"Reawakening? What is that?"

Karna was taken aback by these words, Though they were saying something Purjanama or something but because he could not pronounce it, He just went with the english meaning.

Anyway even if he said it in english thanks to his language boon he could express what he wanted to tell them in Sanskrit all thanks to Indra, who for some reason granted him that boon.

"You don't know about his Karna? Well yeah, I forgot this is well-kept information though I doubt that it would not be able to stop you from finding out."

Gandhari was now excited and happy, looked at Karna hearing his question and then with a smug smile spoke to him.

She is not a stupid woman who could not understand why her brother stopped her son from speaking, Karna definitely has his way to know the inside information of their family.

But she did not care much about knowing he will not harm them, The act which he did with Vidur proved it, Still, she will not let go of the opportunity to tease him as it was always the opposite.

Karna always runs around the royal palace teasing and causing havoc, She did not see it but the maidservants around her always told her such and knowing this guy, She knows he is fully capable of doing this.

The only reason he could get away with the chaos he causes is his divine looks. No one wanted to punish him at all, So they always closed one eye for him. She even doubts that even without the title of Angaraj (King of Anga), They would ever punish him.

"O'Maharani, It was not time to fool around, One can never be all-knowing, not humans nor the gods and that's the beauty of this world, There is always something to learn even if that is from small being like ants or big ones like Gaja (Elephant).

So, please be merciful to the ignorant one and give me the nectar of knowledge to quench the thirst of mine."

Karna knew what she was doing, So he just went away with it. In these 7 years though he did not learn any weapon knowledge all because a mama bear was guarding him but he did learn many fancy words.

These words are used by the officers and court members to lick their superiors. It makes the task to convince someone easy as it is easy to fool the one filled with pride than one without it.

But this time he used these flowery words not to lick Gandhari but just shot back. If she thinks she can tease him by trying to make him embarrassed then she was living in an illusion as she had to live with the 4 manics.

Those four are always upto no good, He even forgot how many times he had to shamelessly manoeuvre his words to please one another so as not to offend anyone, Which made his face quite thick.

So it will be a fantasy that he would be embarrassed by the thing he did not even did. He knows it from the book he read in his previous life, Though most of the information is somehow forgotten by him.

But this remains in his mind, Though there are also lots of blank spots like he knew Yudhister gambled his wife but who was his wife and what her name was was forgotten by him.

He knew she was supposed to be the most beautiful woman but other than that he did not know who she was, As if someone purposely erased that information from his mind.

This indicates that Niyati (fate) is trying to fix herself. That Yuyutsu in a group of Kuvrava is prime proof of that happening. He was supposed to be born to the maid of a Gandhari after Dhritarashtra got frustrated and angry that even after 18 months of pregnancy she had not given him his offspring.

But here after the stunt he pulled out, That thing should not happen, Gandhari and Dhirtarashtra were almost inseparable and their love and respect for each other is quite obvious.

It shows in the fact that he did not marry any other woman even being a king, not even as an alliance, There was not even a concubine in his harem, Even though an empty harem is a sign of bad luck he keeps it empty against the protest of the court members.

And yet Yuyutsu was still somehow born. He didn't know how he was born in this timeline as this is a core secret of the family but he just hopes it was not the same as before.

It's just that because of him, He knew he too was affected by it making him forget most of the things, A cause and effect are though responsible for it but the backhand has to be of Niyati, There is no way he will forget most of the knowledge without a reason.

He is a demi-god, Though not having a memory like a god, he can still be way beyond the capabilities of humans. He could not just forget things without anyone purposely doing it.

'Look at my Guru, How selfless of him, Even though he knows what Reawakening means he asked Maharani just to teach me a lesson about never being ashamed of asking questions.'

While Karna was going through his thoughts about the future possibilities, Eklavaya was also going through his own trip. He was surely infected by the disease called idolising.

So no matter what Karna does he will always go over analysis the of minute-to-minute actions and they glorify them like certain blond-headed men.I think you should take a look at

"You learned a lot little guy, *Sigh* You see this is a good thing for Suyo- *Ahem* Duryodhana. Reawakening is when someone given a boon/power will upgrade and advance to the next level.

You can think of this as being like a Punarjam (Rebirth) of a person. It will not only wash out all the impurities in the person but also strengthen and upgrade their qualification by leaps and bounds.

After it was done, It will be like that person is reborn and hence the rebirth analogy. 

But it rarely happens since the beginning of time. I only know a few people who get this blessing, The most famous being Meghnath or his most recognisable name, Indrajeet, Conquer Of Indra.

So you can understand what it means to get bestowed with this blessing, Duryodhana was born with a Vajara body and with that he can go toe-to-toe with the son of Vayu (Wind God) now who knows how powerful he would be.

I have to go tell this to Arya, and arrange the big feast and yagnya to thank the gods for blessing. It will shut those people's mouths for good who are calling him a bad omen."

Gandhari was not happy that she failed to tease him but she started to tell him about Reawakening with excitement. She could not believe something like this happening to her son that too just after he called himself Unconquerable.

This has to be a sign, So she who before wanted to persuade him from changing his name threw out that idea and gladly accepted the name he chose for himself.

Indeed after this, he would be unconquerable, Just like that man who has the might to capture and drag the king of gods Indra into his kingdom and make him his prisoner.

Which mother didn't want her son to be strong? So she was happy though Duryodhan might be as strong as that myth of man but he will at least join in the name of people that belonged in.

"No, Stop!!"

As Gandhari wanted to call guards and ask them to call Dhritarashtra and other elders completely forgetting in his happiness Karna said not to tell anyone, Both he and her brother yelled at her to stop making her look at them in confusion.

"Gandhari, Don't think of doing this foolish thing, It will only be going to harm priy (dear) Duryodhana."

"Yes Maharani, This will put Mitra's life in danger."

Both Karna and the brother of Gandhari looked at each other and both concluded they can't call her to this as they know there is nothing more deadly than human greed.

If others find out about this then Duryodhana will surely become the target of the world. No kingdom will allow someone like him to exist in their kingdom as they will perceive him as a threat to them.

Not to mention outside there were more than enough people in their own home they should have guard against, There is that woman with children claiming to be Pandu's gotten by her mantra which only gods might know if it is true or not.

He did not believe any of her claims, Rather he highly suspected that the harmless look of that woman is a facade. A well-maintained facade. Though there is no proof his gut was telling him something is amiss with that woman.

There is also Vidur and even Bhishama, He will not trust them either, Bhishama is a slave to the throne which blinded him, Which means he could be used against them.

If someone says that bad omen gaining power is a bad sign for this kingdom, Then he has no doubt this man will walk to the boy he used to play on his body with his sword to "destroy" the cause of their destruction.

"What are you two talking about? Shakuni there is Mahamahim Bhishma to deal with outside kingdoms and inside me and Arya to deal with the internal threat on him, So there is no need to worry."

Gandhari looked at them in confusion and told her the reason why Duryodhan will be safe. Sadly she is too simple-minded.

Yes, she figures out what kinda threat they were talking about but only half of it as good people only see the world with tinted glasses completely ignorant to the power of greed and envy can make one do.

(A/N : Wait There will be another update as soon as possible like tonight.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ?.)