Chapter 134: Do Ji-hwan's Ambitious Project (11)

Chapter 134: Do Ji-hwan's Ambitious Project (11)

Heroes needed personal time for themselves.

But the world always wanted them to be heroes, not individuals.

That was the duty of an ability user!

Born with the blessing of abilities, they had a mission to dedicate themselves for the majority.

But ability users were humans, not machines.

Even if they seemed to operate like machines, they needed rest just like any person.

This was where the dilemma arose.

How much rest did ability users need?

If an incident occurred while they were resting, should they immediately respond?

-Hey, if you’re an ability user, shouldn’t you stop even if you’re in the middle of pooping, wipe quickly, and rush out?

Some people said this to an extreme extent.

While an ability user was watching TV at home, a villain killed an innocent citizen.

Some went around saying this.

It was true.

It was an absurd force.

However, ability users were still a minority in this world, and those with more life experience than them had already established themselves in society’s key roles. The world had been shaping ability users into heroes from the moment they were born.

Therefore, an ability user must always step up in situations where others could not if they were capable.

[Ability User Safety Law Article 131 (2003.04.28. 2461V-2PGCP1A)]

[Failure to respond to disturbances caused by villains or demons, despite being aware, can result in imprisonment for over 5 years or a fine exceeding 1 billion won.]

That was a ‘law’ defined in this world.

Since the law was established by the majority who already had voting rights, and the number of ability users who could vote was limited, they could not resist this unreasonable law.

Too harsh?

Yes, it was.

From an ability user’s perspective, it was a ridiculous law. However, it was made when they were still learning the Korean alphabet in kindergarten.

In this era, especially after 2020, as ability users began to enter society as adults, some laws were amended to be more realistic, sensible, and considerate of their rights.

But the overall social expectation was still for ability users to take action.

However, ability users did not always act.

Everyone said to punish those who didn’t act, but what if that led to them becoming ‘fallen perpetrators’?

What if they became targets of hate crimes by ability users?

No one dared to say this openly, so they grumbled behind the scenes.

“Legally, it’s illegal for ability users not to respond to every incident, but in reality, everyone just turns a blind eye.”

I pointed to Yumir on my right and Baek Seol-hee on my left, indicating people in the TV video.

“Before the Golden Priestess Solar Platina stepped in, there were many people on Ulleungdo who could suppress a Class B demon. But let’s exclude Seol-hee.”

Baek Seol-hee nodded slightly.

“It may sound hypocritical, but officially, Seol-hee isn’t on Ulleungdo. She’s spending a day off on Sejong Island, officially approved by the government and the association, so she’s not legally obligated to act.”

“...Well, intelligence agencies around the world are digging into Golden Priestess, so be careful. After demons Lilith, Ermina Sternfert, and Half-toad, now the female demon, uh...”


“Right. Thank you, Seol-hee. Sirmila, the official name. Already involved in four demon cases, and purified three. During the demon Lilith case...”

“The Goblin stepped in and killed the demon.”

Baek Seol-hee shook her head in displeasure.

Yumir sipped her honey-laden hot milk, and I nodded heavily in response to Baek Seol-hee’s words.

“Yumir. Be careful of the Goblin. The government suspects you might be collaborating with the Goblin.”

“Collaborating? Me? With the Goblin? On what basis?”

Yumir laughed in disbelief.

Her laugh seemed to say, ’As if I-

“Are you saying I collaborate with garbage like the Goblin?”

“That’s good then. Have you ever talked to him?”

“Yes. He’s so arrogant, and it’s so annoying. If I meet him, I really want to punch him in the solar plexus. Speaking of which, Seol-hee, you punched the Goblin in Gangwon-do, right?”

“It felt a bit satisfying, even if the Goblin took it.”

It was a conversation about the Goblin.

One was completely unaware, and the other didn’t show any signs of smiling or anything while dissing the Goblin.

“The Goblin must be ugly, right? Maybe his face is really messed up.”

“That’s... probably not the case.”

“What? Seol-hee?”

“The Goblin is good-looking.”

“...Have you seen his face?”

I felt a bit nervous.

“Really, have you seen the Goblin’s face?”

“Oh my, really...?”

“No! Just that, a guess. Like, you can kind of tell what someone’s like just by hearing their voice...?”

Baek Seol-hee twirled her hair with her fingers and mumbled.

“He must be handsome. That’s why he acts so freely with women. Of course....”

Baek Seol-hee placed her hand on my shoulder and grinned.

“In my opinion, Ji-hwan, even with a mask, is much more handsome than a Goblin like that.”

“...... I’m flattered by your compliment. Thank you, Seol-hee.”

I locked eyes with Baek Seol-hee.

To the side.

Yumir maintained a poker face while sipping her hot milk.

But I saw it.

Yumir’s eyes were trembling as if convulsing.