A light breeze blew through the Capital. Whether it was the will of the heavens or a change of scenery, the people welcomed spring’s early arrival. Though some citizens believe the wizards have done something because of what happened during their last opening ceremony.

“The ceremony will be normal this time, right?”

“The whole country was in an uproar last time, so they should scale back a bit.”

They collectively nodded. Even those who weren’t in Bactins at the time know the catastrophe that has befallen the city. However, the wounds and scars were only heard in stories from people far removed from them.

“They’ll do it right this time. But have you seen the young nobles as if they already own the country? They’re starting to get on my nerves.”

“Why shouldn’t they? They’re getting older and probably have their responsibilities. They’ll be adults soon, so just get over it.”

After the Disaster ruined the last ceremony, people had set their expectations for this one. At the same time, promising students from all over the continent were gathering in the Capital. Wizards, knights, nobles. The Academy was where they would make their connections, and it was their chance to improve their skills.


“I’ll graduate first in my class and get a good position.”

The hopefuls muttered their resolutions and headed for the Academy. A few were clueless, while most harbored romantic dreams.

“One day, I will be the one to defeat the next Disaster.”

“I just need some time to grow. With my talent, getting into the Hero’s Party will be a piece of cake.”

In the end, the older boys’ and girls’ dreams and desires gathered, and looking at them, Nella let out a long sigh. Sitting on the eighth floor of the Tower, she turned her head and made a displeased expression as she looked at the person she sat with.

“You have so many fans, Hero.”

“Fans, huh? It seems to me they only desire the fame.”

Nella narrowed her eyes in amusement. Elroy dug his fork into his pasta and twirled it. Now that they’d met again and seen each other over the past month, he was a different person than Nella had thought. He was much calmer, and she could no longer read his eyes. Furthermore, his strength and mana were now beyond her comprehension.

“For someone who saves the world, your aversion for people is incredible.”

Elroy raised an eyebrow as Nella brought a neatly dried piece of pasta to her mouth. She let out a chuckle at his nonchalant expression.

“Well, I’ll show them the way. I’ll teach them to the point where they can stand beside you. You might not be thinking about the future…So let me take care of it. Though with your personality, it’s hard not to get cocky with all your achievements….”

Nella finished in a voice that grew smaller and smaller toward the end. Elroy’s eyes were fixed on her as he chewed on his pasta. Nella felt a burning sensation whenever he looked at her like that. It was like a misbehaving child being caught by a parent. Those eyes seemed to see something in her that wasn’t there.

“Don’t look at me like that; It’s annoying.”

Nella was annoyed with Elroy as she tried to pull herself up from being overwhelmed. He stared at Nella nonchalantly, then returned to eating pasta.

“It’s not that I hate you; I just think your expectations and resolutions are futile. I appreciate your desire to fight against Disasters and monsters, but you can’t save people by thinking that way.”

With that, Nella reached out her hand and closed the window. The chatter of the new students could no longer be heard. Elroy took another bite of pasta and looked down at them. Nella looked at him, deep in thought.

“…But why do you always eat at the same time as me?”

Though she could no longer read them, Elroy’s turquoise eyes shifted colors often. At times, they were the color of endless greenery; at other times, they were the color of a deeply flooded forest after heavy rain.

“What’s been bothering you lately?”

Nella’s will was not involved when she asked, or at least, she thought so. It simply came into her mind when she looked into his eyes and came out involuntarily out her mouth…

Nella then pinched her thighs. ‘I’m not even curious about his situation. What am I doing asking pointless questions?’

Nella’s expression showed that she realized she had made a mistake. She grabbed her cup of water and drank it.

“That’s weird. Were you the type to care about something like this?”

“No, not really. I don’t know what you’re up to when you’re ruminating like that, and I’m afraid you’re trying to do something that will cause trouble at the Tower.”

Nella had a lot to say in response. Elroy looked at her and smiled bitterly, and Nella’s face contorted slightly in displeasure. He had no intention of answering her question. ‘Then so be it. I didn’t expect an answer anyway.’

“I guess I’m nervous. I’ve never had much time to be idle like this.”

Nella lifted her head. The bitter smile on Elroy’s face had vanished like a mirage.

“Since when were you idle? I thought you were keeping pretty busy.”

“I wasn’t; that fact is a good yet ominous sign.”

The pasta curled around Elroy’s fork again, and he brought it into his mouth. Nella pouted in displeasure.

“Ah, yes, it may or may not be ominous, but why do you like talking in circles so much? When a person gets stronger, do they develop a disease that causes them to talk in a roundabout manner? You do it often, and the Tower Master is so much worse. Maybe I should make a study on that.”

With that, Nella picked up her sandwich and bit into it. Elroy let out a small chuckle.

“Is that so? Anyways, do you understand what I’m saying?”

“When you’re active, it means the Disaster is moving. When you’re inactive, the Disaster lurks and prepares to show itself. If both are bad, don’t you think you should just relax while you can?

Elroy picked up his water glass and paused, lost in thought.

“I guess so.”

“…I don’t get you; Figure it out yourself.”

Nella didn’t like talking to Elroy about such a mundane topic. She deliberately cut him off to prevent the conversation from dragging on and began to finish her sandwich.

“Prepare for your lecture, and don’t embarrass yourself to the nobles. I’m sure the ladies will find you cute, but you’re a lecturer, so I wouldn’t expect much.”

Elroy scowled. Nella slowed the pace of her sandwich, satisfied that she had offended him at least a little.

“Daphne must be helping quite a bit.”

This time Nella frowned. No hard feelings. At least Nella didn’t anymore. She didn’t care that she took her place.

“Yeah. She’s been very helpful, at least more so than someone who’s only been silent at every meeting.”

There was no animosity, even though they were exchanging small jabs. Nella sighed, unable to adjust to this strange situation. She couldn’t believe she could be so peaceful with the man who had driven her out of her comfortable life.

There was no further conversation. They were both lost in their thoughts, pretending to focus on their meals.


Suddenly, Nella looked up at the sound of Elroy’s voice. This time, a stronger green tinge was in his turquoise eyes.


“Did you resent me?”

It was a question without context. Nella snorted.

“Oh, come on. You defeated three Disasters and saved the world, yet that bothers you?”

“If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to.”

Elroy shook his head and stood up. His plate had been emptied while Nella was still picking at her half-finished sandwich.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later for observation.”

It wasn’t that she was uncomfortable or bothered by him getting up first, but Nella purposely didn’t return his greeting. She didn’t want to pretend to be friendly with him any more than that.

Nella watched him walk away, not really curious about where he was going.


“I don’t think this is going to be easy.”

Daphne sat in her lab, stoking her chin as she read a report.

“We need to do more than just observe. We need to come up with a plan, and we need to do it fast. Considering the crash is due in the summer, that’s less than half a year away. I don’t understand why we haven’t devised a concrete plan yet. I wonder if they’re hoping the Tower Master or Elroy will take care of it themselves.”

Daphne muttered and stretched over her desk.

“Good work.”

I sat down, setting my cup of coffee down next to hers. Daphne’s face relaxed momentarily as I walked over and sat beside her. She smiled in greeting, then returned to seriously writing.

“I don’t even know what scale of magic we’ll need to deal with this. I’m estimating we’ll need around a hundred wizards of the Fifth Circle to perform it. This may be the largest spell performed ever.

Daphne sighed, clasping her coffee in both hands.

“I’ll discuss this further with the Tower Master. On top of that, I do not know how to make my Seventh Circle.”

Daphne finished her report and took a sip of her coffee. Dark circles crept under her eyes.

“So, how is everything on your side? Did you find out anything?”

“I’m just keeping my eyes peeled. It’s not like I’m actively looking, besides….”

I remembered the unexpected guest who had summoned me the day before.

“…The real dangerous ones are probably down there.”


“Let’s check this out.”

Bishop Andrei’s eyes were sharper now that I had seen him again after so many months. We are in the same restaurant we always went to. He didn’t even look up from the salad in front of him. I took the paper he handed me and frowned.

“…An admission notice to the Academy? Why is the Bishop giving this to me?”

“The doomsday cultist had this.”

Andrei said tersely.

“Coincidentally, it coincides with when you’re about to begin your observations of the Sixth Disaster. I wonder if they got lucky or if they are that deeply rooted.

I rubbed the blood-soaked admission notice, then set it on the table.

“Maybe they’re trying to infiltrate the Academy with a mole or something.”

I shook my head.

“No, they aren’t. They probably have eyes and ears everywhere. I don’t think they’d want to add another variable into the mix.”

“…But you can’t rule out the possibility that their cronies are mixed in with the new students, so keep an eye on them as well.”

In a way, it was a good thing I was assigned as a lecturer. At least it gave me an excuse to make contact with the students. As he watched me rack my brains, Bishop Andrei picked up his fork and hesitantly opened his mouth.

“Be careful, Hero.”

I looked at Andrei’s tense face.

“This time, they might be after your life.”



I flipped through the list of new students, and like before, I circled every single one I had the slightest suspicion about. I scanned the list and shook my head. Too many students were circled.

…For now, observing the placement test is a priority.