August 8, 2023Ai Hrist

Inside were the corpses of snakes and insects soaked in the liquid, and the live lizards and spiders that were bred, which could make people shudder while looking.

His kitchen displays some extra-sharp knives and saws, a variety that was chilling to see.

Jumping Mouse finally realized that she was walking around the edge of death.

If there were not so many policemen around her, and she was still connected to millions of netizens online, she might have collapsed and cried aloud.

The police also saw many pictures of Jumping Mouse on the wall of the dwarf middle-aged man’s bedroom. Some were taken at home, and some were secretly taken when he was doing volunteer work in the community;

There were also candid videos on the computer at home.

After seeing this person’s handwriting, Gu Zhisang deduced more detailed information about him and also found that he had already escaped.

In the beginning, he wasn’t suspicious. He was quite nervous when he heard “Jumping Mouse” and some anchor said that there was a “ghost” at home.

After hearing Gu Zhisang say that the reason why the things in the house moved was that he bumped into a ghost, the middle-aged dwarf relaxed and felt contemptuous.

He felt that Gu Zhisang was a charlatan, and after hearing that she asked Jumping Mouse to directly cancel the return ticket to her hometown, he was relieved and let her go out.

But because “Jumping Mouse” was gone for a long time, he began to doubt;

Then he saw the police coming from the gate of the community from a distance from the window and ran away.

At this point, the only thing left to do was to capture the escaped dwarf and give Jumping Mouse justice.

Jumping Mouse thanked Gu Zhisang, then closed the live broadcast.

At this time, it was almost noon, Gu Zhisang looked at the Feng Shui and decorations to a few netizens who wanted to see the yin and yang in their houses, and then the interactive live broadcast in the morning came to an end.

She didn’t see it until she got the phone, the morning show was on several hot searches again.

Among them, the matter of ‘jumping mouse’ directly jumped to the top of the hot search.

Some people questioned the authenticity of the program, suspecting that it was a script, otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that during Gu Zhisang’s live broadcast, the suspect was under the girl’s bed?

But the police appeared throughout the whole process, and most of the netizens still sensibly backed out.

Zheng Ruyu sent her the results of the follow-up of the incident.

Because the surrounding area was under surveillance, the dwarf was caught before he ran very far.

According to the local police investigation, the identity and name he used when he lived in this community were false.

This person was already forty-seven years old. As Gu Zhisang calculated, he was imprisoned for intentional homicide when he was nineteen years old. After reformation and several commutations, he just got out of prison last year.

What he killed was a young woman from the same village.

The woman’s family used to be old friends with his family. When he was a child before he was diagnosed with dwarfism, the two families had an arranged marriage.

Later, when he was a teenager, he was much shorter than his peers. After going to the hospital for an examination, he found out that he had problems with hormones and genes, and he would never grow too tall in this life.

This arranged marriage ended in vain.

He was bullied in the village because of his short stature since he was a child. He felt inferior and world-weary. After his marriage was dismissed, he felt that the family looked down on him, and disliked him for being sick, so hated that girl.

Later, the girl had a boyfriend and was brutally killed by him when she was talking about marriage, and he was imprisoned for this.

After he was released from prison, he was darker than when he was young. But because of this, he learned to disguise himself and lived in a community with simple and kind people.

The reason why he focused on Jumping Mouse was that she helped him in the elevator and smiled kindly at him.

He thought this girl was very kind, and since then, he often peeped at Jumping Mouse.

In addition, she doesn’t discriminate against him but often helps him, which made him think that the other party likes him and was interested in him.

He knew that their family put a spare key under the rug, and secretly made one for himself. It wasn’t until last month that the elders of the “Jumping Mouse” family returned to their hometown, so he found an opportunity.

Relying on his short stature, he often curls up in unexpected places, such as in the cupboard, in the boxes, under the bed… He also deliberately made noise and watched her psychologically collapse, feeling very proud.

The cat named Booboo was often stressed because he found his existence. He thought the cat was in the way, so he threw it outside from the window.

When Jumping Mouse was so frightened that she wanted to go back to her hometown for refuge, he heard the voice of the girl’s mother in the loud voice:

“It’s good for you to come back and live for a while. You are 25 now, and you haven’t even had a boyfriend. When you come back, I can arrange a few young men for you to try on a blind date.’

Hearing the word ‘blind date’, he was furious.

He has long regarded Jumping Mouse as his possession. Then he remembered the girl who canceled their arranged marriage more than 20 years ago and thought of the humiliation and strange eyes of outsiders because of his height.

He felt that Jumping Mouse was also impure, so he wanted to kill Jumping Mouse just like that girl.

After hearing the dwarf’s motive for committing the crime, Gu Zhisang was speechless.

“He must be sick.”

Zheng Ruyu sighed and said: “This person is indeed mentally ill. After this incident, the higher authorities feel that he is still a dangerous person and should not be released. He should be re-evaluated. If there is no accident, he would be imprisoned again, but there is no chance to come out.”

“That girl suffered an indiscriminate disaster, and she might leave some psychological shadow after being frightened like this.”

“It’s lighter.” Gu Zhisang said.

For such a scum, a lifetime of torture is still light.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Zhisang began to deduce the identity information of the woman killed by this dwarf man more than 20 years ago.

If the girl has not been reincarnated, she intends to open a convenient passage for the other party, so that it can enter the dwarf’s every night before reincarnation, and seek revenge on the dwarf in the dream.

While she was deducing in the lounge, a dark ghost door appeared out of thin air in the room, and a gloomy atmosphere permeated the room.

Gu Zhisang: “???”

She turned her head to look, and saw a man dressed in black and wearing an official hat, swaggering along with a group of livid-faced ghosts, it was the black impermanence, Fan Wujiu.

She stood up and bowed to Fan Wujiu: “I don’t know why the Yin Lord took the time to visit?”

Fan Wujiu was foolish and said:

“You are quite capable as a mysterious master. During this period, you have caught a lot of evil spirits. Those old things in the Palace of Hell are still very satisfied.”

Looking at Gu Zhisang’s dark pupils, the white and fat young man coughed: “It’s just sometimes, don’t meddle in other people’s business. You took advantage of a loophole in the rules today, if you entangle with it, you will violate the law.”

Fan Wujiu was talking about Jumping Mouse.

If it wasn’t for Gu Zhisang, that girl would already be dead by now.

But now the girl’s lifeline has changed, and the book of Life and Death in the Underworld has also changed.

Her lifespan has been extended a lot.

However, Gu Zhisang was just a fortune-telling, and the follow-up investigation and arrest were all the official interventions of the outside world, so the power of the rules did not let her be infected with this karma.

Before Gu Zhisang replied, Fan Wujiu snorted softly and dragged a bunch of evil spirits that had been strangled in their neck into the gate of hell.

Until the gate of hell disappeared, Gu Zhisang was at a loss.

The underworld servants were so idle and… … kind?


After more than two hours of rest, the time came to 2:30 pm.

The group competition in the second half of the fifth episode officially started.