence of the mantra fell, the needle tip that had absorbed the blood from her fingertips and the cinnabar talisman was pierced into the cluster of corpse powder in the golden plate by her.

Immediately, the baby ghost sitting on the floor bounced up suddenly, and let out bursts of sharp baby cries, which seemed to be extremely painful.

It kept rolling on the floor, as a black and purple corpse aura emerged from it.

Meanwhile, in an apartment somewhere

In a dark and gloomy small room with no light around, there was only a flat table with an altar enshrined on it.

There were several plates on the altar, which contain solidified and smelly blood clots, some animal livers, etc., which were used as sacrifices for worshiping evil things.

A piece of black silk cloth was placed on the altar, and a transparent glass coffin the size of a football was placed on the silk cloth.

It can be seen through the face of the coffin that there was a scorched black thing the size of an adult’s palm spread out inside.

It looked like a curled-up little person, with a formed head, hands, and feet, black and thin, exuding a sinister aura.

At this moment, a dark red blood drop overflowed from its curled-up chest cavity.

Wherever that drop of blood touched, the hard black corpses began to melt, and finally melted into a puddle of black, foul-smelling corpse water.

Qian Zheng, who was still outside socializing and working in the middle of the night, was chatting and laughing with people, and his heart suddenly shook violently. Then a sharp pain made his eyes glisten, and when he opened his mouth to scream, he spurted out a big mouthful of stinky blood.

The person on the opposite side screamed and jumped away. The others were even more terrified when they saw Qian Zheng’s face.

They saw Qian Zheng, who was still talking loudly for a minute, his skin and the flesh of his face were rapidly sunken in, and the hair on the top of his head fell off in large groups.

The diners sitting around were attracted by the noise, and they all screamed in fright when they saw such a terrifying scene that they turned their heads.

The brave ones took out their mobile phones and recorded a picture of Qian Zheng’s still changing face.


In Gu Zhisang’s apartment, the struggling baby ghost gradually stopped, and the black energy on its body became less and less, revealing its original appearance.

Dong Ying exclaimed: “Oh, this doll turns out to be so beautiful, whoever made it look like that just now is ruthless!”

When the corpse gas had been purified and the infant ghost restored to its original form, they saw that it was a tiny baby.

Because it wasn’t yet when it died, it was only a small white and tender lump. Even if it was only a soul, because it was just a lump, it could only babble on the carpet.

When Qian Zheng turned it into a baby ghost, it directly distorted its soul, and only left enough ‘soul’ attached to the refined body.

If she doesn’t remove the evil spell and directly purify it, it will lose its soul.

However, Gu Zhisun got some corpse ashes, so she directly destroyed the torture tool that manipulated it, which could reverse its soul state. It also cause a serious backlash against Qian Zheng that personally participated in the refining.

Perhaps because it knew that Gu Zhisang had rescued him, the baby’s soul slowly crawled over, hugged Gu Zhisang’s calf, and said with a baby voice:

“Ah… ah…”

The soul of a baby was the purest, especially the unborn embryo. When they were in the mother’s womb, they can feel the sound of the outside through ‘baby breath’.

This breathing method was the most respected and pursued by the ‘Mountain Sect’ practitioner that cultivates.

After being born and exposed to impurities in the air, their spiritual eyes and ‘baby’s breath’ will slowly disappear.

As soon as it touched Gu Zhisang’s leg, those memories and emotions that belonged to it broke into Gu Zhisang’s ‘spiritual eyes’ directly through the pure spiritual body.

*Badump, ba-dump*

It was dark, but not completely colorless, and she felt wrapped in a pool of warm, comfortable water, but still able to ‘breathe’.

In a daze, Gu Zhisang realized that the sound just now was the mother’s heartbeat.

She now recalls memories of this embryo, which was being encased in amniotic fluid.

At three or four months, the embryo was already formed, and a new soul enters it to conceive.

It can hear the tender voices and laughter of the parents, especially the father:

“I’m looking forward to seeing our baby, it’s a gift from God.“

The mother smiled happily: “Why haven’t I heard you say that you like children so much before? We should get the certificate when we get back. You can’t let the child be born without a name and no distinction!”

“My wife, don’t worry, won’t this mess up our home if we don’t do that? It’s just recently, the company is busy. I brought two new artists, I have to do everything by myself. But don’t worry, after a few days, I will give you a grand wedding. I love you and our baby so much.”

“Our baby absorbs more nutrients, so you can grow stronger…”

“Mom and Dad love you very much, I hope you will be born soon…”

Every day, the baby could hear his father’s encouragement in his mother’s womb. Although he couldn’t understand human language at that time, he could feel the strong “love” from his father and knew that he was looking forward him to being born.

Because of the joy, every day it longed to be born as a human, and this desire became stronger and stronger until it was more than six months old.

At this time, its hands and feet have grown, its brain was well-developed, and its perception and sound of the outside world were much clearer.

On this day, the baby heard his father say that he wanted to surprise his mother and took her to a quiet and remote place.

The baby didn’t know where it was, but it could feel the dark air around it, which made it very uncomfortable, and it began to move uneasily.

“Husband, where are we going? My stomach feels uncomfortable, so I don’t want to go.”

“Hold on a little longer, there is a surprise for you ahead”

However, on that day, amid the mother’s screams of pain and despair, it was cut out by its father, and it was forcibly brought out into this world.

It was not ready yet. Its body was still too weak, and it makes a very thin cry because of the discomfort.

The father’s hand stroked its face and said: “Can it be made into a baby ghost?”‘

It can also hear another voice: “This soul’s longing for rebirth has reached the extreme, cutting it out at this time is tantamount to breaking its illusion of reincarnation, and you are its blood relative. Its resentment in its heart will be even greater and powerful, far beyond what ordinary little ghosts can compare. What’s the matter, Qian Zheng? Are you reluctant to part with it? ‘

The father’s tone was indifferent: “As long as it can make me earn more money and get to the top, a child is nothing.”

“Great courage, then you can strangle him with your own hands and put him in a formation to lock the soul…”

At this moment it understands, it knows that all the previous ‘love’ was fake, and itself couldn’t be born as a human being.

The ignorant and pure soul had a strong resentment and it erupted. It’s crying suddenly became louder, and its limbs struggled vigorously.

The other voice said in surprise: “This soul is well-raised, hurry up and do it.”

A big hand covered its neck and tightened it tightly.

Its resentment, incomprehension… All kinds of negative emotions were distorted under the formation and spells, and the soul becomes dark and terrifying.

When the baby ghost was fully formed, it stared blankly at the woman on the bloody table that had an open belly and looked at the little bruised corpse in the formation.

It screamed in anger and wanted to rush over, but the man held a nail and nailed it directly to the little corpse.