Chapter 728 727. Into The Portal II: Demons Can Fly?

Name:I Became The Pope, Now What? Author:
Chapter 728 727. Into The Portal II: Demons Can Fly?

?"They might snap and destroy reality as we know it."

"Hah, you aren't very good at making jokes, Pope," Lord Two said, laughing to himself.

"He's not joking," Dalgan immediately realized that Sylvester didn't laugh or smile. "If what the Pope says is real, then Empress Mother's actions are understandable. The true enemy would then be the Grand Prince."

The Demon father and son silently followed Sylvester after that, talking among themselves, at times wondering what this enemy might be aiming for. The fact that all of reality could be destroyed in the blink of an eye didn't leave much room for confidence.

But in any case, they knew they couldn't live in the human world, nor would the Pope allow them to live.

"We're arriving at Wailing City very soon. You two will live there for a day, and then we'll depart for the Central Continent." Sylvester ordered the two without elaborating any further and entered the city through a questionable secret pathway. Away from the eyes of any Clergyman or worshippers.

Keeping themselves fully covered and hidden, Sylvester headed straight to the Royal estate, Ebony Castle. There were guards everywhere, but through his Solarium Web, Sylvester had contacted Lord Einarr and called him to the gates.

'Don't kneel, don't act like I'm the Pope,' Sylvester warned Lord Einarr.

"Welcome back to Ebony Castle, Sire. We were waiting for your arrival," Lord Einarr spoke as if he was a long-lost friend. The old man still had his black hair that was on the verge of going white. His tall stature seemed as formidable as ever, combined with his unique Time Magic.

"Likewise, my friend." Sylvester joined his side and walked into the estate with him. The guards simply stepped aside and allowed them to enter without question, albeit staring at the two demons with a suspicious gaze as they were too tall for usual human standards.

After entering the gates, where no one else could hear them, Einarr saluted officially. "Welcome back, Your Holiness. Who are these two guests?"



Einarr found himself at a loss of words. 'Demons? Weren't they the bad guys? The enemies of mankind and the Holy Land?'

"Ah... Disguised as demons?"

"No, they are demons I caught in the Central Continent. Unlike the possessed humans, these are actual demons with their real, original bodies. The one on the right is General Dalgan and the one on the left is his son, Lord Two." Sylvester introduced them as if they were kids. "You two, this is the Prima of Queen Xylena, a very powerful Grand Wizard. So don't mess around near him."

'Near him? We don't even want to be in the same world as you,' Lord Two thought in his head.

"Where is Xylena?" Sylvester asked.

"She's at the terrace, painting the scenery of the city. With the monarchy abolished, she's been having the time of her life. She eats, trains, and travels as she desires. I'm looking for a suitable groom for her now... But it's utterly difficult to find one," Einarr revealed, his shoulders plummeting like a weary father. In a way, he was a father figure for her.

Sylvester patted his back. "Don't worry, she'll live a long life. There will be enough time to prolong the family line. For now, I need you to show Dalgan and his son to a room. I'll go and meet with Xylena."

"Understood, Your Holiness." Einarr stopped and allowed Sylvester to leave alone before gesturing for the two demons to follow him. "So, why did you come to this world?"

Sylvester smiled and created a dagger in his hand before using it to slice a noticeable wide wound on his palm. No blood dropped from it. "I've elevated myself from the constraints of a human body, Xye. I'll be fine, trust me. But I may need your help at some point, so for the coming days until I return, I want you to live in the Central Continent, in the Royal Castle of the Northern Kingdom."

Worried for him, she caught Sylvester's hand. "Why must you go now?"

"There isn't enough time left, Xye. We don't know when those 'Gods' will act. We don't know what their plan is or why they're after us. Recently, I found out that the Demon side faces the same challenge from the 'Gods'. I must go and meet with the leader of that world," Sylvester clarified and got up. "Get serious with your training. There are rough days ahead, Xye."

Somewhat dejected but understanding, Xylena sighed and agreed. "I'll wait for you at the Central Continent then. But what am I even supposed to do?"

"Focus on elevating the understanding of Elder Magic that I taught you in the Divine Desert. It's akin to the language of gods and will open many pathways for you." He patted her ashen-black hair, reminding her of their harsh days in the Divine Desert. "You're a strong girl, Xye. I don't know how the so-called 'fate' connects us. But whatever it is, I know you can overcome all challenges."

"When do you leave?"

"Right away," Sylvester said, walked with her to the lower floors, and eventually arriving at the demons' room. "You can gather your luggage and travel to the Central Continent later."

"These are demons?!" she exclaimed, seeing the two tall creatures. "Ugh... four eyes."

"I'm considered handsome in my world," Lord Two scoffed and replied.

Sylvester glared at him for a split second and shut the overambitious Demon up. The man reminded him of a somewhat spoiled son of a humble King—Dalgan being the King in this case.

"We shall head to the Central Continent's Soul Tree through the air now," Sylvester announced, leading everyone to a secluded training field. "Einarr, take care of Xylena. Don't you dare choose someone for her without my permission."


"I understand, Your Holiness."

"We don't know how to fly," Dalgan informed Sylvester before they got ready to leave.

Sylvester scoffed and spread his arms while standing between the two. Chains made of solid light came out of his palm and created a metal harness around the two's chest and waist. Following that, Sylvester slightly bent his knees, smirking the whole time.

"Hah, then prepare yourself for the once-in-a-lifetime experience."


Everything happened so fast, but Dalgan and Lord Two saw Sylvester jump into the sky. The chain that captured them clanked and extended rapidly, prompting the two to look at each other's faces right before the sudden pull came.

"Save us, o' eternal Void!"

"Aaaaaa... Father!"

And that's how two demons learned how to fly—or fall with style.


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