Chapter 322:

Since the beginning of Cataclysm the Villain's Council has been as peaceful as ever. In fact, it's a very strange sight. All of the world's top S-class villains are gathered together, but they don't fight or argue with each other, and things go smoothly? It's a mysterious story just thinking about it.

In fact, there was a reason for that.

First, the villains gathered here are not just S-class villains, but bosses of villain organizations with other subordinates under them, which means they are socialized to a certain extent.

Second and the biggest reason.


Right there, a silver-haired woman sitting in a somewhat distant and mysterious manner, as if she can see everything with her eyes closed.

That's because she's Celeste, the most powerful of all villains.

Testeus, who has built an underground kingdom beneath the Americas and plans to bring about the collapse of the Earth and Atlas, who controls all sea creatures and rules the entire North Atlantic Ocean. When asked to name the most powerful villains, these two are usually in the top three.And it was Celeste who was said that even if they attacked together, they could not defeat her.

She is the one who wrote a new myth in the history of villains, and is considered to be stronger than anyone else at the moment.


And there she was, blatantly staring at me throughout the meeting.

Over and over again.


She's so blatant that even the other villains are taking notice.

"Egostic, is this okay?"

I could feel her gaze, so much so that Katana, sitting next to me, whispered in a cold sweat as she tugged at my clothes.

And I turned to her.

"Don't worry. It's no big deal."

I just gave her a reassuring, calm smile.

Actually, I was nervous, too, but if I showed it out loud, I'd be treated like an idiot. I smiled calmly, as if I was used to it. Whenever I made eye contact with Celeste, who was staring at me like that, I would smile broadly. Of course, she didn't react.

Anyway, the meeting ended with that uneasy feeling.

"And, Egostic. Why don't you stay and talk to me for a bit?"

Finally the words came out of Celeste's mouth as she stood up.

When she said it, the other villains looked at me and her, as expected. They all looked curious because they didn't know what she was doing today. Only my companions looked at me with concern.

"Don't worry, you should go ahead."

With that, they all turned and walked away, uneasy. Even if they were there, they wouldn't be able to stop Celeste if she wanted to do something.

Anyway, with all the villains gone, the two of us are alone in the Cathedral.

At the front of the room where the round table sits, illuminated through colorful stained glass.

Leaning back slightly in the chair next to me, she smiles at me, waiting.

Coldly, she opened her mouth.

"Egotistic, what do you want?"

She asked me with a sharpness in her voice that she had never shown me before.

I smirked at her as if to say, "What's the matter?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you don't."

She replied, as if she was full of energy.

Then Celeste turned to me and said coldly.

Actually, I had a contingency plan that would kick in if she really tried. One should always be prepared for anything but knowing her character, I was confident that she wouldn't do that to me now.

She was silent for a moment.

Then she spoke, quietly, in a low voice.

"Very well, very well, I'll do it."


And with that, I nodded my head coldly in response to her next words.

This boldness, this smirk, this unflinching acceptance, even with the number one ranked villain trying to tear me apart. It's things like this that make me seem like there's something more, like I have a secret because even the strongest Celeste can't read minds.

"I'm busy, then, so I'll leave you to it."

Before she could change her mind, I decided to hit the hollandaise line. Busy, busy.

Just like that.


Celeste watched me leave, silently, as I walked away.

Good, I survived another day.



After Egostic's departure, the Cathedral Roundtable was empty.

Celeste stood there still for a moment, and then, without batting an eye toward the aisle where Egostic had gone, she opened her mouth and spoke quietly.

"Arthur, are you there?"

"Yes. Celeste."

As she spoke, a knightly man in armor quietly stepped out from behind the curtain.

Without meeting his eyes, she asked softly.

"So. What did you think of him today? Did he still seem dangerous?"

Such was her question.

After a moment of silence, Arthur spoke again.

"Yes. He still seemed more dangerous than any other figure I've ever seen, Celeste."

"Ha Alright, you should go."

With that, Celeste disappeared back behind the curtain like a shadow.

Once again alone at the empty round table, she stared silently at the reflection of her silver hair in the stained glass and muttered to herself.

"I suppose I'll have to find out more."

Egotistic acted as if he knew the future, thwarted the plans of the followers of the Moon God, and was unusually obsessed with one hero.

Despite this, he is close to Atlas, who is the second strongest of the group, and has directly eliminated one of the god's creatures.

In other words, he is a strange figure who knows as much about the gods as she does.

Perhaps, I should go find her.'

Celeste thought quietly, and left the round table.

For today, she let him go. You never know what he might do, what tricks he might be hiding behind that regal demeanor. And then, after he shows something off shell kill him.


Now, she thought quietly, she must prepare herself to face him head-on.

Crushing those no bigger than insects was something she was used to.