Emperor-level inheritance, the highest can only be entered at Quasi-Emperor-level, which means that the one who gets inheritance in the end must also be Quasi-Emperor-level. /p>

The Zhun emperor of Cheng appeared. Close at hand. Its at your fingertips, how can the emperor level bear it?

So in order to prevent this phenomenon from appearing

there are iron rules between the emperor level. Never allow anyone to cut Hus and break the rules. L

“I have no interest in the inheritance of the emperor.

Six Law Taidi solemnly said. “It’s just that I sacrificed an Immortal. Clan found here after following the cause and effect! ‘

“And the karma scores given to me here are strong!’

“Perhaps the Owner who is the god of blood from the flames is beyond! ‘

Speaking of this, six

Fatai glanced downward.

But when I scanned Su Xiaobai.. but I was inexplicably frozen. _.! Zeng posted the update the fastest on the entire network to view the latest chapters and search quotes | cheat search love book bar can directly reach this site The homepage can also be entered at the end of the book, add the device to read the book, fan fiction QQ exchange group 1026577213

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Su Xiaobai has been paying attention to those emperors in the sky.

When the eyes of the Emperor of the Six Laws fell on him, Su Xiaobai’s heart was unexpected.

Su Xiaobai, who was almost subconsciously, used it. “Law of Chaos” l


The Law of Chaos is in Heaven and Earth Law. Comparable to Time Law. It is even more BUIG than Time Law

It does not enhance any of your strength.

But it is the best combat assistant

If you can comprehended the law of chaos in one day, it is equivalent to chaos everything invisibly!

Whether it is Spiritual Qi . Cultivation technique, heaven and earth, karma, merit, etc.: x-cut illusory things can be confused!

The most typical example is Su Xiaobai standing here at this moment. But the only one who recognizes him is Honglian Zhundi!

The reason for the recognition is because the level of Honglian Zhundi is high enough_ and it seems to have cultivated some special Heaven and Earth Law, plus She has seen Su Xiaobai, and she has sensed his breath so that she can feel the mountain,

but the Six Laws are different.

He had never seen Su Xiaobai before.

For thousands of ethnic groups chasing and killing Su Xiaobai, he has nothing to do with the “two-three zero” heart-what a tower of vain, what a shocking evildoer. It can’t get into his eyes at all!

The only thing that can make him pay attention. Only the Emperor Treasure. Emperor-level materials. Imperial weapon. Imperial cultivation technique. Emperor Medicine Pill :.:Wait 1

So. The Emperor of Six Laws can only follow the cause and effect of the cultivation technique of the god Liyanji’s blood pupil, one way to follow.

Although the sense of causality brought to him here is very strong, the Taidi of Six Laws still cant precisely lock the cause and effect


even more how .Su Xiaobais The Law of Chaos has also been compressed and increased by 100 times. –

The law of chaos is used. The Six Laws of the Great Emperor Perceives Mixing: 1 In his eyes, Su Xiaobai is no different from ordinary people!

Immediately, the Six Laws of the Great Emperor shifted his eyes. Go elsewhere.

“What’s the matter?”

“When the emperor looked at me, I actually felt extreme danger!’

Su Xiaobai didn’t have the slightest appearance on the surface. Panic, but I have already set off a heaven overflowing giant wave in my heart.

It is not a good thing to be watched by the emperor


He is not sure, chasing his own Race.1 But once any moth appears, it may cause an uncontrollable situation

Moreover, this great emperor has some different eyes and looks the same as a human. Even his height is about the same, but he In his three eyes, the six-pointed star array is engraved with light height:::Su Xiaobai understands Formation. Knows the Six Pointed Star Array method. There are moments of deduction of the secret… and the ability to measure the past, present and future!

“The emperor who specializes in the calculation of the secret of heaven:…what is he looking for?”

Su Xiaobai’s heart is awe-inspiring.

He understands a little bit now, why these two new The great emperor who appeared

did not carry the emperors inheritance but looked for something more valuable than the emperors inheritance L

“Six Laws, how?”

Ting Ling The emperor asked.

“Causality is in this Jiuding immortal city _:: Very close! ‘

“But perhaps it is because of the birth of Azure Emperor inheritance, plus the fact that all the emperors are here _. Causality disorder. I can’t find its exact location!’

Six Law Taidi is frowned.

The three pupils with a large array of six-pointed stars reveal a color of confusion.

His perception of the path of cause and effect just now


The situation is quite strong, but now there are a lot of 111, even when the perception is weak and sometimes strong_I can’t determine where the position is at all!

The imperial cultivation technique is right in front of me.

However, it is impossible to find the exact position L

If there are not many emperors present at this moment, it is bound to be captured by the emperor Heaven’s Chosen: x21 Who owns the gods? Yan extremely blood pupil!

The pupil technique cultivation technique itself is a very sharp and abnormal existence in the special cultivation technique::. Because its attack method is the simplest. Just look at L at a glance It hurts you. The hit rate can be described as 100%. You can’t hide at all.

You can’t avoid it!

And this is the imperial pupil technique!