Chapter 274:

A doomed world.

There, under the red sky, Stardus stared with trembling eyes at a woman with blonde hair exactly like her own.


That woman, with hair a little dirtier blonde than her own, looking much more mature was looking at her coldly

Perhaps this was the future Stardus of this world.

Much to her bewilderment, she never imagined that she would run into herself like this.

The woman, who had been silently looking in this direction, opened her mouth as if she wasnt too surprised.Rêạd new chapters at novelhall.comnants of an illusory creature. I thought this area was cleared. Apparently not.

She muttered quietly, as if speaking to herself, and then her otherworldly self stretched out her arms and clenched her fists.


Centering on her hands and arms, a tremendous energy, glowing with an intense yellow light, began to wrap around her arms like a gauntlet.

She was poised to attack at any moment and Stardus, stunned by her appearance, quickly spoke up.

Now, wait a minute, Im not a demon or anything.


Her future self, still looking tired, looked up at her from a mountain of ruined buildings, his arms glowing with light.

Stardus, flying in the sky in front of her, quickly opened his mouth to speak before she suddenly attacked.

I Im from another world, I dont want to fight, I just

As she began to explain, Stardus of this world stopped attacking for a moment and stood quietly, looking this way and listening to her.

And so Stardus explained her current situation at length. Somehow, she fell through a portal or something, and landed in this world.

Stardus carefully looked at her reflection in this world, listening to her story.

She looked older, much more mature than she was now, and somehow tired, yet sharp.

Somewhat weary of life, yetIn this world, with its dangerous atmosphere, she felt like someone else, definitely older than her current self.

Perhaps thats why Stardus was explaining, using respectful language without realizing it.

So, when I opened my eyes, I was here.

That was the end of her explanation.

The Stardus of this future world, who had been quietly listening to her up to this point, looked at her with a dull gaze.

She didnt seem to pay much attention to what she was saying.


Haha, thats funny.

Youve totally stolen my old self, havent you?

She only said that with a bitter expression.

When Stardus was still confused after hearing that, she turns her head and speaks quietly.

Another dimension. Hmm. It cant be, because thats not possible.

Still, I dont know what you are, but Ill accept you for now. Theres nothing else to do in this place thats already finished anyway

Cause it doesnt seem to affect anything.

After muttering that, she turned her head again and stared off into the horizon as blankly as before.

Her demeanor was as if she couldnt care less about herself.

With that, Stardus took a quiet breath, and then asked her.

Do you happen to know Egostic?

It wasnt in the records, but just in case, because the woman before her was her other self, she couldnt possibly not know him.

With a vague hope, she asked.

No? Who is that?

She frowned, like she didnt know what she was talking about and with that answer Stardus finally realized the biggest difference between her world and this one.

It was thatthere was no Egostic in this world.


Feeling a little dizzy, she made that concession to her future self, then leaned her hand against a nearby rocky pile of bricks.

Thats right.

There was no Egostic in this world, her other self confirmed it and perhaps, she guessed.

That one difference changed the course of the world.

The HanEun Groups giant weapon, captured by the Egostic, destroyed nearly half of Seoul and was unstoppable in this world.

The Death Knight, which should have been by his side, fell into the wrong hands and was used to slaughter civilians.

And then there was the Terror of the Moonlight Maiden, a terror that was halted by Egostic, who intervened and welcomed her as an ally but was ultimately unstoppable in this world, destroying all of Seoul before the Shrine Maiden was finally killed by herself from this world.

As a result, the capital was changed to Busan, and New Seoul was created from the ruins.

Rhino, Weapon Master, Scream Maker, and others Those he had privately sanctioned survived in this world and went on to become mass murderers, killing hundreds.

And the White Witch, whom he welcomed as an allySouth Silver, Atlas, and others were also people who, without him, would have led the country to near destruction.

In other words, there was only one reason why her world was so peaceful.

Because of Egostic?

Stardust, still dizzy from earlier, grabbed the railing and staggered back.

Hey You, wait.

The Stardus of this world, who had been watching her silently, stiffened for a moment before asking.

Whats wrong with you?

Huh? Why is my body?

Stardus looked down, startled.

Her body looked like a noisy television screen was crackling in places and strangely refracted as if another dimension was pulling her in.

Whatwhats going on?

Stardus asked, realizing for the first time that this was the reason for her dizziness.

Wait. Youre not Ah. I guess thats what it is, haha.

The moment the otherworldly self said that, looking at her like that once again, her body was surrounded by white light, just like when she first stepped through the portal.

I dont know what it is, but well Maybe, Illgiveyouwhat you sayto..

And that was the last she saw of herself in this world, still grave, but with a slight smile on her face.

Stardus consciousness plunged back into the dizzying confines of space.


While Stardust was talking to her otherworldly self.


I, who had chased after Stardus, who had disappeared into a strange dimensional gate created by the Moonlight Lord, was swimming in a strange space of consciousness, trying to stay alive.