May 7, 2023Ai Hrist

As soon as they heard that someone asked for help, many enthusiastic viewers spontaneously edited and swiped the screen, and soon Gu Zhisang saw it.

Before she could reply, the door of the lounge was knocked from the outside, and the staff of the director team signaled her to go out.

Gu Zhisang walked over: “What’s wrong?”

The Staff said: “It’s like this, Sister Gu. Just now we learned that a group of female students encountered some supernatural events and wanted to seek help from the program team. They also posted related messages for help in the live broadcast room of other contestants, and received help Afterwards, the director discussed with the team and decided to temporarily add a play-off game, asking the contestants to help them solve the supernatural event together.”

“Do you think this arrangement is okay?”

Gu Zhisang nodded and agreed to the arrangement of the program group.

Ten minutes later, she returned to her seat again, and there were already several split screens on the screen of the live broadcast device in front of her.

A total of six windows were arranged in two rows, which were four player windows, one host window, and the last one the camera opened by the girls for help.

Host Liu’s face appeared in the small grid in the upper left corner of the screen.

Holding a radio microphone in his hand, he said with a smile: “It’s been a long time, dear viewers, eight days have passed since the last episode of the show. Just half an hour ago, the show crew received a request for help from a few young girls that encountered terrible and strange things at school.”

“With the unanimous agreement of the program group and the contestants, the girls can choose the four most trusted and recognized contestants to start a joint live broadcast to solve the mystery and help them solve the problem. Girls, please say hello to the audience friends. “

After Host Liu finished speaking, the upper right window lit up.

From the video, it can be seen that the people seeking help were four girls, they seemed to be in their early twenties at most, and they were students who were still in school.

Because of the gimmick of the live broadcast, the supporters and fans of several players participating in the playoffs flocked into the new multiplayer live broadcast room.

It didn’t take long for the number of people in the room to reach one million, which surprised and delighted the unprepared program team.

The live broadcast screen was stuck for more than a minute before returning to normal.

[The screen is stuck and turned into a ppt, can the program group have some snacks?]

[In the first two episodes, I’ve been watching Sangsang and Daisy on two devices at the same time. Today, the two beautiful wives are finally in the same frame. One left and one right are the representatives of the ultimate beauty of the East and the West. I am so satisfied!]

[Why are there only a few contestants who have playoffs? Xiao, has always been very popular, isn’t he? The program group is blatantly choosing?]

[The linked live broadcast is interesting, and it is equivalent to the players getting together to fight.]

[Charity fans, don’t be tempted. Xiao Ci said that his strength is not fortune-telling, and he has social fear. He doesn’t want to participate in the playoffs. Don’t make trouble with other contestants and program groups!]

[The younger sisters look so youthful, how could they encounter supernatural events?]

When there were too many people, the comment area will naturally become chaotic.

Unexpectedly, millions of people would watch the live broadcast. The girls were very nervous and said hello in front of the camera stiffly.

Seeing that many fans of other contestants rushed in to question the program group, especially the fans of Contestant No. #9 contestant He Mitu, Host Liu explained:

“After all, this extra game is not an offline game. A few girls didn’t show up, so they could only watch it through the live broadcast screen. If there are too many people, it will be very chaotic. And live broadcast is not the strong point of some players. In addition, in this extra game, we adopt a one-on-one approach to the event—that is, each player corresponds to a helper, so only four players are participating.”

“These four contestants were all chosen by the help-seekers themselves. The program team did not intervene in the whole process. There is no so-called shady scene.”

Several girls also typed and explained in the comment area, saying that the reason why they did not choose He Mitu was because they thought he was a Thai Master whose main abilities were voodoo and they were worried that he would not be able to solve the evil collision incident.

Although there were still some viewers who were dissatisfied, mixed with black fans who fished in troubled waters and provoked trouble, the linked live broadcast officially started.

Host Liu asked: “Are the four colliding evil at the same time?”

“Yes, the four of us are roommates. We usually go to dinner and class together, and we stay together when encountering strange things…”

Host Liu said: “Then what happened to the four young girls at school? The first contestant, No. 10, Xi Haihong, please observe first.”

The program group manipulated the live broadcast window where other people were hidden, and only the faces of the girls asking for help and Xi Haihong remained on the screen.

The girl with short hair who was connecting with Xi Haihong sat in front of the camera with red ears: “Hello, sister.”

“Hello.” Xi Haihong said warmly: “Don’t be nervous, you said you feel that you have encountered ghosts, is it your subconscious feeling? Or did you see and feel anything?”

The short-haired girl said anxiously: “It’s true! We hit a ghost!”

She still wanted to say something, but thinking of the exhortation from the program group, she still suppressed the desire to talk and pursed her lips.

Xi Haihong nodded, and said to the camera: “Everyone who has watched my live broadcast knows that I am impermanent who has inherited the contract between my ancestors and the underworld, and the ones I have the most contact with are the newly dead souls, that is to say, I can see them.”

“Ghosts often carry yin energy. After a living person is hit, his whole body will be affected by the remaining yin energy for some time. I just opened my spiritual sense, and the first time I saw you, I found that your face was covered with a faint Yin energy, this shows that you have indeed run into one, and it is not accidental, you must have been frightened a lot during this time, right?”

The short-haired girl nodded with red eyes.

“Walking impermanence, everyone knows that it means we are contract workers in the underworld. So many people die in the yang world every day, and there are always times when the underworld’s servants can’t take care of it. We contract workers are responsible for helping to send the soul to the underworld.”

Xi Haihong explained: “I was born with yin and yang eyes, and there were several impermanences in my ancestors. Thanks to the blessing of my ancestors, I inherited this contract. Because of this special job, I can feel the state of the human soul. Young or old, strong or weak, healthy or dying…”

“Through this little girl’s body, I saw that her soul is very unstable, and there is a possibility of leaving the body at any time. I was frightened. Have you ever met that ghost? Or have you met it face to face? How could you be so scared…”

As she spoke, she felt a little tricky.

As everyone knows that people have three souls and seven spirits, which are respectively related to the seven emotions, six desires, and intellect. The old generation’s so-called dementia syndrome was a symptom caused by some of the souls leaving the body after being shocked or hit by a ghost.

In mild cases, it was easy to forget things, and the temperament changes drastically.

In serious cases, if there were too many separated souls, they will become demented, or become unconscious, and their bodies will be occupied by nearby ghosts.

The short-haired girl seemed to be fine, but her soul was actually on the verge of leaving her body, which was quite dangerous.

Some people in the comment area think that hell and impermanence were too mysterious, and they think Xi Haihong was a fake master who makes up stories.

[It’s a bit fake, can living people work for the underworld?]

[I don’t know about other things, but it’s really dangerous to lose a soul. When I was a child, I had a serious illness. I had a high fever and couldn’t get rid of it. My grandmother brought me to the female shaman from a nearby village. The female shaman saw that I was young and saw something that shouldn’t be seen, my soul was scared away, and she had to “call Hun’er” to me.

The female shaman took a kitchen knife and made a cross on the side of my bed, then put a raw egg on the cross mark, and kept burning incense and calling my name. My grandmother said that she watched the egg stand up! That night, my fever subsided naturally, and the female shaman said that my soul had been called back, and then they cooked the egg and fed it to me.]

[Contetstant No. #10, I know, it’s true. A distant relative of mine is impermanent. When my aunt was ill, he came to visit and told my aunt’s family directly: The old lady has not had much time left, so prepare for the funeral as soon as possible. At that time, those relatives thought he was making up things, and they were so angry that they kicked him out of the house. As a result, my aunt went away quietly within two days after she was sent to the hospital.

Although her family members were sad, they didn’t think much about it. They had long forgotten what my distant relatives said. Whoever thought of the first seven days after my aunt’s burial, she entrusted her son with a dream and asked him to apologize to my distant relatives.

My aunt said that Impermanence should not easily reveal the fate of life and death to the people in the world. He reminded her son but was scolded by her family. Fortunately, my distant relative didn’t take revenge, instead sent my aunt’s soul safely to the underworld.]

[The family members in the live broadcast room have so much experience, I am the only one who feels scared during the day, watching the live broadcast under the quilt…]