Chapter 86: Award Ceremony (2)

Chapter 86: Award Ceremony (2)

Medal Award Ceremony.

There was no explicit reason for Dale to refuse, nor did he have a choice in the matter. When summoned by the Emperor, attendance was mandatory.

Perhaps because Dale was their main reason for coming here, the members of the Imperial Knight Order departed swiftly.

Their synchronized strides left a strong impression as if they moved as one.

With the knights gone, the librarys occupants began to murmur among themselves.

The librarian standing nearby scratched his head in bewilderment.

Phew. I thought they came for the old scribe again.

Have they taken him before?

There was an incident involving some rather harsh words about His Majesty in a history book.

Dale recalled the sporadic records.

That meticulous old man had often used the term bastards with swords quite liberally.

Hes already had a tough time with the knights once before.

The librarian sighed and spoke up.

Hmm. Congratulations. Not just anyone receives a medal. Im envious.

Dale observed the librarians half-hearted expression and remarked,

That doesnt quite seem like the face of envy.

Well, yes. The thing is, the medal ceremony is like a social gathering with all the nobles present. A commoner attending such an event wouldnt exactly be welcomed with open arms. And to receive a medal on top of that? Oh, theyd make life unbearable, wouldnt they? Ah, receiving a medal makes you a baronet now, doesnt it? So, does that make you a noble as well?

The librarian shook his head in disapproval.

He didnt seem to have a very high opinion of nobles.

After glancing at the imperial edict, Dale said to the librarian,

I should be going. Please tell Andrei Ill come back for my cape later.

Either way, hell be too engrossed in his work to chat.

Dale left the library and quickly made his way back to District 7.

A medal award ceremony, huh?

He knew about it thanks to Garlands tip-off, but he hadnt expected things to move this quickly.

Dale headed to the mercenaries guild to find Garland. When he opened the door to the office, Garland stood up from his seat.

I was just looking for you, Sir Dale. Have you heard the news?

Dale showed him the imperial edict.

The ceremony is set for next week.

Is there anything I need to prepare? Like clothing?

You should be fine. The ceremony might feel a lot like a social event for nobles, but knights typically wear armor, so thats the norm.

What about etiquette? Surely there are protocols for interacting with the Emperor.

Garland burst out laughing.

His Majesty the Emperor is unlikely to personally bestow the medal. He tends to keep a low profile at public events. And Sir Dale, you neednt worry about etiquette.New n0vel chapters are published on

Why is that?

Because no one will expect it of you.

Garland gestured towards Dales clothing.

The imposing, pitch-black armor.

Who would expect polite courtesy from a heretic knight who was the object of fear and scorn?

Just act within the bounds of common sense.

Common sense, right? I understand.

When Dale muttered this to himself, Garland seemed to belatedly feel uneasy.

He quickly added,

Just avoid causing any trouble. If theres an incident at a gathering with the nobles, it becomes quite the headache. Besides, since you, Sir Dale, are currently affiliated with the mercenary guild, any issues could reflect poorly on me.

Dale gave a short answer to that.

Dont worry. As long as they dont provoke me, Ill keep to myself.

. And if they do provoke you?

Well cross that bridge when we come to it.

Garland responded,

Hmm. Try to endure it if at all possible. Nobles can be quite troublesome if they set their minds to it.

Ill bear that in mind.

Dale answered without a hint of hesitation, but Garland looked at him with a somewhat anxious expression.


The day of the award ceremony arrived.

Upon hearing that a carriage would be sent for him, Dale waited quietly at the inn.

He was calm. To be honest, he was indifferent to receiving a medal or not.

It was the others who were excited.

Kayla was fidgety, and Harkin sipped his beer with an expression full of envy.

Elena spoke nervously.

Do not forget your status as the leader of the Blue Lion Knights, and always conduct yourself with dignity and grace.

I dont recall accepting such a position.

Its a social event, isnt it? Now I understand the librarians lack of enthusiasm.

Engaging in conversation and building connections here could undoubtedly prove beneficial in the future.

But Dale did not partake in such things.

He had little fondness for nobles and doubted any attempt at socializing would bear fruit anyway.

Moreover, upon entering the mansion, the hostility directed at Dale intensified.

Especially the knights and nobles wearing swords sent envious glares his way.

The reason wasnt hard to deduce.

Knights of the upper districts, or those aspiring to be, were obsessed with accumulating fame and achievements.

Even Kristen had been fixated on dueling Dale for this very reason.

Now, here was a heretic knight who had not only defeated Kristen in a duel but also earned the honor of slaying a demon.

It was only natural to be envious.

But it wasnt just the jealous knights. Among them were those clever enough to see an opportunity in the situation.

One of the scions of a knightly family, clad in chainmail armor, made his way towards Dale.

And then he pretended it was a mere coincidence and slyly extended his leg in front of Dale.

The reason for this was simple.

If I can trip this fellow, he wont just stand by. If I draw my sword then and manage to beat up this undead the honor will be mine.

The plan was to provoke a fight intentionally and then take the opponent down.

In doing so, all the fame Dale had built would be transferred to him.

Though it was a plan too petty and dishonorable for someone of high birth, high status did not necessarily equate to high character.

With a contemptible smirk, the young knight went beyond just tripping; he outright aimed a kick at Dales shin.

But Dale already read the movement.

He brought his knees together and applied a precise force.


The knights iron boot collided with Dales knee. But surprisingly, it was the young knight who lost his balance due to the force.


Caught off guard by the counter, the young knight ended up falling on his butt.

The loud clash of armor against the marble floor brought a moment of silence to the mansion.

All eyes turned towards them in unison.

Dale extended his hand to the young knight who had fallen on his butt.

I think it would be a good idea to train your lower body. How can you even swing a sword properly if you fall so easily?

Dales calm voice resonated in the silence.

It was a joke tinged with a hint of mockery from Dale. Dales jokes were usually not well received, but this time, his intention was conveyed accurately.

The young knights face turned a bright red with shame and rage.

To be humiliated in front of such a crowd, and nobles at that was unbearable for him.

With a burst of anger, the knight lunged forward with a fist.

How dare you, a mere undead!

Dale read the trajectory of the punch and extended his palm before catching the fist with precision.

When the young knight attempted another punch with his other hand, Dale caught it too with a swift grab.

The knight now subdued like a child by an adult was a pitiable sight.

Gritting his teeth, the knight struggled to free his fists, but the difference in strength was overwhelming. Dale had grown stronger and the young knight stood no chance against him.

Eventually, the young knight could only break free by enhancing his body with magical power.

But in truth, it was merely Dale who had let go.


The atmosphere grew even colder as Dale casually toyed with the knight.

The humiliation the knight felt intensified.

With eyes blazing and magical power surging through his body, the knight finally reached for the hilt of his sword.

Ill make you regret this.

Dale waited until the young knight drew his sword.

He had been holding back because of a promise to Garland to avoid unnecessary conflict, but drawing a sword was a clear overstep.

From that moment on, Dale would no longer have any reservations.

Just as the young knight drew his sword and was about to swing it,

A hand reached out from somewhere and grabbed his wrist.

Thats enough. Youre going to get yourself killed.

Who are you to.

The enraged young knight turned his head toward the owner of the hand that had reached out to him.

And then, the heat of his anger cooled to an icy chill. The color drained from his face until he was pale as a ghost.

It was as if he had seen the grim reaper himself.

No, perhaps the being before him was even more fearsome than the grim reaper.

The young knight exclaimed as he looked at the old man standing in front of him.

Kn-Knight Commander!

Standing there was the Knight Commander of the Imperial Knight Order. His words were crisp and chillingly precise as he said,

Draw that sword, and youre a dead man.