May 24, 2023Ai Hrist

So she didn’t even tell her father and husband about this.

Unexpectedly, after appearing on the show, the mysterious master would see through it all at once.

The young man surnamed Li on the side was taken aback when he heard it, and then he hugged Xiao Ma in a circle with surprise on his face: “My wife, you have a baby?! I’m so happy!”

His joy could not be faked, and his ears were red with excitement.

Xiao Ma who was being hugged was already hesitant, reluctant to let this little life that had come unexpectedly leave. Seeing her husband so happy, the balance in her heart gradually tilted.

She always knew that her husband loved children because he had no relatives since he was a child. He was lonely, but he still cared about his career and ideals and agreed to the late pregnancy.

If he learns about the existence of this child, and she kills the child, he will be very sad. It will also create a gap between husband and wife.

Thinking about this, Xiao Ma said: “Yeah, I just haven’t had time to tell you and Dad. I originally wanted to tell you after the show was recorded.”

When the comment section was full of ‘Congratulations’, He Mitu said quietly again:

“But there is more than one newborn spirit body beside you.”

Xiao Li hurriedly asked: “Master, what does this mean? Is my wife pregnant with multiple births?”

He Mitu: “No, I said more than one, but I didn’t mean your wife’s stomach.”

He raised his finger and pointed in the direction of Xiao Ma’s belly, “Your wife has only one energy body in her belly, whether it’s male or female, it’s not yet in form. I can see it’s 2 months old, but it’s not multiple births.”

“When I said there was a spirit body, I meant that she was surrounded by a spirit body outside her body.”

In an instant, Xiao Ma only felt her scalp go numb, and her whole body felt chilly.

She couldn’t help but lean behind her husband: “Husband! I…”

Xiao Li’s face was also a little pale, but he still forced himself to look at He Mitu and asked, “Master, do you mean that there are ghosts around my wife? But she has always been kind and soft-hearted and has never had any enemies with anyone. How could she collide on something like this?”

“Who says that a spirit body must be a ghost? There are tens of thousands of creatures with spirits in the world, and humans and ghosts are just one of them.”

He Mitu chuckled lightly: “This spirit body feels ethereal to me, but what I’m sure of is that it doesn’t want to harm your wife, on the contrary, it is very helpful to your wife. In addition, it appears very special, it should have appeared 2 months ago. At that time, the embryo in your wife’s body also began to form a new life, it’s amazing, I haven’t seen such a situation before.”

After pondering for a moment, he said: “Let me guess, I tend to think that it should be your child, that is, your wife should be pregnant with twins. It appeared at the same time as the soul in your wife’s belly, but I don’t know what went wrong, there is only one embryo in your wife’s womb, so there will be one child born in the end.”

“It lost the chance to be born as an adult, but perhaps because it was unwilling to let go, it stayed by your wife’s side, but it has no evil intentions. Think about it for yourself, do all the strange things happen at home during these two months?”

After hearing He Mitu’s explanation, the husband and wife looked much better.

Thinking about it carefully, the time when the strange things around them happened was these last two months!

Thinking that the person beside her might be her child, the fear in Xiao Ma’s heart suddenly turned into distress.

But her husband’s brow was still furrowed: “If that’s the case, is it angry because we couldn’t let it be born?”

He Mitu glanced at him and said: “The reason why Mr. Li said that is because things with you aren’t going well.”

While Xiao Li looked at him in surprise, He Mitu continued:

“What makes me feel strange is that although this spirit body is gentle to your wife, and even secretly protecting her, its emotions towards you are distorted. Whenever you put your hand on your wife’s shoulder, or get close to her, its particularly dignified color will become gloomy.”

Xiao Ma was stunned and turned to look at her husband.

“Speaking of which, although I was a little scared in the past 2 months, I didn’t suffer any injuries, but you often fell and get in danger. One time, when we were shopping, a potted plant above the building fell directly and hit your shoulder……”

When asked if he could see something more specific, He Mitu shook his head and said:

“Everyone also knows that I am a mysterious master, I have more talent in sensing the power of evil. But with this spirit body, I can’t see whether it is purely evil or not, so I am sorry.”

At this time, the comment area of the live broadcast room also started conspiracy theory:

[Why does it protect the mother but hate the father? Is it because it cannot be born as Mr. Li said?]

[I guess it is the ex-lover of the wife in the previous life who stayed with the wife and rejected the husband.]

[If it’s not a ghost, it’s normal for the previous mystics to not be able to see it. The Eminent Monk and Xi Haihong has supernatural power and can communicate with ghosts. While Daisy has the strange power from the West.]

[But, until now, no one has seen what it is.

[Xiao He is already great! It’s much more powerful than many fans who blow up the shots to the sky and have so many god sticks.]

Host Liu said: “Next, I will invite the next player, Contestant No. #1, Xun Yiqing.”

After Xun Yiqing came on stage, he paused slightly when he saw Xiao Ma for the first time, and then said: “There is something beside you, but it’s not a ghost.”

[!!! It matches the answer of Contestant No. #9!]

He hesitated for a moment and asked: “I think you don’t have a spiritual sense, ma’am. You couldn’t sense these things. The spirit body around you should be some kind of… immortal spirit. Did your family invite it? “

Xiao Ma was startled and found that her husband was looking at her, and quickly shook her head and said:

“Impossible, I never touch things related to ghosts and spirits. I’ve heard of people inviting gods home, raising little ghosts, etc., but I would never get in touch with it myself, and my family members can’t do so.”

“My mother passed away when I was very young. She was sick at that time. My grandma was more inclined to believe that these talisman papers were burned by the psychic at home and fed to my mother. The illness was cured, but it not only delayed my mother’s illness but also made her worse…so my father is very, very opposed to these things. It can be said that he is a firm atheist, so it is even more impossible for him to invite these things.”

Xiao Li on the side also shook his head: “I didn’t invite it.”

Xun Yiqing frowned and said, “That’s strange. Generally, those who make offerings to the ‘immortal spirit’ are either from aristocratic families or immortals themselves. They can possess spirits and demons who have cultivated or manifested them. I have never heard of the ‘Immortal spirits’ that will go to a person on its own.”

“It must have something to do with you, Miss Ma, but it’s not malicious.”

This was also in line with what He Mitu said.

Xun Yiqing said: “Let me ask you, do you often receive some strange things, such as fruits, grains, or animal carcasses? Sometimes there is a feeling of being protected in the dark?”

Xiao Ma nodded again and again, and said: “Master, you are amazing! It’s been more than a month! When I wake up in the morning, I can always see some small animals on my bedside, or next to my bed. In the beginning, I was so shocked, I don’t know where they come from. I asked my husband, but he also doesn’t know.”

“I feed them and released them. As a result, when I woke up a few days later, a pile of dead animals appeared beside my bed. It’s no longer living things…”

There were mice, birds, rabbits… … even house pets!

As soon as Xiao Ma opened her eyes, she saw the bloody corpse torn apart and placed on her bedside. She almost fainted from fright.

Then they moved to another residence, but it was still the same the next day.

Only then did she feel that she was being entangled by something, and she was exhausted and frightened for a while.

Xiao Ma said: “But one time when I was crossing the road, I was a little tired because I stayed up late at work, and I didn’t pay attention to the car going against the road. The car was about to hit me, but I suddenly felt a gentle force supporting me. As soon as I was pushed from the side, the car rode past my back, but there was no one around me at the time.”

At that time, she guessed whether she was saved by some ghost, so she was not as afraid as before.

“Later, I installed a surveillance camera in the bedroom, and I finally captured something…”

Xiao Ma frowned and said: “The corpses of those small animals were brought to my bed by a group of snakes. According to the surveillance, every day at dawn, some snakes will crawl in from nowhere and leave those things beside me. Every time the snake is different in size, it must not be the same one.”

When watching the surveillance, she was scared to death.

The crawling snakes crawled up the bed, some were even thicker than her wrists, and their eyes flickered with the cold light in the surveillance, but none of them bit her.