For Wang's mischief, Lin radial felt a familiar powerlessness, as if he would always live in her shadow, even if the separation, also can not escape.

Although Yao Shu didn't see Lin radial's expression, the blue veins on his side's fist showed the man's inner restlessness.

She stepped forward slightly and took his fist lightly.

Lin radial closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the fundus of his eyes was frosty.

He looked at Wang and said, "in these years, you have never regarded me as a parent-child, nor Ashu and the children as relatives. Today, why use family affection? I know you are not my mother. My mother's surname is Xie - or she used to be Qian. "

Wang's pupils shrank sharply, and his dry and black fingertips began to shake violently.

Lin radial's last words completely broke up the fluke in her heart.

But even at this moment, Wang still denied: "you, you - who told you these lies?"

Lin radial abandoned his superfluous emotions and keenly found Wang's strange. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "you're afraid."

"Who is afraid?" Wang said

The man's eagle Falcon's sharp eyes fixed on Wang, and asked in a cold voice: "since I called your second aunt, something's wrong with you - what are you afraid of? Do you have any secrets you don't want me to know? If you have never done something wrong, why fear? I know? What have you done? "

Wang has never seen such a Lin radial.

In her impression, Lin radial has been honest and silent. Although he looks smarter than the second child, he is just as easy to control.

As long as the identity of "mother" is raised to suppress, Lin radial still has to compromise in the end.

But now, she finally saw the silent lamb under the soft fur, cruel and indifferent eyes.

The eyes were as black as ink, like the evil spirits in hell stretching out their claws to devour her.

His eyes, his face, and the way he spoke made her feel like she had seen the woman before she died 20 years ago.

Wang suddenly burst out a burst of screams, the voice with unprecedented fear, shrill cry: "not me! It's not me - don't come to me! I've raised your son. I'm kind to you. You can't come to me! "

Hear such a nonsense, Lin radial intuition mother's death has a secret, he can't control the hands, chest began to surge.

The man's eyes are dim, and he never leaves for a moment. He stares at Wang Shi and sternly asks, "it's not you. Who is that?"

Wang seems to have entered another state. She clearly looks at Lin radial, but it is not him.

The woman, who had always been mean and ungrateful, burst into tears. Her eyes were full of fear and fear, but she did not see any regret. She just kept repeating, "don't come to me! It's really not me. You've got the wrong person. You've got the wrong person! "

Lin radial stepped forward and was about to grasp Wang's shoulder, but he was blocked away by Lin Erlang.

His face was also a little white. He looked at Lin radial as if he wanted to eat people. He said with a stiff head: "big brother Niang is not in the right state now. If there is something wrong, wait and wait until she comes back to ask again! "

Lin radial took a look at Wang and saw that she was still out of her wits. She could only repeat the words "not me, don't come to me." then he knew that she couldn't ask for anything today.

Yao Shu came forward, put his hand back to her palm again, and said in a low voice, "A-R, calm down. We'll figure it out. Don't worry, eh? "

Her words are like a cool wind blowing on the hot iron. Although it can't smooth all the scalding, it makes people feel a trace of clarity in the fierce heat.

Lin radial's clenched fists were slowly released, and his tight body was no longer like a ready-made cheetah, as if ready to bite out at any time.

He turned his head and was facing Yao Shu's worried eyes. He suddenly regretted the fluctuation of his mood.

Yao Shu knew that Lin radial's face seemed calm, but standing in the narrow courtyard of the Lin family, it seemed that even the sun was covered with gray.

She said in a warm voice, "ah, let's go back first. The second sister-in-law has made lunch and is waiting for us to go back to eat. "

Looking at Wang's appearance, Lin radial knew that he couldn't ask anything, and he didn't want Yao Shu to worry again, so he nodded.

Lin Erlang is full of worry to check Wang's body, the two people went straight out of the Lin family's courtyard.

Yao Shu felt Zhou's eyes sticking to her as they left, as if waiting for her sight.

After all, she did not pay attention to it, but followed Lin radial and walked away without looking back.

They walked out of the Lin family and walked on the road. They were blown by the warm warm wind, and the cold and oppressive mood slowly dissipated.

Lin radial's face didn't look so ugly just now, but he still locked his brow and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he whispered to Yao Shu: "Ashu, you say What is the secret of mother's death? "Yao Shu didn't care that he was outside. He just held Lin's hand and accompanied him in silence. Seeing him ask, he thought about it carefully. Then he said in a soft voice, "instead of making a wild guess here, we might as well ask the old people in Linjia village some other day. They have been through a lot of things and have a lot of insight There will always be news. "

Lin radial nodded: "I know."

His voice was a little hoarse, and he was always strong and fearless. He also added a little tired look, which made Yao Shu feel heartbroken.

Listen to her again: "a radius, I will accompany you."

Lin radial raised his head to look at her. When he looked up at Yao Shu's gentle eyes, he suddenly felt the heat of the sun, the cool breeze, and the vitality of the lush vegetation on the side of the path - all of which he had just clearly not felt.

At this time, his anger, incomprehension, impatience, like a well appeased little beast, slowly calmed down.

Yao Shu grinned and his eyes flashed a transparent light color like glass in the sun: "after all this time, it may not be so short to find out the truth. It's hard for him to take a rest. It's better to have a good stroll in the village and relax. There will be traces of things that have happened and people who have existed. There is no need to worry or worry. "

The air is filled with the mixed fragrance of flowers. It enters the human body through breathing, and also brings the pleasure of smell. Lin's mind and body were completely relaxed, and he even wanted to identify the kinds of flowers in the fragrance.

He held Yao Shu's small hand with his backhand, and his mouth slightly cocked up. He whispered to her, "Ashu, thank you."

The man's voice was as deep and pleasant as before, but today it added some new open-minded meaning. Yao Shu felt his ear itch and his ear tip turned red.

She moved her right hand, changed her original posture into clasping her fingers, and said to him with a smile: "we are husband and wife. We should face all things together."

Those eyes were so bright.

Lin radial's eyes light a little bit , the fastest update of the webnovel!