June 26, 2023Ai Hrist

When they entered the state mansion and saw Si Yujing, the lord of the state who was already savage at the time, they wanted to lobby her and prevent her from sending troops to attack the surrounding nation;

But when they were young and fledgling, when they saw the person on the throne, they were all shocked by Si Yujing’s aura.

They were originally lobbyists, but in the end, they were silenced by Si Yujing.

The reason why this scene was said to be important was that seeing Si Yujing for the first time was the first time the protagonist group has been hit on a psychological journey, and it was also because of this they chose to grow.

The coercive aura described in the book was far from something that can be performed with a sullen face and staring eyes.

If the aura of ‘Si Yujing’ was not enough, then the so-called suppression of the protagonist group will become a joke.

It was not that Yang Qi has never seen the acting lines of ‘Gu Zhisang’. Director Liu has to teach a few words repeatedly, and the movements have to be a little bit tight. It was really hard for him to imagine such a segment that requires extremely high acting skills. Zhisang how to perform coherently.

The assistant was also a little surprised, and said: “I reckon Director Liu just wanted to practice in advance, you don’t have to be too serious, just let her play.”

Yang Qi thought so too.

Because the protagonists in the early stage were still from the grassroots, they were a little down and out, so a little modification of the makeup and hair was enough, and it didn’t take too much time.

He checked the words with Yu Tongqiu and other supporting characters, and Liu Jin said that at the beginning, they walked towards the ‘State Government’.

Surrounded by follow-up cameras, Yang Qi thought to himself while acting and speaking lines:

‘It turned out to be a shot to the end. Did Director Liu want to find a feeling?’

When the protagonist group walked into the hall and walked towards the throne in the middle, Yang Qi saw a touch of red above the throne from afar.

The woman was wearing a strong red dress with hollowed-out white feathers on her shoulders. The light and shadow contrast specially created by Liu Jin makes the contrast between the colors very strong.

Yang Qi murmured in his heart, no wonder Director Liu was an internationally renowned director, and the atmosphere of this picture was really strong when he looks at it suddenly.

At this time, he was still holding a three-point disapproval attitude, and cupped his hands towards “Su Yujing” above and read the lines:

“I have met the lord of the continent, I am from the Eastern Continent…”

Just as he was speaking, the person sitting on the throne heard the voice and slowly opened her eyes.

She moved her shoulders and neck, and the tassels on the side of her face swayed slightly. When she raised her head, her pair of icy phoenix eyes glanced at the young man and young lady below.

At this moment, the surrounding aura seemed to start to flow, perhaps because the pupils of the eyes were too deep and dark, Yang Qi even had a real sense of being stared at by a wild beast, an indescribable feeling went straight to the scalp from the bones.

Yang Qi’s expression lost control for a while, and he didn’t speak for a long time.

His fans have also edited many videos of his characters, saying that his acting skills were so good that he seems to have stepped out of a book.

At this moment, he felt this way.

In the book, Su Yujing, the graceful and superior who disturbed the thirteen continents, looked at them calmly and lazily, like an awakened lion, listening to their ridiculous and pale persuasion.

And this sense of oppression, if there was nothing else, came from Gu Zhisang, whom he looked down upon secretly!

The scene manager and the director on the side gestured frantically, Yang Qi suddenly came back to his senses, lowered his head, clasped his hands, and continued to speak his lines.

Although his superb acting skills and good reflexes allowed him to speak at a normal speed, only Yang Qi himself understood that he had just been suppressed.

No matter what the reason was, he, the movie king who has won three gold medals, almost failed in the process of playing with a rookie actress. This was a shameful thing to say!

The filming continued, but Yang Qi was a little absent-minded.

Liu Jin saw his problem and raised his hand to stop, then called him over.

When Yang Qi came over, he saw that the assistant director and others were playing the videotape of the shot just shot, and what was shown on the screen was a close-up shot with another camera directly facing Gu Zhisang.

From the moment she raised her head casually when she heard the voice, to the whole process of talking to the protagonist group, her ‘acting skills’ were extremely natural.

In the camera, Gu Zhisang’s facial features were enlarged, but it doesn’t lower the aesthetic feeling a bit, but the impact was stronger.

When her eyes were cold, there was a sense of oppression, and some small expressions, reactions, and tone of voice were even more natural as if she was born to be a superior person who commands a continent of land, so she should be so honorable and proud.

The more she looked at Yang Qi, the more frightened he became.

At this moment, Liu Jin said: “Yang Qi, what happened to you just now, the following dialogue scenes played out like that.”

Yang Qi had difficulty responding, but Liu Jin understood what he meant because he was also shocked.

He looked at Gu Zhisang through the screen but felt that she was a noble, with high-ranking acting skills. Who said she didn’t have acting skills? Don’t the previous directors know how to ask someone to teach?

Liu Jin said: “Yang Qi, you are an old actor. Why don’t you go back and think? Isn’t it normal to retake? The newcomers are making progress, we can’t lag.”

Yang Qi, who slowly came to his senses, was a little embarrassed. It was indeed he who got to a dead end.

At this time, his inner view of Gu Zhisang has been completely reversed.

Yang Qi felt that she could improve his acting skills so quickly in a short period, Gu Zhisang must have worked hard in seclusion this month to improve her acting skills.

What Yu Tongqiu said was indeed correct, Gu Zhisang was indeed not what was said on the Internet.

As an old actor in the industry, he has become complacent and slack because of some achievements in these years, and his mentality has become so impetuous. If this continues, he will be surpassed by newcomers!

Yang Qi said: “Director Liu, I didn’t catch the scene just now, why don’t I do it again? This time I promise to adjust to a good state.”

Liu Jin waved his hands and said with a smile: “You don’t need to retake that scene when you first saw it. Your most genuine surprise reaction is better than the performance. When the protagonist met Yu Jing for the first time, he should have this kind of reaction. Don’t worry, it’s not an exaggeration at all.”

“But the rest of the dialogue will have to be repeated.”

Soon Yang Qi re-entered the scene, and after several pauses and revisions, the filming of this very important scene was completed.

Gu Zhisang breathed a sigh of relief and still hasn’t found a place to sit down, she heard someone calling her.

She turned her head and saw the senior movie star in the crew, with a look of admiration and relief, and said to her: “Xiao Gu, you are good at acting. If only there are more young actors in the circle who are willing to endure hardships and work hard like you!”

Gu Zhisang: “…?”

Dong Ying, the yellow paper man who had re-attached her shoulders, also said: “Sang Sang, you performed very well in that scene just now, but in fact, your talent is very good!”

The system in her mind choked in laughter because only it knew that Gu Zhisang was not acting at all.

In her previous life, she was the Headmaster of the Taoist Sect, the rightful ruler;

A rare genius of metaphysics, who successfully crossed the catastrophe with one kick, the whole Taoist Sect has to respect her as the leader, and she played in her true colors.

In addition, she was a scholar who has stepped into the line of metaphysics, and her breath and surrounding aura were calmer and sharper than ordinary people. She usually keeps her power so as not to affect others.

When filming, she only needs to release a little bit, and the aura that was difficult to show with acting skills will be natural.

After filming a few more scenes, and after finishing all the makeup scenes, Liu Jin and the others discovered to their surprise that once Gu Zhisang entered the “sense of drama” as a superior person, she would easily get into her role, unlike other actors.

Her performance was impeccable for several consecutive scenes.

Gu Zhisang didn’t know about it, but Liu Jin and the director’s team had a big change in their impression of her, and they already classified her as a rookie genius.

Gu Zhisang cleaned the makeup on her face, and after changing back into her regular clothes, Liu Jin walked over with a smile and said:

“Sangsang, you worked hard today. Among all the actors I have directed, your efficiency is fast! This shows that you are talented.”

Gu Zhisang: “… …No, Director Liu you are overreacting.”

“I’m here to discuss with you the number of scenes to be filmed in the future. Su Yujing’s scenes are divided into time modules. It is most convenient to shoot a whole period of scenes at the same time.”