v2 Chapter 363: swallow battery

Name:I Can See Health Author:nib scalpel
Chapter 363 Swallowing the Battery

Finally, the system has been upgraded again!

Lu Chen immediately summoned the system panel, but then frowned.

It doesn't seem to have changed much!

The skill bar of the system panel, the system mall, everything is as usual.

"The system is down?" Lu Chen frowned deeply.

He has been looking forward to the system upgrade for so long, but there is nothing at all?

Lu Chen felt that he hadn't discovered it yet. Why didn't this system give any hints?

Thinking again and again, Lu Chen continued to look at his system, trying to find out what was different from before.

At this time, it happened to be noon, and the other people in the dormitory also came back one after another.

Wang Zihao opened the door and said to Lu Chen very happily, "My paper has been accepted! It's great!"

Lu Chen looked back at Wang Zihao, thinking of congratulating him, when he suddenly noticed a "—" symbol behind the health on his head.

This, what is this?

The number of health on Wang Zihao's head is 82, and then he has a "—".

Before, all Lu Chen could see was his health.

However, now there is a strange symbol after the number.

Lu Chen looked at the other roommates and found that some of them had "-" and some of them had "+".

Could this be the changing trend of HP?

Lu Chen's face brightened, if that's the case, that would be great!

Being able to see the trend of life value changes, which is much better than the previous tasteless system!

"Zihao, have you been feeling unwell recently?"

Wang Zihao was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise, "Ah? How did you know? I recently changed my thesis and stayed up all night for several consecutive nights. I still have a cold, and I am a little empty."

Lu Chen smiled: "Seeing how you sleep so late at night, guess what. Now that all the papers have been accepted, take a good rest. If your body breaks down, you will lose more than you gain!"

Looks like he guessed right!

The "+" and "-" really reflect the trend of life value changes!

"Okay, I'll go to bed early today." Wang Zihao said.

This paper by Wang Zihao is the one that Lu Chen helped him find the data before.

To this end, Wang Zihao also added Lu Chen to the ranks of the second author.

Although it is only a core journal of Huaxia Chinese, not SCI, it is already very good for the students of the first year!

As there is no other change in the system, Lu Chen will have to go to the clinic to try it out himself.

It took so much energy to upgrade the system, it should not just add this function.

In the afternoon, Lu Chen came to the emergency department.

All patients' heads have plus and minus symbols behind the number of health points!

And, for the most patients, there are three minus signs after the health number!

came to the rescue room.

He saw a patient who was sent to the hospital for CPR one morning.

At this point, the HP on his head is 21 (---).

According to the previous theory, the patient's condition should be in a state of deterioration.

And the three minus signs represent that the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating!

Lu Chen looked at a few more patients. Those patients whose clinical manifestations had improved had indeed a "+" symbol behind the number of health points.

This further confirmed Lu Chen's guess.

The    system has an additional function of displaying the trend of life value!

This is a dream function for every clinician, relative to the ability to judge the prognosis of a patient's disease.

In the system panel at this time, the system upgrade completion degree returns to "zero" again!

"It's important to get thank you points, but the completion of this system is even more important!" Lu Chen thought.

Just this little extra function in the system has benefited him a lot!

the whole afternoon.

While dealing with patients, Lu Chen is also constantly exploring changes in the system.

He found that after giving a patient treatment, such as certain medications, the trend of the patient's health numbers changed!

Some have changed from two minus signs to one minus sign.

Some have changed from minus to plus!

It all depends on whether the treatment measures are correct.

This is another change in Lu Chen's discovery system, and the development trend of the disease can be judged by "plus and minus".

Two simple functions, but Lu Chen's plug-in has been strengthened several times!

Just then, Nurse Gong Nannan ran into the doctor's office.

"The patient is here! Lu Chen, it's your turn to collect!"

"Okay, here we come!" Lu Chen nodded, picked up the stethoscope, and walked out of the office quickly.

Wang Xiaodong was still dealing with other patients, so he had to go and see first.

Most of the patients hospitalized in the emergency department are poisoned by pesticides and rat poisons.

Some other diseases will be directly admitted to other departments in the ward.

Lu Chen and Cheng Peng came to the emergency ward together.

The patient is a twenty-six-year-old young man.

Came to the hospital because of abdominal discomfort.

An electrocardiogram was done at the local clinic, which showed the possibility of myocardial infarction, and the patient was sent here.

Lu Chen saw his electrocardiogram at first sight.

ST segment elevation in inferior leads, is it acute inferior myocardial infarction?

"Why are you uncomfortable?" Lu Chen glanced at the health number on the patient's head.

66 (--)!

"I swallowed a battery by mistake, and now my stomach is a little uncomfortable." The man frowned.

"What? Swallowed the battery?!"

Lu Chen was taken aback.

He has seen a lot of people who swallowed drugs by mistake. Last time there was a little girl who swallowed mercury.

Today was the first time he swallowed the battery!

This is really a high game!

However, now is not the time to delve into the cause.

After the shock, Lu Chen began to conduct in-depth consultations and physical examinations.

At the same time, Cheng Peng reviewed an electrocardiogram for the patient again.

Still ST-segment elevation in inferior leads!

"Doctor, me, will there be any problem with me?" The man's expression was very nervous.

Lu Chen frowned and thought deeply, but did not reply immediately.

Cheng Peng on the side said: "Lu Chen, could it be an acute stress response? We have seen before, those patients' myocardial stress response due to emotional stress is similar to broken heart syndrome. Because The patient is so young, the possibility of myocardial infarction is unlikely!"

Myocardial stress response?

Lu Chen pondered for a while, then shook his head.

is read by the health on the patient's head and two minus signs.

The patient's condition is constantly progressing, this is certainly not as simple as a stress response!

However, Fatty is right about one thing.

This patient is young and does not have any risk factors for myocardial infarction, so the possibility of myocardial infarction is unlikely.

Lu Chen returned his attention to the patient's electrocardiogram, and said to Gong Nannan, "Sister Nan Nan, first urgently check the blood routine, liver and kidney function, and myocardial enzymes, and then take the patient to take a film."

Whether it is a myocardial infarction or not, the necessary tests and examinations need to be perfected.

(end of this chapter)