Chapter 230: Wonderland – 33

Chapter 230: Wonderland – 33

“The Eagle’s Nest” was famous as the tallest building in Wonderland.

The theaters in Wonderland were generally a reflection of the activities of their former owners, so the size and artistry of the buildings didn’t necessarily correspond to the fame of their owners.

However, the Eagle’s Nest was deserving of admiration just from its appearance alone.

The Eagle’s Nest was unique even among open-air theatres. The overall shape of the theatre resembled splitting bamboo in half and burying the convex side into the wall.

Audiences sat in seats arranged along a cliff, allowing them to feel the wind passing by as they ascended the sloping surface thousands of meters high.

“Please don’t throw paper airplanes. Someone on the lower floors might get hit.”

With a warning from the staff, Ella stopped folding her ticket into a paper airplane with a disgruntled expression.

The building was not only tall but also uniquely positioned. It was located at the top floor of the spiral theatre, which wound around a card suit. From the seats, one could overlook the entire Card Sun. The view alone was worth the price of admission.

The Eagle’s Nest, long beloved by residents and tourists as a lookout point in Wonderland, had been closed for a while.

Its owner was preparing for retirement.

Today was the day of his final performance before retirement. The owner of the theatre had invited the residents he had known over the years to his last show.

Thanks to that, the Eagle’s Nest was bustling with audiences after a long time.


The sharp cry of a raptor echoed through the semi-circular seats.

The attention of the audience, who had been enjoying the view below the cliff, shifted to the stage in the centre.

But calling it a stage was an overstatement; there was only a large log hanging from chains. It resembled a perch for a bird.

A man ascended gracefully onto it.Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

He was the acrobat and owner of the Eagle’s Nest.

He had shed the butterfly mask he wore during his patrol duty and instead wore a mask resembling that of an eagle with sharp beaks.

Furthermore, his attire had changed from a guard’s uniform to a flashy costume with feathers resembling wings that he used during his acrobatics.

He greeted the audience briefly and spread his wings on the perch.

“Well then, please enjoy my final performance.”


A master standing in the corner waved his baton. He drummed on the large drums, enhancing the atmosphere.

Flutter. Thud-thud-thud. Flutter.

The acrobat with wings took a deep breath and then leaped off the perch.

His body plummeted down the cliff.

“Aaah! He really jumped!”

“Stay calm!”

“Wow, I’ve only heard about this...!”

Like an arrow shot downward, he suddenly spread his wings wide at a certain point.

Then, his body swayed backward and began to rise with the wind rushing up the cliff.

It didn’t take long for him to return to the point where he had jumped. Passing by the audience, he folded his wings around his body and performed a skillful rotation in the air.

Cheers erupted from the audience.



“That gentleman, he’s not dead, he’s not dead!”

Giggles also burst from the kids who had gathered around.

He continued to soar through the air, displaying his tricks for 30 minutes.

Even the scarecrow couldn’t help but be amazed as he swirled above the heads of the people.

“Haha, I want to fly with you. I can’t resist without giving permission. So, could you tell me what the performance is about?”

Ella took over the explanation.

She told him the plot of the script they had concocted over the past few days.

“There is a kingdom where birds live. There, a young wealthy peacock holds a dance party, inviting five princess birds, and the story unfolds.”

Keywords were carefully selected to convey to the scattered members of the group.

They didn’t know what the three captured had confessed during interrogation.

So they couldn’t use the exact themes or circumstances they had gathered.

Instead, Ella cleverly modified those contents.

Choosing a peacock as the protagonist was also an implication of the Marquis Slagbort, whom they had gathered the group for.

Hawk was quite satisfied after hearing the first part of the plot she described.

“Excellent! Birds, huh? I like the theme. Flying with the wings of a fairy, and on top of that, adorned with bird disguises? I’m dying to know the rest of the story. Haha, I might have to postpone my disappearance for a few days. It would be a shame to vanish without seeing this performance.”

Hawk explained in detail how to manipulate stage devices and the structure of the theatre.

“I’ll be in a state of sleep. If I stay awake, my essence will dissipate faster. If I sleep, I might delay my disappearance a little longer. I’ll wake up in about three days. Prepare well. I’m looking forward to it.”

The three bid farewell to him as he went to sleep, exchanging subtle smiles.

They had a plan to rescue three leaders as soon as the entire group gathered and escape from here.

It turned out they had become the unfortunate ones who had to deceive him before he disappeared.

“If things don’t work out, we’ll just show him the ‘Five Acrobats.’ After all, they say the Mountain tribes loves the skills so much.”

Ella said so, then called the Ticketer to prepare for the performance under the authority of the theatre delegate.

After registering the introduction to the performance, automatic recommended tags popped up.

“No, let’s get rid of ‘harem.’ This is about just one dove princess.”

The Scarecrow carefully examined the tags being registered one by one. Some were predictable, while others were unfamiliar to him.

Then suddenly, his eyes fell on the keywords currently being registered.

“‘John Jalstain,’ the name of the protagonist, a noble. Is this also a keyword shared by Elphi’s friends? Whose name is it?”

At his words, Ella shrugged her shoulders uneasily and forced a awkward laugh.

“Oh, that, uh, well, it’s the name of quite a well-known magician in reality! We were talking late at night, and this name came up. E-everyone’s a fan of him....”

The Scarecrow nodded, seemingly understanding, but then noticed Lumie standing next to him, holding back laughter.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why don’t you try reading the protagonist’s name and title together?”

The Scarecrow followed her advice and soon felt the urge to bury his head in embarrassment. Lumie chuckled quietly beside him.

Then, the Ticketer, who was writing in the ‘New Tags’ section, spoke nonchalantly.

“The keyword ‘John Jalstain’ is already registered. I’ll classify it under existing tags.”

His words surprised the three of them, and they looked at him in astonishment.

“Wait, it’s already registered? Where is that?”

“That would be... Ah, just now, two tickets have been released.”


At that moment, a light flashed from the entrance of the theatre.

It was the sign of the fast travel feature of the tickets.

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Chapter 229: Wonderland – 32