It's past noon.

A lazy summer atmosphere pervaded the streets of the capital.

Lin radial returned to the general's house, and just handed the horse to his servant, he saw Jiang Wu meet him.

Jiang Wu went to Lin radial and said in a low voice, "ah radius, that man called."

Lin's eyes sank and he followed Jiang Wu to the general's house.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Wu whispered and quickly said in Lin radial's ear: "he was very hard when he just closed. He carried out the master's house and pressed us. Later, when he learned that he had been seen to kill, he kept silent. Today, maybe I can't endure any longer, and no one will come to rescue me, so I finally said it. "

Lin radial nodded lightly and said in a deep voice, "thank you, brother Wu."

Jiang Wu laughed and took Lin radial's shoulder: "we brothers, don't say that. But you don't ask, what did you recruit in the past week? "

Lin radial only said: "since I caught Zhou, I have known the identity of the leader behind the scenes. What I want is just evidence."

Jiang Wu gave a "um" and nodded in his heart --

it seems that Lin radial is quite sure.

Thinking of this, he could not help sighing: "no wonder the general often sighed that he was not used to it for a long time without you. Now the general dislikes us for being mindless. "

Lin radial couldn't help chuckling: "brother a Wu, why should he belittle himself? I've only learned that a general has 12 out of 10 skills. Brother a Wu always accompanies the general and will surely surpass me in the future. "

Jiang Wu laughed and said, "I don't think you are around the general. You have learned a lot. I haven't seen it for months, but I'm still boasting? "

On their way to the mansion, they met many people who had been in the military camp in Northwest China. They came to greet Lin radial one after another.

But when they saw that Lin radial and Jiang Wu were in a hurry, they knew they had something to do, and no one said much.

The two soon arrived at the place where Zhou Lai was held, and Lin radial took the lead in pushing the door.

After a few days of interrogation, and less water meters, the whole person has lost spirit.

After hearing the footsteps, his listless eyes looked over, and his dry skinned lips moved slightly, making a little sound.

Lin radial stepped forward, and his dark blue boots came into Zhou's eyes. There was a little dust on them.

Today, you look down on the face of a cold man, is it true

Because of Lin radial's momentum, Zhou Lai didn't dare to look up. He nodded his head and said, "what the villain said is true..."

Then he listened to the man's cold voice and ordered, "repeat the confession you made before."

Some soldiers in the interrogation room have already prepared paper and pen, waiting to record what Zhou Lai said.

Zhou Lai swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a hoarse voice, "I pushed Yang Xin down the river. First I found him in the broken temple where he was hiding, then I took him out of the city. When Yang Xin was not on guard, I pushed him down the moat. "

Lin's voice, without any emotion, ordered, "keep talking."

I have confessed in the morning in the past week, but now I say it again, it is smoother and smoother.

"When my wife passed away, she left me to miss, and I worked for miss. It's just that Zhou's family doesn't have a close relationship with Du's family, and the young lady seldom thinks of me Just four days ago, the young lady called for Yasu to look for him in a hurry and told me to deal with Yang Xin. "

"Miss, why do you want to be like this is not something that the villains know."

Lin radial in his mouth heard solid evidence, eyes completely cold down: "your master, but miss Du Shangshu house?"

Knowing that his confession would be recorded, Zhou Lai replied in a low voice, "yes. It's just miss Di of shangshufu, Du Heng. "

Lin radial didn't know du Heng's maiden name, but there was only one young lady who appeared beside him.

The man asked a few more questions. Seeing that Zhou Lai had nothing to say, he straightened up.

One side of the soldiers will be full of a page of testimony to Zhou Lai, watching him draw a bet, respectfully handed the confession to Lin radial, and quietly back down.

Lin radial and Jiang Wu came out of the interrogation room. Seeing that he frowned at the testimony, Jiang Wu said, "brother, I'm talkative, ask How did you offend shangshufu? To move your wife and children? No matter who is looking for revenge, just start at you. Do you have to take such a big turn? "

As early as the man brought Zhou to the general's office, he explained the cause and effect of the matter to Jiang Wu. When he asked this question, he did not understand it for several days.

He shook his head and said, "we have no enmity with shangshufu."

Jiang Wu had a headache and said, "it's still miss Di of shangshufu who instructs the servants to do things What do you think? How strange... "

Said, he suddenly thought of a possibility, eyes slightly wide some, looking at Lin radius hesitated: "can't be your boy out of the love debt?"

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was."Miss gaomen has been moved by you, but you are a man with a family. You can't do anything about it. If you want to do this, ask someone to tie your wife and children first. If you don't succeed in one move, I'm afraid you'll find out, so I'll order someone to kill you. "

His face became more and more strange. Finally, he looked at Lin radial and shook his head and said, "this miss Shangshu is really a cruel character."

Lin radial's face is livid. Recalling Du's behavior, he can't help regretting that he didn't pay enough attention to her.

Seeing that he was silent, Jiang Wu asked, "I haven't said it yet, brother. How did you provoke people?"

"I didn't provoke her," he said in a cold voice. In the past, she was nearly killed in the suburb of Qingtong town. It was my brothers and I who saved her. "

Jiang Wu "Oh" A: "hero save beauty? After the rescue, I fell in love with you? "

Lin radial thought of here, his face became more and more ugly.

No wonder Ashley was angry about Du Zhen's affairs. He was not careful enough to cause such a trouble.

He frowned and asked, "brother a Wu, if I want to disclose what Du Zhen has done, is it feasible?"

Jiang Wu didn't answer immediately. He thought carefully and shook his head: "it's difficult. Shangshufu's daughter is also a legitimate daughter. If you want to move her, it's just Du Fu's pass that makes you feel sad. "

Before Lin radial opened his mouth, Jiang Wu added, "don't forget, she has a noble concubine and aunt in the palace. I advise you not to act rashly

The man looked ugly and shook his head and said, "since I dare to hurt my wife and children, no matter whose daughter she is, she is the princess of Dayan. I want her to pay the price. What's more, I have to give Ashur an account of this matter. "

Jiang Wu knows Lin radial temper, can only sigh in the heart, thinking that when the general comes back, let the general for Lin radial headache.

Listening to him talking about his wife, Jiang Wu said with a smile: "I used to know that you have a family in the northwest, but I seldom heard from you. Why, it's all in the capital, don't say bring to see? "

Lin Du nodded and said, "I haven't settled down these days. When they are settled down, they will bring their wives and children to the general's house and salute the general. "

Jiang Ning treated him with kindness, and Lin radial naturally returned his favor.

Seeing this, Jiang Wu burst out laughing: "I'll wait for you! At that time, our general's office can also make a fuss and let all brothers get together. "

After chatting for a few more free days, Jiang Wu said, "Zhou Lai, this man, is still in the house first. You can go back and have a good discussion with Xie's house. You can't stand on your own in this matter. "

Lin radial knew what he said was reasonable. He nodded and said, "thank you very much

After they said goodbye, Lin radial went straight back to Xie's house and planned to talk about it with Yao Shu in advance.

I don't know how she would react , the fastest update of the webnovel!