August 5, 2023Ai Hrist

After Gu Zhisang finished speaking, various new comments appeared in the live broadcast room.

Some wanted to interact with her to continue fortune-telling, and some wanted to ask her to watch the feng shui of the house. Some viewers who were originally lost due to the interruption of the “Twins” incident rose again after she returned to the live broadcast room.

Among so many comments, Gu Zhisang saw the one about ‘Jumping Mouse’ at a glance.

She moved closer to the screen, her delicate and fair face zoomed in front of the camera, and the audience at the other end of the camera could even see her slender, well-defined eyelashes, and the dark background of her pupils.

[I’m dizzy, Sangsang’s wife suddenly approached me so beautifully that I was confused.]

[Why are you taking screenshots in a daze!]

Gu Zhisang said: “Is ‘Jumping Mouse’ there? I saw your comment, can we communicate with each other?”

The reason she was able to see this request for help at a glance was because she saw a flash of ‘blood’ in this comment.

In the eyes of Taoist practitioners, everything in the world has an “aura”.

The underworld and ghosts have ‘Yin Enery’, the corpse of the dead has ‘Death Energy’, the animals and immortals who have cultivated into spirits have ‘Demon Energy’ around them, and the Path of Desperation has ‘Evil Energy’…

On the other hand, the aura of ordinary living people was pure white.

The language they speak, the words they write, and even the photos, she can see a trace of aura.

For example, at this moment, in the comment section of the live broadcast room, Gu Zhisang often see a few sporadic and gloomy bullet screens, which were incompatible with other comments, and the content was also strange.

But today’s ‘Jumping Mouse’ message was particularly strange.

A person’s comment was covered with thick blood’, which often means that he will have a bloody disaster and was a person who was about to die.

Jumping Mouse’s comments can be dyed a bit, which shows that she was in danger, and one foot has already stepped into the gate of hell.

Being able to meet Gu Zhisang at this critical juncture shows that the catastrophe in her life was still possible to resolve.

Although Gu Zhisang doesn’t like to meddle in the affairs of the world, she can’t let the living people die, so she let ‘Jumping Mouse’ connect to the microphone.

‘Jumping Mouse’ on the other end was just trying to post a comment because she was too restless today.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zhisang chose herself.

Besides the surprise, she was still a little nervous. After taking two deep breaths, she turned on the camera. Seeing her face appearing on the screen, she subconsciously lowered her head and tightly clenched the hem of her clothes.

“I can connect.” Jumping Mouse stammered: “Sang, Sangsang… Hello everyone!”

The audience also saw the girl’s nervousness and commented one after another to tell her not to be nervous.

Gu Zhisang, who saw the girl’s face, also frowned.

She could see that Jumping Mouse’s face was almost covered with ‘blood energy’, which meant that according to the original trajectory and fate, her life span was at most one hour before she would die unexpectedly.

When the other party turned on the live broadcast, the pervasive red cloud faded a bit, allowing her to see the girl’s original face;

But it only faded, not dispersed.

She will still die on this day!

Gu Zhisang asked warmly: “I saw you said that you encountered some strange things, is it supernatural?”

“Yes…” The girl didn’t know what to think, and her expression was nervous and terrified. “During this time, I seem to have provoked something, that kind of thing!”

She hasn’t been able to sleep well during this period, and she has been in a bad mood. Coupled with the fact that millions of people were behind the camera, she can hardly speak, and her face turns red.

Gu Zhisang said: “It’s okay, don’t be nervous. I’ll read your face and then make a divination to help you see your problems.”

Jumping Mouse’ blushed, and smiled at Gu Zhisang, a pair of dimples appeared on her cheeks:


Due to the influence of ‘blood energy’, the girl’s face was also indistinct, so Gu Zhisang took out the ancient coins.

After a few minutes, she spoke slowly and said:

“You were born in the city where you live, and your family is a very ordinary family of three. You never left your hometown since you were born and grow into an adult. You are 25 years old and have just graduated.”

“Judging from your numerology, you didn’t have any ups and downs in the past 25 years, but you seem to be not very satisfied with your life experience and yourself. This emotion has affected your personality and made you a little introverted. But at the same time, you are also a very gentle and kind girl. The friends who get along with you have a good impression of you.”

“Some time ago it was considered a turning point in your career, but the result was not satisfactory, so your career line is not clear, indicating that you are still confused about your future.”

“During this period, you are working part-time and doing some public welfare. This is very good, and it can accumulate good deeds.”

Jumping Mouse’ was embarrassed by Gu Zhisang’s praise, the tension in her heart faded a lot, she nodded and said:

“Sangsang you’re very accurate. Indeed, there are no twists and turns in my life, but it is boring and ordinary.” Jumping Mouse smiled wryly, and added:

“Since I was a child, I have always been a transparent person in my class, a nerd, the kind of child with mediocre grades and no outstanding personality and appearance. The teacher’s comments on me are always quiet. I don’t know any musical instruments. I have no talent. Sometimes I feel like I’m here just to make up the number in this world.”

In all fairness, the appearance of ‘Jumping Mouse’ was indeed not as beautiful as conventionally thought.

Her cheeks were a bit round, and her facial features were not too outstanding, but there was a feeling that makes people feel very comfortable and wants to get close;

Especially when she smiles, she has a pair of dimples.

She envies those bright girls and feels inferior because of it.

Jumping Mouse continued: “After graduation, I stayed in the local area and wanted to take the public examination, but I failed… During this time, I worked part-time in milk tea shops and fast food restaurants. When I was free, I went to the community to help out, and came to take care of the left-behind elderly.”

Hearing the girl strongly say that she has no advantages, many viewers in the live broadcast room began to praise her, telling her not to have such an inferiority complex.

Seeing that Jumping Mouse gradually relaxed, Gu Zhisang continued:

“About a week ago, you started to have insomnia, nightmares, restlessness, etc., especially in the past 2 or 3 days. I can feel that your spirit is too tense. You are troubled by something, and you feel very scared. “

The girl’s face froze, and she nodded for a while.

Gu Zhisang said: “In addition, you should have a kitten at home, and you have an animal relationship in your life. But it has been injured during this period, which makes you very worried. Do you think its injury is related to this something?”

Speaking of pets, Jumping Mouse gritted her teeth and nodded, then said:

“That’s right, I have a short-legged cat named Booboo, I suspect there is something dirty in the house, and it’s because of this that something happened to it…”

According to the girl, Booboo was originally very obedient and cute, and he seldom yelled at home.

A week ago, she found that Booboo often blew his hair when she was at home, and sometimes hid on the balcony, screamed under the bed, and resisted her comfort.

At first, Jumping Mouse thought there were mice and bugs in the house, but after cleaning it several times, nothing was found.

Booboo’s condition didn’t get better but worsened. Sometimes she would squat at her bedside at night, screaming sharply into the living room, which made her feel terrified and panicked.

After two days, Booboo didn’t eat much, and his energy was not very good.

Jumping Mouse took it to the pet hospital, the veterinarian said it was a stress response, and asked her if she had done anything aggressive to the cat, or brought it to meet stranger wild cats;

But she didn’t do any of these.

If it was just like this, Jumping Mouse won’t feel that there are ghosts in the house.

The reason why she started to panic was that occasionally at night, she would hear some slight movements in the living room, kitchen, or even the bedroom.

But whenever she dared to look outside, she found nothing.

Later, she found that her belongings, toothbrush, and even Booboo’s cat litter, would move.

She had determined the position of the things before going out to work, or before going to bed, but when she got home, she would find that those things had moved slightly after waking up.

This situation lasted for a few days, let alone the cat, even Jumping Mouse was going crazy.

She checked a lot of information on the Internet and asked several neighbors nearby, only to hear that when she was in school a few years ago, a stressed student in the next building committed suicide by jumping off the building after arguing with her parents.

Many netizens said that cats and dogs were psychic animals, and can see things that human eyes cannot see.

Jumping Mouse wondered if there was something unspeakable in the house, so Booboo Boo was terrified when he saw it.

Jumping Mouse tremblingly said: “I… I really can’t stand it anymore. The day before yesterday I received a call at the place where I was working, and the owner downstairs told me that Booboo fell from the window of the house, but my windows have been sealed long ago. The only window that is not sealed is in the kitchen, but the bolts there are usually locked, I never opened them.”

She took the cat to the veterinary hospital, and the doctor said the cat’s hind leg was broken.

After the treatment, she still dare not take Booboo at home.

“If I didn’t have this phone call today, I would pack up and go home in the afternoon.”

Jumping Mouse said: “My parents have returned to their hometown because the elders at home have serious illnesses. At present, I live in this house alone, but I really can’t live here anymore. I’m afraid I will go crazy if I continue to live here. So I talked to them yesterday. I said that I plan to send Booboo to the veterinary hospital to recuperate, and I will go back to the countryside for a few days.”

“Sangsang, I, what’s going on in my house? I didn’t provoke anything.”

Gu Zhisang suppressed the coldness in her eyes and said:

“Don’t panic, you did provoke some things in the underworld, but you can send them away.”