May 13, 2023Ai Hrist

After being held down by her roommate and woke up, she was sweating profusely. She wanted to return to the dormitory quickly, but her legs went limp as soon as she stepped forward, and she fell directly to the ground.

It turned out that when she thought she was running all that time, she was standing downstairs in the dormitory for over an hour!

The joints of her legs were already stiff and numb.

After listening to her experience, Host Liu asked:

“So at that time, she was possessed?”

Xun Yiqing denied this conjecture: “This is just a way for ghosts to deceive people’s five senses, which is what the folks call ghosts hitting the wall.”

The long-haired girl nodded again and said: “Yes, we all thought that this was shocking enough, who would have thought that it was just the beginning…”

“When I was taken back that night, I was dizzy. I only drank a small glass of low-alcohol fruit wine, so I shouldn’t be so drunk, but I felt very sleepy, and my limbs were heavy as if had a long, long sleep.”

“The next morning when I woke up, I saw my roommates with red eyes and tired faces looking at me with complex and fearful eyes.”

One of the roommates asked her hesitantly: ‘Do you remember what happened last night? ‘

“I remember, I seemed to be haunted downstairs in the dormitory, and it was you guys who came to drag me back.” She said.

Unexpectedly, the roommate’s expression was even more ugly: “What happens next? Can’t you remember anything?”

She shook her head in confusion, feeling an ominous premonition in her heart.

Sure enough, her roommate told her that other strange things happened to her after that!

After her roommates dragged her back to the dormitory last night, she sat limply on the stool, motionless, as if she was too tired and wanted to rest.

After a while, the roommates wanted to call her and ask her what happened just now.

As a result, when she heard the sound, her back suddenly sat up straight like a steel plate.

Her roommates watched her stand on tiptoe with her back heels in a stiff and weird posture and walked around the dormitory.

That walking posture was very strange, her body seemed to be hung up, and her eyes were half-closed, and her face was frighteningly pale!

The roommates didn’t dare to breathe. They watched her go to the closet, opened everyone’s closets, turned out all the skirts, shirts, etc. inside, and threw them all over the floor. No one dared to stop her.

She tried those skirts back and forth on her body and finally chose a red velvet suspender skirt, put it on, and sat back on tiptoe at the table.

Then, the long-haired girl took out all the cosmetics from the cabinet, without using a mirror, and just smeared them on her face and lips in a daze.

She seemed very satisfied after the application, she took out the comb and combed her long black hair again and again.

At this time, a roommate who couldn’t stand the weird atmosphere and had a mental breakdown couldn’t help it and stand up and wanted to rush out of the dormitory.

But she seemed to have eyes at the back of her head, and she turned her head abruptly, maintaining the movement of combing her hair with her hands, staring straight at the roommate with a strange expression on her face.

It wasn’t until the other party carefully sat back in the original place that she turned her head to dress up again.

After eleven o’clock, the lights in the dormitory were naturally turned off, but none of the roommates dared to move and sat in their seats covering their mouths in horror.

The long-haired girl combed her hair mechanically for more than two hours. After midnight, she tilted her body and slammed on the table like losing support.

After waiting for a long time, the roommates who were sitting stiffly got up boldly and made some noises, but she didn’t respond.

The roommates who confirmed that she had passed out were relieved and carefully put her on the lower bunk.

However, the others still couldn’t sleep that night.

Hearing this, Xun Yiqing nodded and said: “You were possessed at that time later. The reason why you don’t remember anything is because your soul was suppressed at that time, and you couldn’t sense the outside world. What you did later on were all the actions of the ghost attached to you.”

[With a forced smile, if I lived in the dormitory, I might be scared to death on the first night.]

[This little sister is too miserable. No wonder her face is so pale, she’s hit by a ghost and possessed. Her body must be like, there’s a funnel draining all her yang energy!]

[So that night, the other people in the dormitory actually… spent the whole night with that thing?!]

[I think I’ll drop out of school directly, I’m timid.]

After the long-haired girl knew what had happened to her, she immediately called her family.

Her mother went to Yiyuan Temple for help that day, bought a lot of expensive amulets, safety charms, etc., and mailed them to her.

After getting these talismans, there were fewer strange things around the girls, but they can still feel the faint sense of weirdness around them.

“I know it hasn’t gone away, it’s still watching us somewhere.”

Host Liu looked at Xun Yiqing and asked: “Does Contestant No. #1 have a solution?”

Xun Yiqing frowned and said: “They are entangled by this ghost, but there are no related objects across the screen. I can’t find the whereabouts of that ghost. But after today’s program is recorded, I can go directly to there and get rid of this ghost. You don’t have to be too scared, even if I can’t do it then, I can still notify my master and let him come out of the mountain.”

Hearing what he said, the four girls behind the live broadcast were relieved, and a smile finally appeared on their faces.

Host Liu nodded and hid Xun Yiqing’s window.

“The strange thing that happened to the third help-seeker was also revealed by the players, but we still don’t know the reason why they were entangled, and we don’t know whether the last contestant can bring discoveries. “

“Now, I invite Contestant No. #7 Gu Zhisang to come and see what strange things happened to the last person who asked for help.”

On the live broadcast screen, Gu Zhisang’s window was enlarged.

During the two to three minutes of the replacement, the live broadcast room, which had stopped increasing its number of people, saw a small increase again.

[Sister Sang will once again play the role of the big boss at the end, looking forward to it.]

[She’s here, she’s here, she’s coming with the correct answer!]

[Live broadcast fortune-telling may be okay, but live broadcast ghost hunting is indeed a bit difficult. Everyone, don’t expect too much, otherwise, you will be disappointed by the anchor.]

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room but even the program crew and the host were looking forward to Gu Zhisang’s appearance.

Host Liu smiled and said, “Okay, please speak to the mic for the last help-seeker.”

The last girl among the four girls wore a ponytail, sat in front of the camera and greeted the audience, and said: “Hello, sister Gu Zhisang, do you want me to send you my eight characters?”

Some viewers in the comment area laughed and said: [This looks like a fan of Sister Sang’s live broadcast room, and she is quite familiar with the process.]

Gu Zhisang: “If you just want to know the misfortune happening to you, and don’t want to count your fate, you don’t need to send your eight characters.”

The girl with the ponytail touched the tip of her nose: “Actually, you can count my fate. I’m a big fan of you, Sister Gu Zhisang. I always want to ask you my fortune, but I was so unlucky that I couldn’t get a fortune-telling opportunity.”

Gu Zhisang: “???”

“Then I can do fortune-telling for you.”

After getting the eight characters of the ponytail girl, she simply split it up and said, “Let’s talk about what I have seen from your birthdate, which is somewhat related to what happened in your dormitory.”

“Beauty is yang and ugliness is yin. Generally speaking, more than half of your horoscope is yang, so it can be said that you are a person with a strong physique. Seven of your horoscopes belong to yang. Although it is not a pure yang constitution, it is very rare, and you have a very strong fate. You have been afraid of heat since you were a child. When others are wearing warm clothes in spring and autumn, you don’t feel cold even in a shirt. Your body is stronger than your peers, you rarely get sick but easily get angry. Your height should be considered tall among girls.”

“And as a person with a lot of yang energy in the body, it’s very difficult for you to be invaded by evil spirits. You have never encountered any supernatural events since you were a child, so you are an out-and-out atheist.”

“Although there is a faint yin around you, you are the only girl in the entire dormitory who has not encountered any supernatural events. You just witnessed everything that happened in the dormitory. The yin in your body is caused by the environment you have been living in.”

The ponytail girl’s eyes lit up, she nodded repeatedly and said:

“Yes, I have been a stove physique since I was a child. My hands are warm in winter. My friends like to hold hands with me because it’s very warm. And I am indeed a lucky person in the dormitory. Before, when there were no such strange things in the dormitory, I don’t believe in ghosts and gods. I always thought it was my luck, but it turned out that I have a good physique!”

It was ashamed to say, but not only did the ponytail girl not suffer, she was hardly affected.

She didn’t see the ghost in the dormitory. She was simply awakened by the sound when her roommate’s bed moved. Her roommate said that she was sleeping soundly when they heard noises……

She was as if not related to this haunted dormitory.