Chapter 507 Hedao Please order!

These are all extremely powerful avenues. Compared with the single way of destruction or even the way of breaking the Exterminating Universe, they have their specialties. This may be the reason why these avenues can still be fully effective even in the ancient territory.

If it was before, Su Xiaobai would not care about these avenues so much. But after coming to the real ancient territory, the illusion that everything is indestructible, to a large extent, H comes from the ancient territory, which has a certain suppressing force on Three Thousand Great Daos, and other roads besides Three Thousand Great Daos, Obviously not in this list, the breaking power is equally significant, otherwise the black Bull Captain of the last nine-step ancient ancestor level, even if it has the explosive power of the earth-step ancient ancestor level, should not cause such terrible formidable power.


“Ding. The One-Click automatic monster killing function has been upgraded. The total number of shadows has been increased to 200.80 million, and the cooling time of synthetic red gold shadows has been reduced to half.-“

The highlight is naturally the One-Click automatic killing function.

Whether its One-Click practice or One-Click enlightenment, the benefits you get are not as straightforward as the One-Click automatic monster killing function. In the ancient territory War Zone where Su Xiaobai’s Materia Medica Jiping did not move out at all, the shadow’s combat capabilities generally determined Su Xiaobai’s future success. After the function of [Giant Shadow 1] was unlocked, Su Xiaobai had already finished 857 most of the time and did not need to appear in person. Just _ let the power of the shadows unite. It can burst out formidable power comparable to the ancient ancestor-level Great Perfection.

And now. This formidable power has been upgraded again after the upgrade of the One-Click automatic monster killing function. Although the ability of the second shadow individual combat is still only eight steps of the ancient ancestor. But if you encounter an existence like the Black Bull group again, you simply no longer need to use Self-destruction, you only need to synthesize a giant shadow. Just relying on the power of the giant shadow is enough to suppress a black Bull Captain and then kill the other three!

“Every time the system is improved, the effect is strong enough, if not for my vision always At the ancient level, this strength is enough for me to walk unhindered in front of all the ancient ancestor levels!

Su Xiaobai was ecstatic. In fact, this step of improvement is very crucial for his next plan.

will be restricted to the exile. It means that the strength of the exiles here will never exceed the ancient ancestor level, because the exiles who can set foot on the ancient level must have been free from the restriction. Ran out directly.

This means that the opponent Su Xiaobai has to face, the highest and at most, is the ancient ancestor level too Perfect. That is, the earth step ancient ancestor level Great Accomplishment this realm. And now the giant shadow does not explode with other means, just can fight with the expert of this realm, and if it is Self-destruction, even the powerhouse s of this realm can also re-enter the business

not at all, the Heisheng leader who noticed the changes in Su Xiaobai’s body also offered drinks very graciously. Su Xiaobai asked casually, “Head of the team, when I came to the ancient territory, I saw some avenues that I had never seen before, such as your Great Way of Disillusion..”

The first encounter Su Xiaobai was shocked by the destructive power revealed by Black Bull Captain through the Dao of Disillusionment_Later, I realized that it was not the formidable power of this type of road that was really so powerful, but that other roads were not strong enough.

Finally there is something to brag about. Black Bull Captain also relaxes and brags to Su Xiaobai, “The place where you were before

, there are only 3,000 types of avenues, but in the ancient territory, the number of avenues has reached 30,000 types L and you For various reasons, the previous avenue was restricted by the ancient level and the ancient territory. It could not exert all its original power, and the way of great disillusionment that I mastered was not included in this list, so it could cause great destructive power!. We are black Niu Tuan saw the Three Thousand Great Daos in you, so I didnt even look at it. Because the value after cultivation is too low, its better to go to other cultures.”

This makes Su Xiaobai a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Three Thousand Great Daos has already given him almost cultivation. Not as worthless as the black Bull Captain said. But after obtaining five new Dao

daos through the Great Dao Palm grip. He clearly felt his explosive power (bedi) to the next level and use these avenues. You can do something you couldn’t do before.”

At this time, Black Bull Captain said mysteriously again, “Frankly, in fact, Old Ox I do know some secrets leading to the ancient level. .”

Su Xiaobai’s spirit suddenly came. “Lets talk about it.”

“The biggest secret to the ancient level is Hedao! This was originally a secret that only the ancient level knew. But I used to enter the ancient territory before The follower thought that Gu Zun had a bit of breath from his mouth.”

“The so-called Hedao. It is

The cultivator itself is combined with the Dao of the Universe. It becomes the “Road of the Ancient”. This is the highest realm of Huadao. It is Hedao!. After the Hedao, the earthwork is qualified to cross a long river of time and become an ancient class!’

Black Bull Captain, the true words of the drunken leaves and the words let Su Xiaobai Shaken.

It turns out that there is indeed a fixed way to reach the ancient level.

This method is the way!

Combined with the universe, this This is not the first time that Su Xiaobai has come into contact with this matter.

When he re-transforms his ancestors. Su Xiaobais eleven life universes have become a clock, and each tick represents a life universe.

A life universe is combined with the Three Thousand Great Daos, thus obtaining the new Three Thousand Great Daos.

He Dao has the same effect as this change, such as time The cosmic avenue L became the ancient time avenue after Hedao, directly from the category of the ancient ancestor to the category of the ancient.

And all of this, the basis of dependence.-Come is ancient The level of the ancestors own cultivation base. One is the level of the ancient ancestors mastery of multiple avenues, and most importantly, it depends on whether the ancient ancestor can perfectly integrate with their own avenues!

This is also The reason why the ancient level people madly collect high aptitude disciple, the higher the aptitude. The lower the difficulty of combining the road, the easier it is to enter the ancient level.

After the ancestors, Su Xiaobai was able to surpass the ancient ancestor level of the Su realm. The long time he saw was also because he completed a combination with the universe. But that combination is probably not complete. It is just the combination of the universe and the universe. not at all true Set foot in the ancient class, but has taken two steps from the ancient ancestor class, beyond the shackles of this realm!

“It turns out that this is the way to the ancient class, but it may not be completely reliable, otherwise the black Bull Captain, this guy has already set foot in the ancient class. Will he blow water with me here?”

For the leader of Heisheng. Su Xiaobai did not Believe it all, but also believe it 60%.

At least these words are not without any basis, even Su Xiaobai himself. I have also personally experienced similar things. The scenes that Huazu saw at the beginning are still vivid, perhaps these remarks by the leader of the black life. It will be of great help to stepping into the ancient class in the future”_-

Chapter 508 Life Eater [please order!

After drinking for three rounds, Su Xiaobai also shed more secrets from the drunk black Bull Captain.

Hedao. It is a very cruel thing in itself, because in the ancient territory, Hedao means huge competition. After Xiu Shi completes Hedao x enters the ancient level, all he has the same The existence of the ancient avenue is waiting to return to his enemies

For example, the cultivation of the ancient avenue is for another existence with the ancient avenue. It’s a very good “nutrient”. Just kill the opponent. You can make your ancient avenue more powerful, so the ancient

classes that have the same ancient avenue must have a relationship between mortal enemies, no exceptions!

weak The rule of are prey to the strong is vividly and thoroughly embodied in the ancient level, where both the ancient soil and the ancient life are cultivated on the ancient road. Once there is a collision between the avenues, either you will die or i will die. In the end, it is very difficult to have a death-injury result. But one-party dies. One other-the other side has become even better

Since such a long period of development, the ancient territory has been developing in this way. 2 And those who are at the top of the field. In the end, it must be getting stronger and stronger, and the part of the ancient level where the cultivation is not refined_ always needs to be worried, this is the truth of harmony L


Dasein is here Among the ancient territory. The most important thing is often not treasures and realms. It is the ancient avenue! The saying that those who control the ancient avenue will win the world is very reasonable. After the ancient avenue, it is the cultivation technique. The influence of ancient cultivation technique on cultivator is not even as great as the ancient road.

Ancient Avenue. To a large extent, it represents an ancient battle strength. No matter how many epochs an ancient cultivation reaches, how many times a Heavenly Tribulation has passed, and how many times he has become a veteran, if his ancient cultivation is not refined, it may still be lost. -A latecomer who has just stepped into the ancient class and is extremely profound in Taoism.

“The ancient cultivation avenue. Every time you cross a level, the traces of Taoism within the body will be brighter

a star. The highest level can reach the power star! ‘

Therefore. Ancient level people use stars to measure the cultivation level of the ancient avenue. The star is the lowest and the strength star is the highest! But-generally speaking, the ancient level should only be at a low level. The stars linger. Because those who can cultivation the Dao of the Ancient to Gaoxing are all the most terrifying bosses among the Ancients! ‘

From the ancient avenue L to the ancient cultivation technique to the ancient treasure black Bull Captain, I still know a lot, but what I will talk about later is not very reliable. Su Xiaobai should only be It’s a joke that’s all.

Since the black Bull Captain spread the false news, it has been two weeks.

Finally, through the Shadow Clone’s news, Su Xiaobai learned that a batch of ancient territories with good battle strength are rushing to Heiniu Mountain in life.

On this day, the outer space of Heiniu Mountain. There was a trembling wave that made the little gods trembletwo eight-step ancient ancestor-level life in the ancient territory. Arrived on the Black Bull Mountain. These two ancient territories of life one-red-white are both ugly forms like deep-sea fish, but the power emanating from them should not be underestimated. They are from Lifestealers. The two are the head of the red ghost and the head of the white ghost, and each of them has reached the earth step ancient ancestor level. Fighting with Black Bull Captain alone may not be an opponent, but when combined, even Black Bull