Chapter 191: Ability Maker (1)

Chapter 191: Ability Maker (1)

If theres a significant difference between humans and beasts, it would undoubtedly be cited as intelligence and will.

Humans possessed intelligence.

Through knowledge, one can realize what is necessary to fulfill their desires.

Humans possessed will.

In doing anything, with a strong will, one aspired to surely accomplish it.

However, having intelligence or will didnt mean one could awaken abilities.

If merely thinking could awaken abilities, then people older than 25 would have awakened theirs.

Some might have awakened their abilities to ensure children dont get hurt.

But thats an absurd thought.

Thats why no one believed it.

The idea that Zenros, who were once demons turned humans, could regain their abilities was considered impossible.

Why was it thought to be impossible?

Because not a single one of the Zenros had ever succeeded.

The same went for those trapped on Sejong Island, and even Ermina Sternfert, presumed to be the first Zenros discovered in Korea, couldnt regain her abilities.

Could it be that they lacked the will to regain their abilities? Or was it simply impossible?

There likely wasnt a way to regain abilities after becoming a demon.

If it were possible to regain abilities solely through will, everyone would spare no effort to cultivate a strong will.



It were possible to regain abilities through the power of will alone.Read latest chapters at Only

Then wouldnt non-ability users also be able to obtain abilities?

With this thought, everyone awaited May 3rd.



In the middle, a fairly large lake spreads out, with many people forming a circle, waiting for the time to come.

Yes, this is reporter Ju on-site. I am currently at Baekrokdam of Hallasan, where the Sephiroth Knights are promised to appear. The wind is cool at the moment, and no flying objects heading towards Hallasan are observed.

The reporter, dressed in a suit, eagerly spoke into the microphone in front of the camera.

Currently, there are no fewer than four S-class heroes on standby here: Tushin, Noeje, Armored Taejo, and Baridegi. Including S-class ability users, and counting heroes below A-class, there are a total of 20 heroes guarding the site.

She stood in a safe area where filming was possible and pointed to where the heroes were positioned.

We missed it last time, but this time, were eager to see if we can catch the member of the Sephirot Knights who calls himself The Dark Charisma. Now, the time is 11:58, just about 2 minutes before the promised noon.


The time when The Dark Charisma has promised to send someone to Baekrokdam was drawing near.

Yes. If the abducted individuals do not return, the Korean government and the Hero Association plan to designate The Dark Charisma as an S-class villain and the Sephirot Knights as a villain organization. They also plan to intensify the search operations through international cooperation Ah!

The reporter quickly turned her head.

Just as I was speaking, something started to sparkle in the middle of Baekrokdams lake!


Something circular and shining in three colors appeared in the center of Baekrokdam lake.

The three colors, red, green, and gold, seemed to mix, dividing the circle into three equal parts before beginning to spin, and soon something emerged from within.

Thats a person! Those people are?! The people from the Hero Association who were abducted!!

From the opened circle in the sky, individuals jumped down one by one.

They were not in uniforms but dressed in black suits, looking as if they had just attended a wedding.

Those in black suits are Yes! According to the investigation, the first man to emerge is Hong Chang-sik, an agent of the Hero Association who went missing. Everyone has come out! Not a single one is missing!


The agents landed on the surface of Baekrokdam lake.

From E-class to B-class, the sight of them all floating on the water, gently emitting magic power beneath their feet, was astonishing to everyone watching from the sidelines.

Ah! Is that water-walking?! How can they all rise above the water with such a special ability?!

The reporter, tasked with conveying the situation on-site, unwittingly posed this question to the viewers beyond the camera.

However, her question resonated with everyone watching.

What exactly happened?

Park Eun-jungs expression hardened in an instant.

As if she hated to even remember, she swallowed hard and answered with trembling eyes.

We received mental training.

Excuse me?

We realized what justice is, what goodness is, and what truth is.


All that was left was a hollow laugh.

I report that Park Eun-jung and other agents of the Hero Association have deepened their abilities, and although the ability losers are of E-class level, they have developed different abilities but can now use magic power.


We have returned. Stronger than before.

How exactly?

How is not important. Whats more important is.

Park Eun-jung uttered just one phrase.

That we have clearly realized what actions we must take for justice. To subdue all demons and guide them to become heroes. That is our fate and mission given to us.

You seem very serious about it.

Because we learned about justice. The ally of justice, from The Dark Charisma.




Park Eun-jung and the agents adopted a strange pose.

Like holding a card in hand, they brought their index and middle fingers together and flipped them over the opposite shoulder, all mimicking the action identically.


It was.

Perhaps a scene of mass indoctrination.


All those abducted had returned.


Justice, huh.

Teachers speech, for a recorded video, feels very realistic. Is it because hes just rambling on his own?

A speech isnt a conversation with someone else; its about me talking to myself.

I watched the video of those rescued from Baekrokdam on TV with Yumir.

The Zenros must be envious. Being Zenros but having their abilities revived.

Its fascinating. How can someone grant abilities to another person?

Thats the power of the society.

The abilities of the Zenros havent been revived.

People will think theyve awakened new abilities, not that someone implanted them.

They were given just a very slight amount of magic power along with new abilities.

The executives of Yi Maengmangnyang can awaken ordinary people as ability users. If you steal abilities from demons, our society can grant abilities to others. Of course, theres a limit. Its not for the executives to give.

A divine power that only Yi Maengmangnyang, and no one else, could wield.

Only one person in Yi Maengmangnyang possessed this godlike power.

The executives were merely given a fraction of that power; all power originated from one person.

It could be called a divine blessing.

The age of abilities.

If there existed someone who could give abilities to humanity instead of bread and wine, that being must undoubtedly be a god.

The Chief is a god.

This god referred to herself as the Chief.