Chapter 196: Demon in the Bottle – 35

Chapter 196: Demon in the Bottle – 35

The power of the Avatars curse was formidable.

Even after escaping the curse, there were victims still suffering from its aftermath even a day later.

So, patients could only be discharged after receiving spiritual treatment from clergy members of the Orthodox Church.

Im really fine!

No, absolutely not.

Of course, patients could leave with the consent of their own doctors and guardians.

But Wonderstein did not permit Ellas discharge.

He has seen her on the verge of collapse a few times.

It was okay to let her rest deeply this time.

Wonderstein and Maya left the hall, leaving her behind.

Maya, how are you feeling? Are you okay?


She replied in a nonchalant voice.

But her self-report was to never be believed.

She was not the type to show signs of pain either.

Wonderstein cautiously broached the subject, studying her face.

I heard youve been suffering from Papiflux for the past two weeks.

At his words, Maya stopped in her tracks and turned to him.

How did you know?

Mr. Arno told me.

Maya bit her lip slightly.

He had promised to keep it a secret.

She tried to calm her pounding heart.

Stay calm.Foll00w current novÊls on n/ov/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Its not confirmed that she has been found out yet.

Did you also hear about the cause of Papiflux?

No. But I can guess well enough.

She felt a heavy weight drop in her heart.

Her complexion turned pale.

She recalled the trivial actions and words she had done in front of the Director over the past two weeks.

She definitely hadnt realized she was being too obvious.

Especially the blatant tactics of dressing up and hanging out with other men to provoke jealousy were too overt.

Come to think of it, Karen also blurted out to him that she wanted to go to the ball with the Director.

Her shoulders trembled.

It was the worst.

She silently cursed Arno and Karen, the two of them.

The hope that the Director might have mistaken things was dashed by his next words.

If you want to become my disciple, it should be normal to harbour such feelings, shouldnt you?

She closed her eyes tightly.

Ah, as expected.

Her cheeks flushed red.

Her heart raced madly.

She couldnt bring herself to look straight at the Director.


Dont worry. Its just at that age, huh?

He chuckled as if her behaviour was cute.

Maya suddenly felt embarrassed and angry.

He seemed to regard her in the same light as the other women who had looked at him with coquettish eyes.

Dont treat me like a child.

With a cold voice, Maya lowered her eyes.

Sorry. Um, so Maya, do you want to hear my answer?

Maya gasped and took a sharp breath.

She felt like her heart stopped.

Her face flushed even more rapidly.

She was definitely curious.

What did the Director think of her?

Yes. I want to hear.

Alright. Follow me then. Theres a good place.

The two of them walked across Tettromino Plaza in silence.

Maya wondered where he was taking her.

After a while, the two of them stood in front of a building.

It was a towering structure across from the pastry factory, boasting a height of up to 20 floors.

Here we are.

Mayas expression stiffened as she looked up at it.

Her facial muscles twitched as if experiencing a spasm.

She couldnt believe this situation.

Maya shook her head.

No. I can do it. Please.

She said firmly.

It was something she had already prepared for.

If the first person she is with is the Director, she could accept it.

Today she would become an adult.

They opened the door and walked in.

Suddenly, a loud noise hit them.

It was a space that looked like a restaurant.

Dozens of people were chatting in pairs or groups.

The restaurant was surrounded by glass windows.

Beyond them was an outdoor terrace where you could overlook the square below.

There were quite a few people there too.

Maya couldnt hide her confusion.

What is this?

She soon noticed a sign above the entrance.

She blinked as she read it.

<Sky Lounge: A restaurant on the observation deck overlooking Tettromino Plaza/>

Today we will resolve the issue of Mayas involvement in Papiflux here.

When Wonderstein heard from Arno that she had been involved in Papiflux, he realized what the cause was.

He remembered the problem she had been hanging on to for weeks.

The mystery of Tettromino Plaza.

Maya had undoubtedly been caught up in that, which had driven countless scholars mad.

He ordered drinks one by one at the Sky Lounge and went out to the outdoor observation deck.

From there, the entire Tettromino Plaza could be seen below.

To him, as a modern man, this height was nothing, but Maya said it was her first time.

It wasnt strange for her to be scared.

After TT2 was released, he revealed the solution to the problem that players around the world had been struggling with for weeks.

First, each tile on the floor had hidden meanings.

There were a total of 7 shapes that could be made by combining four squares.

J, L, T, Z, S, O, I.

They were also blocks from the game Tetris.

What they were replaced with could be hinted at from documents of the Alchemy Guild appearing in other stages.

The Alchemy Guild had a table arranging elements similar to the periodic table of reality.

Of course, being a fantasy world, it was different from the real periodic table.

It had a magical mystery added to it.

For example, water, fire, wind, and electricity were registered as elements.

They were divided into colored squares like the real periodic table, and from that, you could see which element each of the 7 shapes corresponded to in reality.

Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus.

Each shape represented five real elements.

And the other two shapes represented water and tachyon, with water symbolizing combination because it was made up of oxygen and hydrogen in reality, and tachyon symbolizing blank because it was a particle that was proven not to exist in reality.

By adding five elements and a combination and blank, substituting 2.5 million Tettromino tiles would result in the following shape.

A double helix, familiar to anyone as a modern person.

It was DNA.

Two DNA strands formed a double helix simultaneously.

In other words, it was a quadruple helix.

Of course, it was a structure that could not exist in reality.

There is a memorial to Saint Victor, erected for the patients who died of the epidemic in the centre of the square. Its a double helix of two DNA strands. The answer was right in front of our eyes.

He knew why the developers hid the DNA structure in the game.

Perhaps it was to symbolize Wondersteins ability to manipulate organic matter.

After finishing the explanation, he realized she was glaring at him.

There was a cold, irritated light in her expression.

She exhaled as if the ground was going to collapse, then spoke in a chilly voice.

Im not interested.

With that, she turned around and left the observation deck.

Thats it.

After explaining so much.

She was like a teenage girl who believed she was the best.

She often acted as her disciple, but when faced with a problem, she didnt ask for help and tried to solve it alone, which only made the problem worse.

Even though he had bought tickets to the Sky Lounge.

She just left.

He felt like as an adult, he should understand her.

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Chapter 195: Demon in the Bottle 34

Chapter 197: Demon in the Bottle End