Chapter 297:

"Da-in, what are you doing?"

The Egostream mansion.

I was lying on a sunbed by the lake in the garden, doing my work, when I looked up at the sound in front of me.

And there, peeking her head out of the water, was the blue-haired Ariel.

Since living here, Ariel has been swimming in the lake from time to time because she feels comfortable in the water.

"I'm working. I'm a little worried about something."

"I think you work too much. My father didn't work this much either."

"Uh huh If Ariel, who just got here, can say that, doesn't that mean you're a workaholic?"

As Ariel was saying that, Seo-eun, who was swimming behind her, spat out water and said that.

When she saw Ariel swimming in front of the lake, she decided to follow her and learn to swim too.

At first, she came out confidently in a skimpy swimsuit, then, realizing the cold water and the limitations of her swimming skills, she made a swimsuit similar to the one Ariel wore. It looked like it wasn't quite finished yet.

Anyway, to the two girls who complained that I was only working, I could only vaguely laugh because I had no words to retort, especially Seo-Eun, who worked the longest with me even when she said that.

Anyway, that's what I was doing.

Shinryong, who was lying on the sunbed next to me, spoke up in a languid yet stern voice.

"Mr. Da-in is on a mission to save the world. Why don't you support him instead of hindering him?"

It was a mature voice, the voice of the oldest person in the house.

If only she hadn't said it while lying on a sunbed with her sunglasses on and an iced mojito in her hand.

Shinryong was the guardian dragon of a village in South Korea.

With her black hair tied back, a scroll, and a sambae robe, she looked like someone from a bygone era. In recent years, she has been rapidly overtaken by modern civilization.

Perhaps because she had been sealed away for hundreds of years, everything that modern science has given her is new and good.

Still, Shinryong was able to survive for quite a while due to her rejection and her mindset of valuing the old and nature She stayed in the forest in front of the house without any instructions from us and was eventually corrupted by Soobin restaurant trips.

The idea of being in nature was a good one, but I didn't expect it to manifest itself as an icy mojito while lying on a sunbed wearing a scarf


Seo-Eun dived into the lake while blowing bubbles, thinking that Shiryong's words weren't wrong after all.

Still, I'm glad they're having a good time.

With that, I told Seo-Eun and Ariel to stay and play with me for a while, and then turned my attention back to my laptop.

What I'm looking at is something I've been looking into a few weeks ago, the it that sleeps in Carqueas, the only superhuman prison in Korea.

I've spent the last few days gathering information from overseas and I realized that the situation is quite troubling.

How the fuck am I going to get this thing to stop?

I looked away from the laptop for a moment, and then stared out at the sunset over the lake, silently thinking.

What I'm trying to prepare for now is what happens in three pages.

An ancient being, hunted down and captured, sleeping in the deepest depths of Eastern Carqueas.

But there were many other urgent matters, and he wasn't exactly running away, so I put off the actual plan until now.

And now, as a result of that procrastination, I've been caught with his pants down.

"Even Seo-Eun's power cannot penetrate Carqueas."


I slapped my hand on the armrest of the sunbed, silently thinking.

Getting into Carqueas was the problem now.

A concentration camp exclusively for villains with superpowers, a culmination of all modern abilities and technologies that exist around the world, which gave the International Association its current status.

Even from the outside, it looks like you can never escape from that huge prison island on the foggy sea that gives off an incredibly intimidating feeling.

Naturally, its security is the best in the world. As evidenced by the fact that the otherworldly beasts that have just crossed the Moonlight Gate have left it unscathed. As such, they're well prepared for teleporters like me. Even if I tried to force my way in, I'm sure the automated security system would discover me.

However, breaking into the prison by force was also dismissed, as it would be a disaster if I broke into the other villains' cells and let them escape.

Plus, I can't rely on the help of Lee Seola, the ruler of the Korean underworld. Especially since the president of the association still has a tight grip on the association.

The only option left was to make a deal with the president of the association but the structure itself was such that it was impossible to sneak in. As strict security was required, everything was monitored in real time.

There was only one option left.

"I'll get caught and put in a cell."

I chuckled to myself at the thought.

Even to myself, it was ridiculous.



After Shin Haru left Lee Seola, who was left alone, had been thinking so much that her head hurt for days.

It's harder to think about a friend's relationship problems than it is to think about Korea's economy, laws, and presidential elections, and while others might laugh at the idea, it was a serious problem for her, especially when she was trying to find a way to make everyone happy.


As she twirled her pen and thought, her phone rang.


She smiled broadly, until she realized that it was the caller from Egostic. She wondered what it was.

And then.

"Yes? What?"

The smile didn't last long as she answered the phone.

"You're going to get caught by Stardus and put in a cell?"

Was that what she had heard?

Double-checking, she grabbed the phone and sighed heavily, leaning back in her seat.

What the hell are these two?

Why are you two doing this to me?

Lee Seola felt like crying.