Especially the imperial cultivation technique only

Since the appearance of this stone tablet,

only one.


But recently. Row

The celestial cultivation technique of the 83rd has changed once, and there will be a “Nine Palaces of Time&

The original 88th celestial Space Attribute I will be squeezed. Go on:.. This change has attracted a lot of great attention. Seeing the level of rarity, the entire vast domain is extremely diverse. Many Supreme immortal-level Tai Neng coveted them, secretly snooping on the information of Guan San

the cultivation technique.

In theory, the fairy-level cultivation technique has been named

Two sides have been moved. It is still such a high-level change. The next change, I am afraid

tens of thousands of years will be later. Sex

But just in this fairy-level time

A few dozen days after the cultivation technique appeared–


The tablets hundreds of thousands students

Suddenly commotion.

I saw Ranked 3rd’s emperor skill

The word moved down. Make a space.

What makes up for it is a whole blood emperor-level cultivation technique named one after another One God Liyan


In an instant, it was boiling. Loud


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“Emperor Level Third? “

“It has appeared has appeared!’

” Emperor pupil technique! The new third cultivation technique is actually pupil technique. It ranks higher than the emperor time attribute cultivation technique!”

“Which emperor class created this cultivation technique? ! ‘It was created by Emperor Level. Only with the supernatural existence of the legendary emperor-level .H can it be possible to create such a terrible cultivation technique!”

“Hurry up and report this matter to the truth”

The lives of all races boiled, and at the same time they exclaimed in an uproar. He also quickly reported the matter to one of his own group of nine ethnic groups


But before they send back the news, suddenly

Boom! An infinitely huge silhouette of a head that looks like a giant overlooking the entire world gradually approached from the sky, a pair of eyes larger than the stars, staring straight at the cultivation technique stone tablet “,


It is the true emperor level existence 1!

Everyone is in fear. , One-knee kneels quickly. Salute respectfully to the towering silhouette of the head in the sky. ,

Since their birth, they have heard countless times how the emperor ranks beyond the world, so powerful that it is a breathtaking existence. But no one has seen it with his own eyes.

Now they see it.

It is huge enough to overlook the entire 02 Sea of the vast universe, and only a look in their eyes can make them terrifying existence!

“God Liyan Extreme Blood Hitomi:::: After so many years, didn’t expect the newly born third emperor cultivation technique, it was actually a pupil technique!” In the void-the faded silhouette of the Tao gradually solidified and became a white hair The white beard pupil is 3golden, for the golden single fish. The golden cannon old man floating like a fairy.

The golden gun old man clearly did not reveal any special aura. It’s like Ordinary Level life.

I can see him, but it makes people feel like it

Before the Buddha, there is a sense of sight of ants looking up at the boundless sky!

All understand.

Another emperor appeared!

“Wait, step back!”

A bloody glow appeared in Ji Ran.

It turned into a human form, a silhouette that was only about two or three meters tall but covered in blood energy in a blood-colored armor.

“Yes, Alliance Leader!”

The person who killed the Blood Alliance was recognized by two eyes. It came out that the silhouette of the blood-colored armor _ is indeed the big behind the scenes of the Blood Alliance B0SS One-Blood Killing Taidi|_With the slightest delay, one after another Tearing the Void left


The entire cultivation technique list. 2 In an instant, the emperor life was left. No one else remained.