Chapter 398: Talking to the Stars

Chapter 398: Talking to the Stars

Chapter 398: Talking to the Stars

~A place somewhere, where everything was white~

There, Stardus sat face to face with the God of Stars, and soon heard the truth of the world from the god.

In the beginning, there were three gods who created this world.

They created the world, and upon it, they created creatures like themselves, humans.

So the three gods led the humans, and life went on in peace.

The one called the Sun God bestowed special powers upon humans, making them strong.

The one called the Moon God gave humans the knowledge of magic, making them wise.

The one called the Star God taught humans harmony and coexistence, so that they might love one another.

And so it seemed that the gods’ work went on endlessly...until one god had a change of heart.

“Helios, the Sun God...he suddenly decided that he had had enough of the humans.”

He wanted to get rid of humans and use the resources to create other intelligent life forms.

Naturally, the Star God disagreed. “How could you do that? How could we throw away the work of our hands, our creation, so futilely?”

“And so we fought, and fought, and fought...and the end of the fight was war.”

Realizing that they could not compromise, they finally fought in earnest.

The Moon God, who had been neutral from the beginning, went into hiding.

The two remaining gods fought a fierce war...finally ended in the victory of the God of the Stars.

“But...A victory that only wounds.”

As she said this, the Star God smiled bitterly.

The Star God had finally succeeded in driving the Sun God out of this world’s dimension...but in the process, the Star God’s body had suffered great damage.

It was no longer able to maintain its strength.

“But...I knew.”

One day. The Sun God will inevitably return.

He would try to destroy this world once more.

And so the Star God held on with diminished strength, watching the humans, waiting for the right time.

Thousands of years have passed since then.

In the aftermath of war, the gods were forgotten from humanity’s memory, and peace seemed to have been achieved without them.

Suddenly, the power of the Sun God began to take root in the world again.

“...The paranormal power, as it is called.”

One of the powers given by the Sun God in the distant past, the power of the sun.

Suddenly, that power has begun to be given back to the people of this world.

A power that would bring chaos to the world.

“Then...I realized. Sun God was drawing closer and closer to this world again.”

His influence, once again, was being manifested in this world.

“But to fight him again when he power is insufficient, and my very existence is already unstable.”


Saying that, the Star God smiled weakly.

It was enough to make Stardus’ heartache.

“Therefore...I needed someone to protect this world for me.

Someone to take my place in my weakened state, to inherit my power and continue my mission to protect this world.”

As she spoke, she waved her hand and above them the pure white Milky Way appeared.

The Star God looked up at it, gesturing with her hand, and continued.

“The Realm of the Gods...The realm of the gods is very separate from the realm of mortals, and as such, the gods have only a limited amount of power to interfere in the realm of mortals. Even that, of course...would be enough to destroy this world.”

“Regardless. To deal with the Sun God, I’ve been searching for someone to inherit my power, looking from world to world.”

As she spoke, the Star God looked warmly at Stardus and continued.

“A heart strong enough to rid the world of evil...and a conviction that will never waver.

Just, never passing over injustice, good, and strong.

Someone who can be the savior of this world.”

She smiled benevolently as she spoke.

Stardus opened his mouth, quietly.

For a moment, Sidus smiled sadly.

Then, as if on cue, she smiled again and opened her mouth.

“Hoo-hoo. I see you get it without me saying it. Okay. Do as Haru wishes....Anyway, it’s time for me to go.”

With those words, the Star God walked over to Stardus and patted her on the head.

“Farewell, my daughter. Please save this world, with your power.”


Stardus felt herself warm inside, feeling nostalgic in that way, and answered with a voice full of determination.

The beautiful goddess with blue jewel-like eyes, held her in her arms, gazing down at her with a loving gaze.

In her arms, Stardus thought quietly.

‘...The God of the Stars. ‘

Though their meeting was brief, their parting was fleeting.

During that time, Stardus felt as if she was in her mother’s arms, and she reaffirmed her mission.

I must save this world.

It’s my destiny.

Stardus, after realizing her identity.

Filled with determination, she felt her eyes slowly closing in a warm glow...she silently steeled herself.

“Haru....Please, don’t be afraid of parting.”

She closed her eyes completely, listening to the muffled voice of God.

And with that, her mind, too, flew away.

Now, it was time to return to the reality that awaited her.


And with that, she left Stardus behind.

Staring at the empty white space where she had left her, the Star God began to cough.

“...Kuluk, kuluk.”

And with that, she covered her mouth and coughed, the yellow glow of stardust on her hands.


The Star God watched for a moment as the stardust on his hands turned black and disappeared with a single wave of her hand.

‘Oh, no, that’s not right...No, no, that’s right, but...’

She muttered bitterly, remembering her last conversation with her daughter, Stardus.

‘...I’m sorry, Haru.’

And with that, the Star God, Sidus, was gone.

...Only the stardust on the floor remained.


[Ahhhh! No, what do we do? Did our sun god kill Haru?]

“Don’t be so jumpy, Icicle. It’s highly unlikely.”

“....Even Stardus has fallen. We’re all doomed.”

~Korean Heroes Association~

...After the Sun God’s warning, there was a flurry of activity around the suddenly collapsed Stardus.


Finally, Stardus opened his eyes.

“Oh, Stardus, you’re finally awake.”

[Ha... thank goodness, Haru, I was worried about you!]

And with that, she heard voices around her.

Stardus woke up and grabbed her head, then looked around and asked.

“...How much time has passed?”

“Not much. You woke up almost as soon as you fell.”

That’s what the association president said.

Stardus stood up and looked at everyone in a clear voice.

“Well, we don’t have time for this now. It’s going to be chaotic out there. Let’s start the response protocols right away.”

With those words, South Korea’s response began in earnest.

...Stardus’ eyes were shining brighter than ever as she spoke.