was frozen in place. . unable to move even a little bit _ and then cut off-silk soul::::Life is in the hands of others

So Su Xiaobai really wants to know who e


Is it the Emperor Changsheng?

Or is there someone else? Time is long enough. , During this period of time, I was bored with these great emperors in the sky anyway, it would be better to go to the realm of the longevity domain and see what the realm of the longevity domain looks like.


“Count it like this: I should be the first to see life in the longevity domain, right?”

Su Xiaobai grinned.

Just talk about it.

Su Xiaobai didnt hesitate too much.

Quietly let the shadow put on a mask, converge the breath, isolate the cause and effect, and then use the replacement to reach where he was when he entered the realm of longevity. Where!

He had never had the habit of isolating cause and effect before. After the fruit tracking, he finally knew how important it is to isolate the cause and effect: one and this time ago, there were always a few good at

the secret of the cause and effect, Su Xiaobai took a long time-the law of fate, The law of chaos, etc., block all channels that can be locked to him

At the same time.

In the towering palace of the Great Emperor Changsheng.

-Hit the golden jersey and bloom golden rice all over. The Great Emperor Changsheng, hanging cross-legged between the light beams of heaven and earth, is now cultivating with the help of the Emperor Treasure Brahma Green Jade Ruler -: The Brahma Green Jade Ruler is not only his weapon, but also a cultivation treasure of Yihua.. It is the Great Emperor Changsheng once. Obtained in other domains so far has brought him a lot of benefits!

“Your Majesty on”

“the person’s cause

r appeared!

At this time, a black streamer flew up.

He was a black robed old man.

He was on one-knee kneels, and his hands were up A gossip-like array with rays of light surrounded by mysterious patterns.

The tone of the black robed old man is trembling and obviously quite excited.

Up 1_! ‘

_”Who is it?”

Great Emperor Changsheng opened his eyes violently. A scorching golden light burst out of his eyes.

He asked Heavenly Master to deduce that it was the creatures of the longevity domain selected by the Empress Ling Ping last time!

Perhaps the distance is too far. The cause and effect are too vague. Even Yu couldn’t find the exact location. Acting as Heavenly Master, he has been searching, no matter what, the creature must be found out::2 Then he has the opportunity to enter the imperial realm and become the greatest opportunity for the Great Emperor Zhenshi.”

“Only his cause and effect In the domain appeared the second “

“Although it only appeared for a very short time. But I still keenly captured the cause and effect of that life: the south-east direction of Foreign Domain!”

The black robed old man said e

“Foreign Domain?.”

Li Yi flashed in the eyes of Emperor Changsheng, _”Life in the domain,

Its the creatures in the Foreign Domain.

The longevity domain and the vast domain-z-like.

There are some cryptic foreign domain areas_. Life is not strong., but But the surrounding environment is very fierce|Dangerous_Even if it’s him, this stunning emperor. There may be no return

So-come. It is really possible to go away. Big dogshit luck was born. The guy who can be admired by the Empress of Lingping!

“Changshengwei Hearing!.”

The majestic voice of Great Emperor Changsheng is heard.

” Your Majesty Mountain”

At once thirteen troubled emperors in silver armor walked out from in the sky, facing the

Great Emperor Changsheng one-knee kneels ground. In unison. Respectful line

“Each of you bring z branches of the Changsheng Emperor Foreign Domain, and search for the whereabouts of the people who search for cause and effect! ‘

-“No matter what method is used, even if he cuts off his hands and feet, L has to capture him alive!”

Great Emperor Changsheng said in a solemn voice .


Thirteen great emperors in troubled times immediately went up and down.

“I want to see, which Foreign Domain creature actually has such a Good Fortune!’

The cold light flashes in the eyes of Emperor Changsheng. If it is possible, you must He

is completely in my hands and becomes my biggest bargaining chip to enter the imperial realm!”

Su Xiaobai’s speed is very fast.

In just f half a day, he will be located in the longevity domain. …But looking at the longevity domain, it is at least 20 times more than the vast domain! ‘

The resources of the vast domain are already very abundant

The abundance of the longevity domain is 20 times that of the vast domain. It can be seen that the longevity domain can _enough to give birth to more than a thousand great emperors-it is not surprising at all. L

“No, the closer I get, the stronger my level of suppression will be 1_”

” My speed

has also dropped a lot. “It will take a few days to arrive: It’s all because of Heavenly Dao’s suppression1.”

Su Xiaobai can clearly feel My speed has been weakened by at least twice as much as before

-“Just because there is no life around, I will just pull the high realm directly here. 1_”