Chapter 228: Ep. 228 Destruction

Ep. 228 Destruction

“Damn it! Damn it!!!”

A hidden base located somewhere underground where light couldn’t reach.

The headquarters of the organization that pursued knowledge, ‘Shine Tear.’

Chaos reigned there at the moment.

“Fuck! They said the information was accurate! They said it was Kim Cheol-woo! But he wasn’t him! What are we going to do now?”

“B-Boss! What should we do? Egostic has declared war on us! You know how terrifying that guy is!”

“No way! We’re all going to die like this!”

After they confidently declared Egostic’s true identity as Kim Cheol-woo in a broadcast, he appeared immediately to refute their claims, and with his warning, the Shine Tear organization was on the brink of collapse.

“What the hell happened...”

And the leader of the organization, the boss of Shine Tear.

He was currently clutching his head in agony in front of a table.

“That bitch was sure it was accurate information, wasn’t she? Try contacting her!”

“B-Boss! She’s not answering our calls. It seems like she cut ties with us and escaped!”

At the subordinate’s trembling words, he grabbed his head.

‘...She always gave us 100% accurate information to the point where I trusted her. Fuckl. Of all times, she had to release false information!’

He regretted believing her words, but now it was too late to resent her. Honestly, he had believed Kim Cheol-woo was Egostic with full confidence after cross-verification.

“Damn it! So Kim Cheol-woo disappearing during Egostic’s attacks and rarely being seen was all a coincidence?”

...Perhaps, he had acted too hastily in presenting the information organization Shine Tear, which had always been underground, to the world. Should he have investigated more thoroughly? Regrets were useless at this point.

“Boss! What should we do now?”

With his subordinates anxiously asking, he let out a sigh and, after much deliberation, he regained his composure and spoke.

“...Don’t panic. Anyway, that Egostic bastard doesn’t know our location. It’ll take him ages to figure it out. So...”

“B-Boss! Something big happened! Down there, down there!”

“What the... fuck is this?”

And just when he was trying hard to control the people at the scene.


In real-time.

Suddenly, an ominous glowing violet magic circle appeared on the floor on one side of the underground.

Seeing the faintly glowing magic circle being drawn alone in the dark underground room, he instinctively realized.

He was screwed.

“...Everybody, fire!!!!!!”

Like that.

With his scream and shouts, everyone nearby pulled out their guns and sprayed bullets toward the floor with the magic circle.


Countless bullets poured toward the floor.

However, despite the gunfire, the magic circle was already complete.

When the lines of the circle finally connected.Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

On top of the magic circle, pink smoke was generated.

And then, suddenly, the forms of three figures appeared.

“Sehee, Ja-young. We’re all here.”

ᄂ[Honestly, if Egostic hadn’t shown up that day, we would have been in big trouble, haha.]

[What’s even funnier is that they’re selling baguettes with mango inside and calling it Mango Stick hahaha They’re even a limited edition hahahahaha.]


ᄂ[Oh, of course, they can’t resist a free collaboration opportunity~]

ᄂ[Cheol-woo really stirs things up when he comes in hahaha.]


Several days after the Kim Cheol-woo incident.

The once buzzing excitement quickly died down. Most people regarded it as a mere incident. However, everyone couldn’t help but be amazed by the power of Ego Stream, who swiftly located and dealt with the villain organization Shine Tear, which had attempted to leak his identity.

[Hilarious) Stardus was at the scene of the Kim Cheol-woo incident hahahahaha.]


If you watch closely around 50 seconds in, Egostic suddenly said he would drop Kim Cheol-woo, probably because he sensed Stardus’s presence, right? So, Stardus just stood there without moving, didn’t even make eye contact, and simply left hahahah.

Stardus got wrecked hahahahahah. It’s a proof that Egostic has no interest in Stardus, right?


[Kid, please delete the post^^]

[Hehe... Mango Stream fans keep poking fun at Stardus. Is this the weight of being a true hero?]

[But, seriously, I don’t get it hahaha. I thought Mango Stick would at least pretend to notice Stardus and say a few words, but he didn’t say a word to the end hahaha.]

ᄂ[Did they have a fight?]

ᄂ[Did they really fight when there were no cameras? Could’ve been a marital dispute hahahaha]

ᄂ[Crazy bitches hahaha. They’re both heroes and villains anyway. Fighting should be normal for them hahahaha.]

ᄂ[There’s no barrier in love!]

[...Haa. This makes me angry again.]

[I’ve heard about this on other fan forums, hahaha. People were saying that Stardus had a mental breakdown.]

ᄂ[They’re talking about it there too?]

ᄂ[Those forums are filled with Stardus fans, so they just analyzed the psychology among themselves and concluded that Stardus likes Egostic, hahaha. The cafe manager takes down all those kinds of posts immediately, so it’s not noticeable.]

ᄂ[Wow, so it was all nonsense from Mango Stream fans, hahaha. I should’ve known.]

ᄂ[No, the conclusion is fucking hilarious, hahaha.]

[If Stardus is disappointed, it’s a bummer, hahaha.]


...Of course, there were people continuously making absurd claims.

“Why, Seo-eun. What are you reading?”

At home.

I asked Seo-eun what she was reading after seeing her read my fan cafe on a large tablet next to me. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. How they were desperately trying to create drama out of nothing, all because I didn’t make eye contact with Stardus. Seeing my bewildered expression, Seo-eun, with an innocent look on her face, asked,

“Why? Is there something strange?”

“It’s nonsense from the beginning.”

I cut to the chase and said. It would make no sense for Stardus to be disappointed. Instead, she would probably be pleased that I didn’t cause an accident.

When I explained this, Seo-eun brightened up and said with a smile,

“Then just ignore Stardus whenever you guys meet from now on!”

“...No, that’s a bit...”

That’s exaggerating.

After all, I’m doing all of this for Stardus. There’s no way she’d feel that way.

‘...Maybe after retirement.’

That’s all I thought.