Chapter 112: You're Not Ready Yet (2)

Chapter 112: You're Not Ready Yet (2)

At that moment, on a bustling street on Sejong Island.



Grotesque laughter and screams painted the busy street in chaos.

“Oh, I like it! Oh, I’m excited!”

The grotesque laughter, as if enjoying the screams of the people, became more bizarre as the fear and horror intensified.


This bizarre entity, gradually losing human speech, had already morphed beyond human appearance. About half still seemed human, but the rest was gradually changing, resembling a reptile.

What should I call this thing?

A frog? A toad? What would it feel like if a human were vertically split, with one side remaining human and the other transformed into a frog?

It would certainly be more bizarre than one side being female and the other male and it would be even more repulsive if its actions were abnormal.



A woman screamed. A woman in her late twenties, without any special abilities, had her waist wrapped around by the tongue spat out by the Half-Toad monster.


With its mouth wide open, the Half-Toad tightened its grip around the woman’s waist with a disgusting grin. The woman expressed an indescribable disgust at the shocking touch on her abdomen. Still, her disgust couldn’t overcome the physical strength of the monster.


With no options left, she resisted vehemently, calling out for someone who could save her until her lover could rise to rescue her.

“Get up, darling! Please!”


Beneath the frog legs of the Half-Toad, a man continued to struggle, pinned down under the frog’s foot.

“You beast...!”


The Half-Toad stomped hard on the man’s back.


A huge tremor resonated through the ground, and the man spat out blood. The sudden trampling caused enormous shock, and the man’s eyes began to lose their light.


No one could step forward carelessly. The crowd, each holding smartphones and Taeguk Watches, were live broadcasting the situation but could not step forward.

And for a reason, the one suffering beneath the monster was an ‘A-Class’ hero, ‘Fire Knuckle’.


“Hehehe! No one can touch me! Ho, how dare they date in front of me!”

The rampaging Half-Toad, furious that a hero and a civilian were dating, was an ‘S-Class demon’, and no one dared to confront it.

Stepping forward would mean either ending up like the woman or being covered in mucus shot by the frog’s hand, similar to a translucent compressed bullet.

“Damn it... Why is something that looks like that so strong?!”

“S-Class! We need an S-Class!”

“No, we need to save Fire Knuckle first! Isn’t there any A-Class?!”

They had to buy time until an S-Class arrived. There was definitely an S-Class in Sejong Island.

“Where is Snow White?!”

“She’s on a business trip in Busan!”

“Ah, damn it! Then what about other S-Classes?!”

“Would that guy bother with such matters!”

But even if there were S-Classes, there was no one who could be here immediately. If there were, they would have appeared by now or at least arrived.

“Hehehe, no one can flirt in front of me...! Hehehe, these naughty ones...! Oh! Ho, how dare they date ignoring me?!”

The Half-Toad covered its human face with its transformed hand—or leg?

“I, I am A-Class but never dated!!”

Everyone thought internally upon hearing the Half-Toad’s outcry. That was because the reason was none other than the part Half-Toad was covering herself.

An A-Class superhuman.

In other countries, they could be considered of national importance and everyone’s envy. However, there were occasionally very exceptional cases.

The Half-Toad was one of them.

“I, I will also do it! Why only you, you guys! Kyaaahaahaa!!”

“This, this brat...!”

Fire Knuckle, who was being stepped on, attempted to lift his body by punching the ground. By causing an explosion underneath him, he tried to free himself from the monster through the recoil of the explosion.

“No way!”

“He, Hehehe...! How can you, after being hit by me, say such things-”


As the Golden Priestess threw the red rope in her hand, the rope extended and swiftly coiled around the monster from head to toe.



The Golden Priestess, after wrapping her hand with the rope, emitted a red aura once, glanced around, and lifted her head upwards.

[Let’s go to a more secluded place to deal with this. This is downtown, after all...!]

She jumped high.

She left the place, stepping in the air with shoes like high heels, and the S-Class monster, tied in the rope, was caught without any resistance and had to vanish.

“Ah, how can...! Handling an S-Class villain like it was a child...!”

“Insane. How strong is that woman? No, who is she?!”


A man shooting with a smartphone cursed.

“The damned Zettai Ryouiki!”

“...Really, thinking about that at this time?”

“She flew in the sky wearing a skirt, won’t you confirm it?!”

“Ah, well, yes, but...”

“So, who is that woman?”

Nobody knew.

Her identity.

“...Shall we call her the Golden Priestess?”

She disappeared, abducting the S-Class demon into the sky without introducing herself.

“Follow, follow her!!”

Now that someone who could suppress an S-Class demon has appeared...

From now on,

“The new S-Class, no, maybe S+ Class!”

It was a scoop competition.

Far away from the downtown area,

The Golden Priestess brought the frog demon to a clear space in the middle of the forest, where it would take at least 5 minutes for people to catch up.


[What should I do?]

I revealed myself, maintaining a reasonable distance behind her, using manifestation.

[Listen carefully. Hero.]

I pointed to the unconscious demon with my chin.

[Villains don’t consider the circumstances of heroes. Heroes have to step forward in any unfair situation and accept the injustice. What will you do? Will you kill or save him? If you decide to kill.]

I drew out my Goblin Bat and pointed it downwards, placing the tip on the ground.

[I will assist you. What will you do? Solar Platina.]

[I won’t save him.]

Solar Platina firmly shook her head and enveloped her hand with golden magic.

[I won’t kill him either. What I can do right now is only one thing.]


[To incapacitate this man and bring him to the judgment stand.]

As Solar Platina stretched her hand downward, golden light emanating from her hand engulfed the demon.

[No matter what the circumstances of a villain are, a demon who can be turned back into a human should be turned and then judged. That’s my belief.]


The golden light flashed like sunlight, and the frog demon gradually regained his human form.


Solar Platina placed a golden cloth made of magic on the man’s face and turned her body towards me.

[Are you going to kill him?]



I pointed to the bike beside me.

[Villains have their own circumstances too.]