Chapter 108: hell resistance

Chapter 108 Hell Resistance

"Part of the extraordinary knowledge of [Sequence 6]?!"

Chen Lun was a little surprised.

But he didn't intend to stay where he was for a long time. He suppressed the emotions in his heart, stopped looking at the giant hand, and started to run away.

He ran in a certain direction for several minutes, and stopped after confirming that the so-called "Desolate Giant" behind him was not chasing him.

He let out a long breath, and took out a small palm-sized notebook from the ring.

【Extraordinary Knowledge-Fate Faction Sequence 6-Flying Trapeze (1/4)】

This is what was snatched from Mollymore that night, but it's only a quarter of it.

In addition to the extraordinary knowledge he just acquired, he already has two incomplete copies of [Sequence 6].

"This place is too dangerous. There are medium-sequence-level polluting creatures infesting it... Just by looking at it, I lost 10 points of sanity. If I didn't have the sanity reserve of the statue, I would have sent it directly."

Polluted creatures, as the name suggests, are extraordinary creatures that have been mysteriously polluted. They are often irrational, severely eroded by pollution, and generally powerful.

Chen Lun had lingering fears.

He didn't know if he would really die if he died here.

Divination with a cane, the predictions given tend to be negative, but if you die, it seems that bad things will happen along with it.

This made Chen Lun feel a little relieved.

But he didn't dare to gamble, he would try not to die if he could not die.

"It is true that danger and opportunity coexist here..."

He just glanced at the giant hand casually, and from the mysterious pollution, he spied a small part of the extraordinary knowledge of [Natural Faction Sequence 6-Berry Picker].

Maybe I can gather the extraordinary knowledge needed for future promotion here...

"In short, we still have to be careful."

Chen Lun warned himself.

He tidied up his equipment, looked around, followed his instinct, and walked in one direction.

About ten minutes passed.

He found something different from the surrounding environment. It was a dirty doll in the shape of a carrot, which was hung on a tree and drifted in the wind.

Chen Lun stopped.

He looked around cautiously, and found a white furry figure shaking slightly not far from the carrot doll.

【Peeping eye】!

He cast his eyes on the white figure, but only got a small part of the information.

This is a polluted creature called "Rabbitman", whose strength is roughly equivalent to a [Sequence 9] Transcendent.


I saw that the white figure raised two big ears on his head, turned his head suddenly, and stared directly at Chen Lun with a pair of scarlet eyes. It has a rabbit's head on it, but it has a human body, like a muscular man wearing a hood.


The rabbit head laughed ferociously, stood up and ran towards Chen Lun.

Its voice is weird, like an old lady.

With a blank expression on his face, Chen Lun swung his silver cane and hit the rabbit man on the head.


The huge rabbit's head shattered on the spot, two red eyes were squeezed and flew out, and red and white things splattered in all directions.

Chen Lun turned sideways calmly. The rabbit man with a broken head and only one mouth was still smiling strangely. He ran forward a few steps, waved his arms wildly, and fell to the ground.

【Kill the Bunnyman! Get 800 experience points and low-sequence extraordinary material "Red Eyes" (natural faction)! 】

Chen Lun stood where he was, looking down at the corpse on the ground.

"There is a kill reward?!"

He raised his brows, and immediately a word appeared in his mind——


This fictional world named "Wonderland" is extremely like a copy!

Chen Lun faintly became excited. If so, wouldn't he have a portable copy? As long as you save enough sanity points, you can "download" at any time!

He tightened the silver cane in his hand, feeling that he was holding a huge treasure.

A drop of blood was accidentally stained on the cheek, and there was still a faint smell of strawberry jam.

Chen Lun reached out to wipe it off, frowning slightly.

"What the **** is going on here... Nothing feels normal."

The white corpse on the ground began to disintegrate, and then "melted" into the ground.

But the strange thing is that a small translucent ball was left in place.

Chen Lun let out a light snort, and walked over to pick it up.

【Obtain low-sequence pure substances】

"This kind of thing can still be produced here..."

Chen Lun was surprised.

[Pure Matter] is different from [Mysterious Matter] of other factions. It does not contain the interference of other sequences of extraordinary power, can cover all categories, and is extremely useful.

Of course, its value is much higher than that of ordinary [mysterious substances].

"How many secrets are hidden here, waiting for me to discover...?"

Chen Lun secretly thought.

He put the translucent little **** into the panel and continued to explore.

Half an hour later, he finally discovered another strange thing.

A small mound of soil appeared in front of it, the top was sunken, and orange-red magma was continuously flowing outward, like a miniature volcano.

A palm-sized worm covered in black and red barbs is crawling in the magma.

Chen Lun didn't dare to take it lightly, he approached cautiously, picked up a stone, and flicked it with his fingers.

With a muffled bang, the worm was hit, and the bullet flew up, then rolled down from the mouth of the "volcano", and fell not far in front of Chen Lun.

It didn't die, turned up and climbed up the "volcano" as if nothing had happened, as if it wanted to return to the magma.


Chen Lun let out a foul breath and chose to hold his breath.

In the air around here, there is a pungent smell of sulfur, and the temperature is also high. It seems that there are harmful substances hidden in the air.

He cast [Peeping Eye] again and obtained a small amount of information about the strange worm.

"Demon Worm" —

A special kind of polluting creature, basically non-aggressive, but extremely capable of survival. The fire resistance and poison resistance are almost full, and the barbs on his body also contain extraordinary toxins.

Chen Lun watched the demonic worm slowly crawling, and suddenly a thought came to his mind.

"If I can obtain its characteristics, wouldn't the life-saving ability be improved?"

[Animal imitation] It is reasonable to only learn the characteristics of ordinary creatures, and cannot use them on extraordinary creatures. Unless Chen Lun can be promoted to a higher sequence, there may be some possibilities.

But he was blessed by the angel Maggie before, [Beast Tamer] all skill levels +1, [Animal Imitation] broke through the limit of the full level, maybe you can try it.

Chen Lun stepped forward and stretched out his hand to the devil worm.

The barbs on its body scraped across the scales on its hands, making a crisp rubbing sound.

Chen Lun's eyes froze.

【You used the skill [Animal Imitation LVMAX+1], and learned the corresponding characteristics from the target】

【Hell Resistance】

Characteristic Description: Your resistance to fire, high temperature and toxins has been greatly improved! You can secrete extraordinary toxins through the body surface!

I created a book friend group, and I originally planned to do it after it was put on the shelves, but I was afraid that there would be no time. If you want to chat, you can come here. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, we temporarily set a fan value of 1. Forgive me.

It will be fine when it’s on the shelves, anyway, there is only one person in the group now, so it doesn’t matter~

(end of this chapter)