Chapter 303:

~An interrogation room located in the basement of the Association~

After sitting there for quite some time, I was finally allowed to move.

Perhaps the results of the trial had finally come out.

"TheMr. Egostic, will be transported to Carqueas from now on, so if you'll stand up"

I was escorted out of the interrogation room by an Association employee, who was strangely polite to a captured villain.

Of course, throughout the entire process, I smiled and cooperated. Inwardly, I was grumbling about why I couldn't get out of there sooner.

Once outside the interrogation room, I was greeted by the many staff members of the Hero Association underground laboratory.

All of them cringed at the sight of me. I'm a safe villain, I won't hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you.

More than that

I looked around for a moment, then thought quietly.

I don't see Stardus.

She was sitting in front of me a few hours ago, pressuring me, and now she's nowhere to be seen.

Which, of course, was a good thing, because I'd be in a lot of trouble without herNot that I can say anything about it now.

Anyway, after being escorted out very politely by the staff, I boarded some sort of villain transport truck and made my way to the underground parking garage to leave for Carqueas.

I must say, I was impressed with how carefully the association agents handled me along the way. You'd think they were escorting the President, not taking a villain to jail.

Of course, at this point, I didn't think much of it but once we were in the convoy and on the ground I suddenly heard a thunderous sound.

"""Release Egostic!!!"""


I couldn't see out because the convoy was blocked on all sides, but even so, I panicked at the sound of people shouting in what sounded like a huge protest.

No, what the hell is that sound?

I continued to hear similar sounds from outside, and it didn't die down until after we had driven for a while longer.

Perhaps my fans are acting in unison at the news of my capture. Well, I thought it was possible, but I didn't think they were really doing it. I mean, they're probably in the minority anyway.But now that I think about it, they were kind of loud It's a minority, right? I don't know. Never mind. I don't think there are a lot of people who like villains. That can't be true.

Anyway, after some more running, I was finally able to get off.

And when I finally hit the ground again, handcuffed, I was greeted by


I was on the beach, with the cold wind blowing hard, with a vast expanse of blue ocean.

"Now we need to transfer to the ship!"

Looking at the agent waving at us, I smirked and headed for the prisoner transfer boat with the association staff standing on either side.

Finally, it was time to head to Carqueas.


It is now nighttime.

On the sea, in a boat rocking violently, I was sitting in the back, watching the waves through the window.

I'm sitting in the back of a large motorized boat, facing the bars.

As I watched the black waves crash menacingly outside, and the fog around the boat, I thought to myself. We'll be there soon, finally.

A few more minutes passed, and finally.


I've finally arrived in Carqueas, the so-called graveyard of villains.

I smiled, brushing my cuffed hands away.

The process was a bit complicated, but just getting here was already half the battle. With the fortress being what it is, it was the only way in.


I sighed as I slipped my hand into my coat pocket and did a few maneuvers, feeling the object naturally fall into my grasp.

I've managed to hide it with magic, and I've managed to bring in the recorder. Now I could say that everything was going according to plan.

Suddenly, I looked up at the ceiling. As expected, it was empty, with no TV or anything.

Not for the sake of the villains' human rightsof course not. Originally, there were such things in rooms where high-level villains were imprisoned but some guys with unusual abilities used it to do crazy things like hypnotize employees who were watching TV and they got rid of it.

Anyway, I'll stay here for a while and then escape as planned when the time is right.

Thinking the same thing, I looked around my cell.


Only then did I notice something odd.

"Why is this room so nice?"

I muttered to myself.

I thought it would be a dingy room in a dingy part of the basement after all the walking we'd done, but instead it was a large, comfortable room.

There were a bunch of ability-suppressing devices, but it was a nice room with a shower of some sort, and the rooms were big and spacious.

AndThe strangest thing was.

Why are there two beds?

I muttered to myself, puzzled, as I looked at the two beds next to each other.

What is this, is there some kind of mistake?

Just as I was thinking that.

-Beep, beep, beep.

-Ding, ding, ding.

Suddenly, I heard a sound at the prison door.

Someone had entered my cell.

Who the hell was that and what I saw when I went back out there.


"Hi. Egostic."

It was Stardus, her golden hair flashing, smiling at me.

carrying some sort of carrier.

And by then my mind was already foggy.


What the hell is going on?

Unexpectedly, my imprisonment had begun just like that.