2-11: The Border Between Justified and Excessive (1/5)

2-11: The Border Between Justified and Excessive (1/5)

They say that humans dream every night. Only, they cant remember them all.

But there is one dream that Nakamura Shinichi just cant seem to forget.

A dream about a certain memory.

It wasnt a unique tale by any means.

A boy on his last breath was saved by a group of kindhearted people. The boy tried to repay their kindness, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldnt do anything. In the end, he prayed to god and killed all of his benefactors, then he lived happily ever after.

The End.

It was such a dumb story that it was more likely to be taken as satire rather than tragedy.Visit no(v)eLb(i)n.com for the best novel reading experience

The kind of story that would leave one in painful laughter rather than lamentation.

After all, humans were very good at adapting.

Run the same dream for two years, and its only natural that the tears would dry up and the wails grow silent. The only thing left: a creaking heart.

Humans are such terrifying creatures because they can even get used to something like this.

No matter how the times or place may change, so long as there are people, then though there might be some differences here and there, some things will never change.

For one, there will always be criminals.

Two men wore a blonde wig to disguise their real hair. They walked alongside each other.

Blonde was a color that would allow them to pass by unnoticed from the passersby.

They were looking for a timid woman with a bag who was evidently not used to this place.

If one thought about it a little, it wouldnt take much to realize that these men were looking to snatch her purse.

As for their getaway, theyre probably thinking of relying on their high agility rank and disguise to get them by.

This would be their 13th mission, but it doesnt seem at all as if they would be caught.

In a sense, these two were not criminals born by the age, but criminals committing crimes purely on their own volition.

They did not have any circumstances that would make one empathize with them.

No. They were merely fools who enjoyed stealing from others and running away.

Found her, one of them said briefly as he indicated to his partner the target.

The person they were looking at was a girl wearing glasses about 15 to 18 years old, who was looking around her while wearing a cloudy expression.

This sudden turn of events left the girl frozen.

And despite falling on her backside, no one tried to help her. Perhaps theyd assumed that someone had merely crashed into her because of the crowd of people.

The man acting as the bait used that as an opening to run away.

Ah, t-thief!

When the girl finally saw the back of that man running away, she cried thief, but unfortunately, it was a bit late, and when the surrounding people glanced at her, there was no thief left to be seen.

The two thieves chuckled to themselves how easy this was, but mysteriously, they ran toward the same direction.

It was curious if that was merely a coincidence or they thought that there was no point in running toward different directions anymore, but regardless

W-What is this!?

Why are there so many people like this!?

Something unexpected blocked their way. It was a crowd of people as tight as a wall.

The two thieves didnt know this, but before they tried to snatch the girls purse, an artist had performed a guerrilla live here.

The concert had just ended, which is why there were so many people here in the first place. Unfortunately, for the two men, the great crowd of people had formed a wall, and they couldnt get through.

Without any other way to go, the two men had no choice but to turn around.

Of course, they also noticed that the back had gotten noisy.

Unfortunately or fortunately, they had never been in a situation where they had to break through; hence, when they were met with this situation, they couldnt keep their wits about them.

Tch. Get out of the way!

There was only one thing on their mind, and that was to run away. They even tried to brandish their weapons to clear a path.

If you dont want to get hurt, then move!

One of them took out a knife while the other took out a stun gun, causing the people to cry out and keep their distance from them.

It was dangerous to be seen by so many people, but they trusted their disguise too much.

The moment the path cleared and a family of four was revealed at the end, the fate of these two men was decided.

Move woman!

Youre in the way, brat!

As they ran, one of them turned his knife toward the woman, while the other pushed his stun gun toward the boy.

Although they didnt have any actual basis for it, they figured that doing this would surely clear the path open, but unfortunately, the only sentiments contained within the two pairs of eyes meeting them was a dangerous brilliance.