Chapter 772 771. GODs Vs gods IV: Only One End

Name:I Became The Pope, Now What? Author:
Chapter 772 771. GODs Vs gods IV: Only One End


The flesh of the immortal ripped apart like a piece of cloth. Sylvester's one hand clawed the head off of the torso, leaving a spillage of black tar-like blood everywhere, floating without any gravity or forces of nature.

On one hand, the severed head, and on the other, the neck of the torso. Sylvester kept the body in his grasp since he knew this wasn't the end of Ashraska's story. He picked up the severed head and faced it, finding signs of life.

"Without you, there shall be no need for war," Sylvester said. "Without you, Aveda will be the sole Primordial God. You are alone in this, and you shall die alone."

Fear lingered on the demonic face, its horns already broken by Sylvester in that raging sphere of light around them. Ashraska had accepted his brother's betrayal. "H-He won't help you... human!"

"But there won't be a need for war." Sylvester ignored the pleading, dying voice of Ashraska, "With your death, there shall be a new chance to live... so, fade away into nothing!"

"It's a never-ending cycle. You can try, but you will never escape its jaws." The supreme God felt helpless. He felt all those emotions he never knew existed. He never knew what it felt like to be a mortal until now. "No matter what, you shall remain a lesser being—unlike I, you remain a mortal!"

Sylvester clenched the body and the head harder in his palms. He knew Ashraska still thought Sylvester couldn't completely kill him. "I'm grateful to countless people in this life. One of them is Nehilius—God or not, creation and destruction work the same in this reality of yours."

"You will be killing yourself if you push your mortality," Ashraska warned in a disguised attempt to plead.

"Maybe," Sylvester didn't care. "But I'll definitely die if I don't."

Sylvester felt energized by the sacrifices of his predecessor gods and used that energy to turn Ashraska's body into a mist of blood. Squeezing the head so hard that it caved and splattered everywhere.

Ashraska couldn't speak anymore, but he was still alive. As long as even a speck of his dust remained, he was alive.

But in the end, the blood, the body, the flesh of Ashraska was nothing but energy. The energy that Sylvester could absorb through his abilities. Just like how he had devoured countless Eldritch Gods, he repeated it.

However, this time, the release was too much. Even Ashraska's condensed energy inside the sphere of fiery light around Sylvester's humanoid but nonhuman form, was more than all the energies Sylvester had absorbed in the past combined.

And worse—it was corrupted.


Although incapable of feeling physical pain in that form, Sylvester could feel the cosmic energy he started to absorb, trying to take over—It was violent, it was dense, and it was alive. It fought against his control, turning his radiant crimson and golden energy a shade darker.

'I can't lose my mind.' He reminded himself. Mind was the key to taming this new form of energy that predated and superseded reality itself. It was a tiny fraction of Ashraska's true form that was isolated outside the sphere, yet it felt too much to handle.

It filled Sylvester with some dread. He could see there was no way of winning against Ashraska if he hadn't isolated the physical body. But there was still Aveda to face outside.

Abruptly, things started to feel different. Sylvester, much stronger now and his senses sharper, felt the energies in the space moving and concentrated not far from him. In no time, he noticed a small white orb forming. It constantly grew bigger until it took the humanoid form of a newborn baby.

"You did what I could not. You ended Ashraska without losing yourself—you won me all of existence." Aveda's voice still reverberated from all sides. "You did exactly what I needed you to do."

The size of the baby grew and took the form of an adolescent boy, and from there came adulthood. More refined, more human, and more adult-sized. Aveda was unlike his brother—his skin was so pale that even the color white paled in comparison. His hair was longer than his waist, and twin wings were made of what appeared to be the same skin.

A single blue gem also adorned the middle of his chest. What its purpose was remained elusive to Sylvester. However, he did clearly feel the raging power condensing in that body—more than Ashraska.

"I have been watching you from the day you were born. An anomaly in the world under my brother's control. He did not notice you, but I did. While he remained preoccupied, trying to mimic a fraction of my wisdom in creating new Popes, or Saint Scepters—I watched your rise, your thoughts, and your desires."

Sylvester knew something was going to happen. Aveda was being too talkative for someone who valued plotting and wisdom above everything else.


Just when Aveda finished creating his physical body, a wave of disturbance spread out in all directions from his body.

'He has it!' Sylvester felt it. Aveda just tried to claim control over the other half of the space that was occupied by Ashraska's leftover energies. 'He's fighting... and winning.'

Right before his senses, he could feel Ashraska's energy flowing into Aveda's body. It was invisible, but it could be felt.

God of the entire existence—The very being that gave birth to Aveda and his siblings.

'He's trying to become the one true God.'

Aveda tried, but he didn't look human at all. He lacked any color but ashen white. And somehow, in Sylvester's gaze he looked more demonic than Ashraska.

"Along the way, to have theorized the purpose of the war of two worlds, and yet remaining silent despite it being so petty and meaningless." Aveda's lips curved in a smile, but it held no warmth. "I shall spare your world. The feud remains no more. The existence lies undivided now—mine."

Sylvester knew there was more, so he waited for the rest of the words.

"As much as I desire this control over reality—I desire you."

Sylvester frowned and prepared for his next move right away. Both his arms raised on his sides, palms spread open.

"Sylvester Maximilian, become the enforcer of the one true God." Aveda offered, or rather demanded. "Become what I used to be—Become my only Primordial God and rule with me."

"Hah!" Sylvester sneered a chuckle, "Aveda, there can only be one end to this insanity—only your death will purify this reality!"
