Chapter 184: Ranking announced!

Name:I Can See Health Author:nib scalpel
Chapter 184 Rankings announced!

Jinghua Second Hospital.

Broadcast classroom in the teaching building.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but it was obvious that Cheng Guoqiang was a little panicked.

His hands were moving very slowly, and Liu Qiong, who was beside him, looked anxious.

There is a countdown watch on the wall, and each skill operation is only 6 minutes away!

It has been a minute now, and Cheng Guoqiang has not officially started.

"Wen Guo, why hasn't this child started to operate?"

Luo Meizhen nervously looked at the scene in front of her.

"Maybe he's thinking?" Lu Wenguo frowned, "But he has to hurry up, otherwise there won't be much time left to answer the questions."

"Bang bang bang..."

At this time, Cheng Guoqiang's hand suddenly shook, and the catheter accidentally fell to the side of the operating table.

Liu Qiong on the side was stunned.

The catheter has been contaminated and cannot be used any more.

Re-unpack and prepare instruments.

This...this is a major mistake!

At this point, there are still four minutes left until the end of the operation.

Fortunately, this time, Cheng Guoqiang's operation was very smooth.

"Teacher, our operation is finished."

Cheng Guoqiang's voice trembled a little, he looked up at the countdown on the wall, there was still one and a half minutes left to answer the question.

"Okay, it's time to answer questions." The referee nodded.

"What is the amount of catheterization for the first time and the amount of each subsequent catheterization..."

There is not much time left.

After listening to the question, neither Lu Chen nor Gu Xinyue had any room to think, so they answered the question directly.

Fortunately, the question was relatively simple, and both of them answered it perfectly.

Second stop, it's over!

Eight stops left!

Walk out of the room at the second stop.

"Guoqiang, don't be too nervous." Liu Qiong said softly.

Cheng Guoqiang nodded helplessly: "This equipment is not the same as what we usually use for training, I accidentally..."

"The principle is still the same. We are in this situation, and other teams will definitely be in this situation." Lu Chen relieved, "Don't affect your mentality, there are still eight exams!"

"Well." Cheng Guoqiang replied softly, took a few deep breaths, and tried his best to calm himself down.

The four came to the third stop.

The operation of the third stop, the use of ophthalmoscope, to check the changes of the fundus!

This will be another eye exam.

Lu Chen's complexion was not bad, but the faces of the other three were darkened!

How come an ophthalmology question suddenly appeared?

This is completely out of the category of inner, outer, women, and children for a long time.

Lu Chen also knew that several other people had never practiced at all, because Jinghua headquarters did not set up this operation item at all.

He has only practiced in the virtual space, and his proficiency is only around 70.

The draw is over.

"BC students operate, AD students answer questions!"

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and several others turned their attention to him.

The only hope now is to see Lu Chen's actions!

Ophthalmoscope, divided into direct ophthalmoscope and indirect ophthalmoscope.

The    exam gives a direct ophthalmoscope.

Lu Chen recalled all his operations in the virtual space in his mind.

Before the formal examination of the fundus, use the side-illumination method to observe whether the refractive medium is cloudy, and turn the dial to +8~+10D (black).

10~20cm away from the eye to be inspected, the fundus mirror light is injected into the pupil, the pupil area is normally orange-red reflection, such as a black shadow in the red reflection, indicating that the refractive medium is turbid...

Four minutes later, Lu Chen completed the entire operation, which was relatively smooth.

However, it’s time to answer the questions.

The topic of    is to look at the pictures of the fundus and judge the changes of the fundus.

This time, Cheng Guoqiang can't do it again!

hesitated for a long time, and finally gave up.

Lu Chen's operation passed the test, but in the part of answering questions, the Jinghua team failed again!

Walking out of the room at the third station, everyone's expressions changed.

Just after the third stop, there were so many situations.

There are still seven stops left!

"Guoqiang, are you okay?" Lu Chen looked at Cheng Guoqiang.

Cheng Guoqiang was already sweating on his forehead.

"It's okay, it's okay, but the title is a little unexpected, and it should be better in the future."

Adjusted their emotions, Lu Chen and others continued with the next skill items.

The viewing room next to the stadium.

The broadcast here is different from the one on the Internet. There are many small pictures on the screen, and you can see the real-time progress of each team.

At this time, Cai Guangming's face was ashen.

He saw Cheng Guoqiang's mistake during catheterization, and then he didn't answer the fundus examination question.

"Wang Zihao, prepare yourself well. In the next round, it's your turn." Cai Guangming said to Wang Zihao next to him.

No substitutions are allowed in the middle of the ten stations of each round, only before the start of the second round.

Wang Zihao nodded with a solemn expression on his face.

To be honest, if Cheng Guoqiang was in those situations, he might not be able to do better.

The only thing he could do was try to keep himself as calm as possible.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, he took out his mobile phone and began to watch ENT, gynecology, pediatrics, and infectious diseases, which are relatively unpopular technical operations.

Fourth stop, dressing change + traction.

The fifth battle, skin removal + suture for skin diseases.

Tenth stop, adult waist piercing!

The operation of the last stop was relatively conventional, and was operated by Lu Chen and Gu Xinyue.

Gu Xinyue is the main operation, Lu Chen is the assistant!

The whole process went very smoothly, and Gu Xinyue showed his strength as the number one in the school team selection.

After the    operation, Liu Qiong's answer is also very good.

The Jinghua representative team, the ten rounds of the first round, are over!

Lu Chen and the four returned to the lounge.

After an hour break, the second round will begin.

During this period, the results of the first round will be announced.

Cai Guangming also came back with Wang Zihao.

But neither of them had the slightest smile on their faces.

The people who were watching the game were able to see the performance of all the teams most intuitively.

In the first round just past, the performance of Jinghua Medical University was not bad, but it was definitely not the first echelon.

Everyone is a player chosen by thousands of people, and the comparison is who has the fewest mistakes.

Cheng Guoqiang's few mistakes are absolutely fatal!

"Everyone has worked hard." Cai Guangming said, then looked at Cheng Guoqiang, "Guoqiang, you rest in the next round, let Zihao come on."

Cheng Guoqiang's face darkened, he nodded, and didn't say much.

"Okay, everyone have a good rest. After an hour, the second round will start."

After half an hour.

The results of the first round are out.

First place, Kyoto University School of Medicine.

Second place, Huachuan Medical College of Northwestern University.

The third place, Modu Jiaotong University.

Fourth place, Pingjin Medical University.

Tenth place, Jiangcheng University.

17th place, Jinghua Medical University!

"No. 17, not too bad!" Lu Chen looked at the ranking on the screen. This result was higher than he expected.

There were two fatal mistakes, and it was not bad to be able to rank in the middle level.

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me..." Cheng Guoqiang blamed himself.

If he didn't make a mistake, Jinghua Medical University might have squeezed into the top ten promotion circle now.

Everyone was silent.

According to previous competitions, the results of the first round basically determine the qualifying team.

After the second round of the competition, at most two or three teams in the top ten will have their results changed.

"Don't say these frustrating words, you have performed very well after that." Lu Chen patted Cheng Guoqiang on the shoulder, "We are ranked 17th, the next round of hard work, there is still great hope!"

Wang Zihao immediately echoed: "Everyone cheer up, there are ten stops in the next round! Lao Gu, please say something!"

"When did I become Lao Gu?" Gu Xinyue said angrily.

"Hey, don't be sullen!" Wang Zihao smiled, "When the exam is over, I invite everyone to have a meal and eat whatever you want."

"Then I'm going to Hubu Lane." Gu Xinyue finally showed a smile on her face.

Lu Chen curled his lips, "There is a place to trap you outsiders. It's expensive and not delicious. We never go there."

"Just say please or not?" Gu Xinyue glanced at Lu Chen.

"Please! Of course please!" Wang Zihao laughed.

Liu Qiong on the side of    also suddenly said, "Then I'm going too."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and the gloomy atmosphere before dissipated a lot.

The second round begins!

Cheng Guoqiang was replaced, and Wang Zihao went into battle.

First stop, posterior fornix puncture!

The first stop of this afternoon, we have a gynecology program for everyone.

The lottery is over, this skill is operated by Wang Zihao.

Lu Chen was a little worried at first, but Wang Zihao completed all the operations very smoothly.

Although there are still some flaws, the degree of completion is very high.

It seems that he has put in a lot of hard work.

At this time, the mood of the audience outside the venue was even more nervous than Lu Chen and others.

Jinghua Second Hospital.

"Mr. Li, the situation is not optimistic." Sun Guoguo frowned and said, "After the first round, we only ranked 17th. Unless the second round breaks out, it will be very difficult."

Li Yao sighed slightly, "No way, those two mistakes are too fatal, otherwise it should have been in the top ten by now. Let's take a look, I believe Lu Chen is a child, and now he can only look at him."

After   , everyone's attention was focused on the broadcast screen again.

Jiangcheng District.

"Wen Guo, is there any hope for Xiaochen's team?"

Luo Meizhen stared at the TV screen without blinking.

"I read the rules of the competition. There are ten rounds left in the second round, so there should be a chance." Lu Wenguo said solemnly.

Although he said so, Lu Wenguo knew it.

The gap between the 17th and 10th places doesn't seem big, but everyone is very good. It's probably difficult to catch up!

Jinghua Gymnasium.

The second round of exams continues!

Second stop, intramuscular injection in the buttocks, and intravenous blood transfusion.

The third stop, pediatric nasogastric intubation, and nasogastric feeding.

Fourth stop, adult osteotomy.

The fifth stop, gynecological release ring.

In the entire ten-station operation, Lu Chen was selected four times for the main operation.

This is a very high probability.

Lu Chen accomplished everything very well.

In the remaining six stops, several others also completed smoothly.

The second round of the competition is over!

Back in the lounge, Cai Guangming's face finally looked a lot better.

"It's still very hopeful!" He said to everyone, "I followed the games of several other teams with similar performance as ours, and none of them did as well as us!"

Lu Chen and others were all relieved.

Buy a plane ticket to go back to school, or continue the game.

Just look at the results after half an hour!

This wait is undoubtedly very long.

Whether it is on-site or off-site watching the broadcast, a heart is mentioned in the throat.

After half an hour, the results will be announced!

First place, Kyoto University School of Medicine.

Second place, Modu Jiaotong University.

The third place, Huachuan Medical College of Northwestern University.

Fourth place, Pingjin Medical University.

Tenth place, Jiangcheng University.

The eleventh place, Jinnan Medical University.

Twelfth place, Jinghua Medical University!

(end of this chapter)