April 27, 2023Ai Hrist

After the interactive audience connected and spoke in the mic, Gu Zhisang asked:

“Do you want to calculate the blessings and misfortunes of your life, or do you want to look at the Feng Shui of your house? If it’s the former, and you don’t want to reveal your privacy, just send me your eight characters or the photo you took recently. If it’s the latter, just turn on the rear camera directly, then just walk around the house twice with the device, and let me look at decorations.”

“I don’t have any secrets.” ‘Shuzhong Danyue’ said: “I can make a video call with you, Master.”

As she spoke, she turned on the camera, and a video window appeared in the live broadcast room.

Under the original camera, the interactive viewer looked forty or fifty years old. From the skin tone and texture, it can be seen that she should not have a beautiful face, but her gestures were intellectual and calm.

She was wearing a gray shirt, with white temples and thin-rimmed glasses, looking a little prim.

“Hello, Master Gu, and hello to all the netizens.”

[This is the first spectator who came up and called Gu Zhisang a master. It’s good.]

[This sister looks very temperamental, like a high-level intellectual, so polite, I like it.]

[Fortune-telling, I like listening to the anchor give people fortune-telling!]

In the first two episodes of the program, Gu Zhisang’s fortune-telling performance was astonishingly accurate, and people on the Internet now call her a fortune-teller.

Seeing the refreshed barrage in the comment area, Shuzhong Danyue said with a good temper: “Everyone wants to watch the anchor’s fortune-telling, so just do that.”

Gu Zhisang nodded, while looking at the face of the middle-aged woman, then looked at the eight characters she sent privately. She said slowly:

“According to the eight characters of this audience, you are 48 years old, and your Chinese zodiac sign is the ox. Your five elements belong to the earth, so you are short of water. In the year of your birth, there should have been a large-scale and severe drought in your hometown. This disaster has had a great impact on you and your family. Because of this incident, you were weak and sick until you were 4 or 5 years old.”

“Combined with the look of your face, your brows are straight but slightly sunken at the end of your eyebrows, and your hair is a little messy. There is your sibling’s palace, which means that you once had an older brother, but he died early. The kinship between you two is very shallow.”

“If I’m right, he died in the second year of your birth.”

Shuzhong Danyue looked stunned, then sat up straight in surprise, nodded her head, and said:

“It’s like this. My zodiac sign and age are both right. My hometown is the rice farm in the south. The economy was not that rich in the 1970s. Everyone lives on the crops that ripe throughout the year.”

“Although I don’t remember, I heard people from the older generation say that the year I was born was extremely hot and there was no rain, and there were plagues. Because the harvest was so bad, people in the village smashed the corn husks that year. To mix with soil and eat soil cakes, many old people and children starved to death. Because of that, even my brother died that year…”

Shuzhong Danyue grew up a bit, and every year when her parents took her to burn paper, their expression was very sad.

At that time, she noticed that there was a small mound of earth on the edge of a small piece of the tomb they worshiped, and it was too small compared to other tombs without a monument.

After asking her parents, she found out that she had an older brother before.

In that small empty grave, there were only my brother’s clothes and photos, but no bones.

Because there was a famine in the year, adults who ate brown rice husks and gnawed wood husks may not be able to survive, let alone such a young child, whose stomach cannot overcome those black soil pancakes.

If he didn’t eat, he would be hungry, but if he ate, his belly would swell. When he died, he was only four years old. His limbs were thin and small, only his belly was bulging, and it was full of undigested soil.

People of the older generation said that such young children who died young had great grievances, especially those who died of starvation, and could not enter the ancestral tombs, otherwise, they would offend the ancestors.

So her brother’s bones were hastily buried on the mountain, and only an empty grave was set up for him in the village graveyard.

Shuzhong Danyue said: “Originally when I was born, my parents were prepared to not be able to support me. Who knew that in such a catastrophic age, I, a newborn baby, that could hardly survive with thin milk, survived.”

“But that’s right. Until I was more than three years old, because I didn’t keep up with my nutrition when I was a child, I get sick and had a fever more times than ordinary children. My parents even said that I was like a kitten who would die at any time.”

There was gratitude in her tone: “I survived because my mother gave me half of her life.”

Women were already weak after giving birth and need confinement to replenish their bodies, but in the famine years, they were not so particular about it. After giving birth, they had to lie in bed for a few days before they had to go to work in the fields.

Her mother was weak and had no nutritional supplements to replenish her body. Her milk was thin and had no nutrition. But she, a two-month-old baby, was so hungry that she was pale and thin. She always cries in the middle of the night.

When her mother saw it, she thought it was impossible, so she gritted her teeth and bought a few packs of milk-promoting medicine, boiled it, and drank it. Milk finally came out, but it was mixed with her mother’s blood.

She sucked milk and blood, absorbed her mother’s nutrients, and survived. But since then, her mother’s body has also fallen, and became ill.

After listening to Shuzhong Danyue’s childhood story, many people in the comment area were quite moved.

[God, this mother is too great. She fed her blood and milk. It was really like giving her life to her child!]

[I know where is Shuzhong Danyue’s hometown. I live in the same place as her. The drought that year was hard. There was a very good old man in our village who also starved to death that year…]

[I admire her so much. Sometimes my baby is so strong that I feel pain. But I think feeding blood is much more painful.]

[I don’t know about other places. We still have the saying that children who die in infancy cannot be buried. My cousin’s son died of illness, and the elders in the family disagree with my cousin’s burial. They are superstitious about this.]

Gu Zhisang nodded and said, “After talking about your childhood, let’s take a look at your life trajectory.”

“This audience, your forehead is full, your eyes are bright, and your life palace is prosperous. These are the signs of a little luxurious life. Especially your ears.”

Shuzhong Danyue subconsciously raised her hand to touch her earlobe, and said, “I don’t know anything else, but indeed the shape of my ears is different from others.”

“There are three courts for a person, among which the main manifestation. One of these courts is the numerology of the person before the age of 30.” Gu Zhisang said and added: “From the front, the contour of your ear is higher than your eyes. People with this ear shape are strong in learning and career fields and have a firm mind. and will not be easily influenced by others. They are mostly young and have outstanding academic achievements, surpassing many of their peers.”