

Tai Di Wei Wei-laughed, “I only have one condition-you set up Heavenly Dao Oath. Completely submit to me!”-“The fastest on the whole network to view the latest chapter, please go to https://any search If you want to read the book, you can really reach the book such as: Super Dimension Union 7 Fan Novel QQ Exchange Group: 1026577213

Chapter 308 Invincible vs. Longevity! [1 More seeking automatic subscription!

The fastest on the whole network to view the homepage of the latest chapter, you can also enter the title of the book and add Changsheng at the end. This is what the Emperor originally planned.

Find the person chosen by the Empress of the Spirit Bottle and let her acknowledge allegiance. Complete allegiance to him. By then, relying on her relationship with the Lingping Empress, she will be able to get some rich gifts and treasures, or some little-known information opportunities.: Especially in the aspect of cultivation promotion”

He can use these opportunity treasures

L has risen outrightly-a number of domains!

It doesnt matter if the natural bloodline is not enough a

As long as the opportunity is sufficient, even if it is the capital

The quality is mediocre, and you can still reach that incalculable position!

“I set up Heavenly Dao Oath, and completely acknowledge allegiance to you?”

Su Xiao& White squinted his eyes.

No wonder this Great Emperor Changsheng looks so easy to talk… Dare to love this guy since he was at first, he didnt intend to let him go easily.


At best, I am only a half-step Shocking Emperor. How can I get into the 3rd-layer Shocking Eye 2

Naturally, I am in the eyes of Emperor Changsheng. Su Xiaobai is a soft persimmon that he can knead that’s all

“You can’t escape.

The voice of Emperor Changsheng is like thunder _”You are proficient in Space Attribute cultivation technique, unfortunately. I am also proficient in the last battle between L and Azure Emperor. It makes me profound, this time. No one can escape from my hands!”

“If you obey, I can not only keep you. You die, but I can also give you great benefits”

“If you don’t obey, I have thousands of ways to make you want to live in pain and make life worse. Die.. You are a smart person, you should know how to choose!”

Su Xiaobai Soul Power radiated out.

Sure enough, in addition to his space power, there is also Great Emperor Changshengs Space Power around:

:: Its just that, unlike Su Xiaobai, Changsheng Taidi The space cultivation technique performed by 817 is obviously lower than Su Xiaobai by a big level!

Xian-level Space Attribute cultivation technique.

Compared with Su Xiaobai’s Imperial Space Attribute cultivation technique. It’s just one heaven and one underground

But the realm is different. The prestige of the .cultivation technique is also different.

Su Xiaobai was previously suppressed by Heavenly Dao to a level that was only half a step away from the emperor level. Even with the emperor level cultivation technique, the effect is far less than before. In contrast, the emperor of longevity. 3rd-layer Shocking emperor level, in a Peak state that is exactly one great realm higher, even in a fairy level space

attribute cultivation technique can be used to the fullest!

This comparison . Su Xiaobais spatial skills are almost of natural use to Great Emperor Changsheng

But,: What about 2


Su Xiaobai’s mouth _Go, “What I dislike the most is that I was forced by threat A and the most disgusting is that I want my acknowledge allegiance. Unfortunately for others, you are all hit!’

Su Xiaobai reached out Catch it in the air,-the black blade appeared in his hand. It bloomed, and the imposing manner of a world-shattering emperor burst soaring.”

The soul is lit.

blood energy burning.

Su Xiaobai was originally red light and generous karma and blood energy is monstrous, but now he has the explosive blessing of blood energy. Suddenly, the whole body is like an incarnation of the blood-colored Demon God of the world of Mwa. It came to the world suddenly L

Even just a bloody look, it is enough to make people feel a deep sense of terror.

“This is: the breath of a world-shattering emperor.

“Burning blood and burning soul: One: Did you reveal all the cards when you came up?”

Longsheng Taidijin The pupils are indifferent. It is half a step from the Shocking Emperor, but the genuine “Shocking Emperor”:::The 3rd-layer of the Great Emperor Changsheng still has a considerable distance.

even more how. In the eyes of Great Emperor Changsheng, Su Xiaobai burned blood and soul. It is equivalent to desperately coming up. Uncover all the cards:::: This is what it does. On the contrary, it made Changsheng Taidi even more disdain-Gu.

“I don’t want to easily acknowledge allegiance””

“I will beat you to the weakest state first. Block your resilience and suppress it. Then slowly negotiate with you,”

“rest assured that I have patience and time! ‘

Great Emperor Changsheng turned over the palm, a jade ruler appeared in the hand.

Brahma Green Jade Ruler.

The weapon of the Great Emperor Changshenge

I dont know how much it is dyed

The Emperor’s blood of Emperor Shao Tai

Boom 1

A jade ruler emerged. The emperor-level air cushion of Changsheng Taidi didn’t even show the slightest reservation.. He knew that to make one person completely desperate to acknowledge allegiance, first of all, he had to perform an absolute crush on Shijiu!

boom~ boom~ 1

The two have not yet confronted.

But the two imposing manners are already undergoing a fierce collision. L

The void simply cannot bear such a heavy pressure and collapses directly.

The earth has already turned into an abyss.

The sky has been torn apart one by one with large gaps.”

The stunning emperor may spread. Within millions and millions li. There is no more world than ten, only the tragic Time and Space Storm whistled past!