Chapter 427: Catching Up With Mommy

Chapter 427: Catching Up With Mommy

Her question was quite unexpected, and it was another complication. One he had not even given a thought to at all.

He was a prince of a powerful empire, one that stood supreme over the largest continent in the world.

If not for the absence of sufficient knowledge about the nations in the other two continents, one could as well refer to Reimgard as the strongest nation in the world of Tra-el.

And he was a prince of that place. Who wouldn't want to go back there?

He thought about the lavish, princely lifestyle and if he was to be honest, it was very enticing.

Served by maidens, it was the kind of lifestyle he wished he had from childhood. But there were people trying to kill him.

There was that too, the moment he returned to the palace what was the proof that those people were not going to come after him again.

Was the Imperial family going to accept him? He's a bastard to begin with.

That brought him to the realization that even if he wanted to go back there, he needed to be strong first. And he didn't really need to go back there except if being a prince would better propagate his future plans.

In other words and frankly speaking, it was a family he considered a tool. At least for now, but his mother however didn't deserve such wickedness, also at least for now.

'I don't trust anyone, and I won't until I get to the bottom of this matter. But she gave birth to me, so I'm willing to compromise.'

Northern raised his head straight and looked the woman dead in the eye as he responded. "No, not right now, I have no intentions to."

His mother lingered then asked again, "What about in the future?"

Northern's expression remained the same as when he answered before, "I don't know, that would depend on the path I choose to take in the future. Am I not merely fifteen right now?"

She smiled and nodded, "Indeed you are, but I feel like you have grown far more mature than a fifteen-year-old should be."

Northern giggled a little bit, "This hell was not easy on any of us. Each and every one of us had to learn one thing or another and it contributed to the kind of person we've become now."

He thought as he looked down for a moment, 'Especially me, I have learnt a lot...'

Lady Henai breathed, "Ask,"

"Isn't there a reason why you left the Central Plains to begin with? If the Emperor was in love with you, why were you giving birth in a forest? And why were people after my life?"

She let out another gentle but shaky breath, it looked like she was toughening up. She probably wished she wouldn't have to answer the question.

Northern even thought she wouldn't, however, she started.

"I'm sorry. My knowledge is very limited and I am not sure who it is in particular, it could be one of your brothers or sisters or it could be their vassals. I don't know. As to the reason why I left, I couldn't take it anymore. Your absence and my presence in that place was torturing me, so I asked him to come home. He didn't want to but he allowed me in the end."

Northern nodded slightly as she gave her answers, when she was done, his words flowed out


"How many brothers and sisters do I have?"

"You have eleven brothers and sisters, you are the last child which makes you the twelfth, particularly, five girls and six boys."

Northern's jaw dropped, he was silent for a moment, just staring, stunned.

Then afterwards... "Wow, eleven siblings, that's a lot. How many wives does he have?"

Lady Henai smiled, "Just one."

"One woman gave birth to all of them?"

She nodded, "Yes, she's quite a lovely lady."

Northern narrowed his eyes, "She is? I mean, you stole her husband sort of..."

Lady Henai admitted, "It was hard at first but things got better."

"How are you sure she's not the one that tried to kill me?"

Lady Henai frowned, about to give a stern response when the entire building trembled
