The princes continued their studies at Wenhua Hall after two days of rest. Xue Yunhuan, who had slept in for the last two days, suddenly appeared at Mingluan Palace early in the morning. But he didn’t expect to see Jun Huailang already waiting for him in the front courtyard with another person standing beside him. 

It wasn’t Fuyi, Fuyi was not that tall.

Normally Jun Huailang was barely finished dressing when he came, so Xue Yunhuan thought he arrived late. He sped up. But as Xue Yunhuan got closer, he saw that the person standing by Jun Huailang was Xue Yan.

The two boys stood side by side. Jun Huailang breathed into the palm of his hand. He seemed to be saying something to Xue Yan. And Xue Yan stood there with his head slightly bowed, sharp eyes lowered, listening to him attentively. Although Xue Yan didn’t speak and his expression was cold, somehow he looked like a big wolf that had been tamed.

Xue Yunhuan felt like he lost touch with reality for a moment. But afterwards, he immediately reacted.

Huailang was so frail, what if he was overcome by the evil star! The other nobles and sons of officials in the palace his age were all dull, only the Jun family heir was his friend. If Xue Yan caused Huailang’s death, how could he compensate for the loss!

Xue Yunhuan rushed forward, but Jun Huailang saw him before he could speak. He raised his eyebrow, smiled, and said, “Why are you so late? I’m freezing to death.”

“I come at this time everyday,” Xue Yunhuan defended. Then he glared at Xue Yan to warn him to stay away from his eminent and unreachable flower. 

But the words died in his mouth when he met Xue Yan’s eyes. A light glance from that pair of amber eyes, although cool and indifferent and serene, carried a nameless pressure. It crushed his fury in an instant. 

Xue Yunhuan shut his mouth and glanced away, embarrassed. Forget it, gentlemen don’t talk about this evil star business in public, Xue Yunhuan consoled the anger in his heart.

Jun Huailang didn’t notice the undercurrent between the two of them at all. He laughed at Xue Yunhuan’s words and said, “Then it’s because Fifth Highness left too early. We’ve already talked. From now on he will leave for Wenhua Hall together with us.”

“Together everyday?” Xue Yunhuan blurted out, dumbfounded. “Huailang, don’t you know he is……”

Jun Huailang looked at him. “What?”

Facing those clear and cool eyes, Xue Yunhuan momentarily couldn’t say the words “evil star.” He cowardly and reluctantly muttered, “…… He gets up early to study in Wenhua Hall, don’t waste his time.”

Jun Huailang laughed. “You don’t go early at all, how would you know other people are studying in Wenhua Hall? Stop talking, Fifth Highness and I agreed. Right, Fifth Highness?” Jun Huailang looked at Xue Yan.

Xue Yunhuan knew Xue Yan considered everyone beneath him. In the palace, no matter how noble one’s lineage was or how powerful their connections, who didn’t give Xue Yunhuan some face? Not to mention the fawning and boot-licking Xue Yunhuan had seen too much of. 

But Xue Yan was the only one who never gave him any respect. The first time Xue Yunhuan saw him, he called out and asked Xue Yan to step forward and reply, but Xue Yan only glanced at him coldly and left.

At that time, Xue Yan had just entered the palace after fleeing all the way back from Yan Prefecture. The horrific wound on his face had not faded. That one glance coupled with the sharp scratches on his face made him look like a fierce and vicious criminal.

Xue Yunhuan had shivered in fright. From then on, he knew that this evil star was the most arrogant person in the world.

Xue Yunhuan stared at the cold and arrogant Xue Yan who was acting like a tamed wild horse now. Xue Yan’s head dipped in a tiny nod. Although the action was irreverent, Xue Yunhuan was slapped in the face with a sense of adorableness.

Thinking of Xue Yan in that way made Xue Yunhuan shiver from disgust. He squeezed between Jun Huailang and Xue Yan, separating them.

Even if Jun Huailang must walk with Xue Yan everyday, Xue Yan has to stay further away from him! I am the sole son of the current Emperor and Empress and protected by dragon energy. I have to protect the delicate Huailang from the evil star!

This time Jun Huailang glanced at him, but he didn’t stop the childish ploy.

Only the two of them talked along the way. Xue Yan walked beside them silently. He only replied in monosyllables when Jun Huailang addressed him. Thus the three of them made their way to Wenhua Hall.

Wenhua Hall encompassed a large area. The building where the princes studied was also quite spacious. In order to leave room for the princes’ study companions and eunuchs, there was considerable distance between desks.

After entering the hall, the three separated. Xue Yan sat down in his seat. Jinbao deftly stepped forward and arranged the books, brush, and ink for him. At that moment, someone walked up to Xue Yan’s desk and chuckled lightly.

“Fifth Brother, nothing serious happened right?”

Xue Yan glanced up and saw the Fourth Prince, Xue Yunhong, standing by his table. He was clothed in a beautiful white robe and wore a smile like a spring breeze. 

Xue Yunhong remained calm in the face of Xue Yan’s gaze. He said with a smile, “That day at Father’s birthday feast, I happened to be sobering up in a side hall. I heard that you and Second Brother were punished so I was really worried.”

Xue Yan didn’t bat an eye and turned away as if he hadn’t heard anything.

Other people may not see it, but the Fourth Prince’s little tricks did not escape his eyes. That idiot Second Prince was the one always looking for trouble, but watching cooly from the sidelines and fanning the flames every time was the two-faced Old Four.

In Xue Yan’s eyes, using someone else to do your dirty work was a cheap trick. But this time, that person actually had the guts to scout out Xue Yan himself?

Xue Yan had no interest in fighting him. Regardless of how capable Xue Yunhong was, this kind of person was a coward first. He calculated three steps ahead before taking one step. Afraid of the slightest thing, he moved extremely slowly.

Xue Yan opened the book in his hand. He didn’t even glance at Xue Yunhong, as if there was no one there.

Xue Yunhong was not the least bit embarrassed. He was still smiling as he sighed and shook his head. “Fifth Brother, your reclusive personality needs to change. You can better please father, so as not to…….”

“Old Four, why are you talking to him?”

At that moment, a voice came from the door. 

It was Xue Yunsu. He stood at the entrance of Wenhua Hall, an entourage of new eunuchs and maids behind him as if in a battle formation. Xue Yunsu raised his chin, smiled smugly, and looked down his nose at the few people in the classroom.

Hearing a voice at the door, Jun Huailang also looked up. Wasn’t the Second Prince supposed to be confined for a month? Why was he allowed out today and attending school?

He glanced at Xue Yunhuan and saw that Xue Yunhuan also looked puzzled. They watched as Xue Yunsu swaggered in.

“Second Brother?” Xue Yunhong also showed an appropriately astonished expression as he looked at Xue Yunsu.

The expressions on everyone’s faces stroked Xue Yunsu’s ego. Although he addressed Xue Yunhong, he deliberately raised his voice to let everyone hear.

“Father said it was a month, could he really not confine me for a month?” He said proudly. “My mother only cried a bit, and I took the opportunity to beseech Father. He agreed to let me study every day. He even promised me that he was only teaching Jun Enze a lesson and Jun Enze would come back soon.”

When Xue Yunhong heard this, he understood. This mother and son pair really were idiots. Being confined for a month was not terrible, one could even seize the opportunity to look pitiful in front of Father. The scary thing was that both mother and son couldn’t suffer the tiniest bit of loss. They were the ones in the wrong but they still went and disturbed the Emperor. The imperial family had weak family ties so if they lost favor, it would be very difficult to win back. 

Saying that Jun Enze would come back after learning his lesson was just a pretext from the Emperor. He had likely been pestered beyond endurance by the mother and son pair. Contrasted against these sorts of people, Father would surely discover how much peace of mind gentle sons who don’t quarrel could bring.

Xue Yunhong had achieved his goal. Without showing any signs on his face, he smiled and said, “That’s wonderful. Father always loved you best.”

Xue Yunsu snorted smugly and glanced at Xue Yan. “But I remember the grudges with some people clearly,” he deliberately raised his voice. “I hope he will keep his tail tucked between his legs from now on to avoid my wrath.”

Xue Yunhong acted like he didn’t know what was going on and smiled breezily. Jun Huailang looked up at Xue Yunsu, and though he didn’t say anything, his brows were furrowed.

Xue Yunhuan’s sharp eyes caught it. Although he wanted to remain at a respectful distance from Xue Yan and they had absolutely nothing in common, Jun Huailang was kindhearted and insisted on meddling in Xue Yan’s affairs. If Xue Yunhuan didn’t help, Xue Yunsu would turn around and bully Jun Huailang.

In addition, it was this dimwit who almost lost Linghuan-meimei.[1] He could be considered to have enmity with Jun Huailang. To have enmity with Jun Huailang was to have enmity with Xue Yunhuan.

For the first time in his life, Xue Yunhuan felt like a worried father.

Before Jun Huailang could speak, Xue Yunhuan lazily thumped his table and said, “Who is making a racket so early in the morning? This prince wants to study today, who is insisting on spoiling my interest?”

Most of the Second Prince’s arrogance melted away immediately. He glared at Xue Yan viciously, then fixed a smile on his face and nodded deferentially at Xue Yunhuan. After excusing himself, he dejectedly went to his seat.

Xue Yunhuan stopped scowling and looked at Xue Yan and Jun Huailang, only to see that Xue Yan, who should have been in the center of the storm, had stayed out of it entirely. He was silently and calmly reading the book in his hand. Serving beside him, Jinbao was frozen silent from fear. On the contrary, Jun Huailang smiled at him appreciatively.

Xue Yunhuan felt a sense of unreality.

What’s going on?

Although everyone looked down on that evil spirit Xue Yan, with his silent and fierce appearance, no one dared provoke him rashly. That idiot of a Second Prince was just flaunting his ability to gossip. If he and Xue Yan really fought, he would run faster than anyone else.

How did I get so muddleheaded that I started to stand up for Xue Yan?
