v2 Chapter 474: Feel it with your heart (the first one)

Name:I Can See Health Author:nib scalpel
Chapter 474 Feel it with your heart (first more)

In the    Pickled Cabbage Fish Restaurant, there was a moment of silence, followed by bursts of applause.

When the onlookers watched Fan Yujing take tweezers and pick out the fishbone from the little boy's throat, they all looked excited.

Isn’t this a true portrayal of the healer’s fearlessness in the face of danger? !

"Which hospital doctor is this? Why is he so powerful?"

"It's so close to Jinghua Second Hospital, I think it might be from Jinghua Second Hospital."

The parents of the little boy wanted to go forward to check, but Fan Yujing stopped him: "Wait a minute, I'll see if there is any bleeding first."

She put the small spoon against the boy's tongue, and asked Lu Chen to adjust the position of the flashlight on the mobile phone, and continue to check the situation of the boy's throat.

After a while, she sighed in relief.

"Fortunately, no bleeding."

Hearing Fan Yujing say this, the boy's parents immediately stepped forward to check his condition.

There were still tears in the corners of the woman's eyes, "Xiaobao, are you alright!"

"Mom..." The little boy whimpered, his eyes were already full of tears.

The man also looked at the boy with lingering fears at this time, "It's my father's fault, I shouldn't let you eat this meal."

At this time, the accompanying doctors and nurses of the 120 ambulance had come to the Pickled Fish Restaurant.

"Who is the patient?" said the doctor.

The manager of Pickled Cabbage Fish Restaurant immediately stepped forward, "Here!"

The doctor    also noticed the situation on the little boy's side and rushed over with a nurse.

"Mr. Fan, you, why are you here?"

120's accompanying doctor saw Fan Yujing and showed a look of astonishment.

Fan Yujing was also stunned for a moment, and then said: "I ran into a little boy and got stuck by a fishbone. I picked it out with tweezers. You should check him."

"Okay." The doctor was slightly surprised, and quickly stepped forward to check the boy's condition, then said, "Who are the family members?"

"I, we are." The boy's parents said quickly.

"It is recommended to go to the hospital for a check up." The doctor said, "You can go with you."

"Ah, have to go to the hospital?" The man wondered, "Didn't the fishbone be taken out?"

Before the doctor spoke, Fan Yujing said, "Of course I'm going! If I don't know the damage to his mucous membrane, I'd better check it with a mirror dedicated to the hospital, so that I can rest assured."

The man wanted to say something, but when he saw Fan Yujing say that, he could only nod his head, "I'll listen to you."

Then, 120 accompanying doctors took the little boy into the ambulance.

"Thank you, doctor." Before leaving, the woman bowed deeply to Fan Yujing.

Fan Yujing smiled indifferently, waved her hand, and sat back to her seat.

The sauerkraut fish restaurant, which used to be noisy, became quiet in an instant.

However, most of the audience who ate at Pickled Cabbage Fish were looking at Lu Chen's table.

"Junior Brother, return the tweezers." Lu Chen said to Wang De who was beside him.

"Yeah." Wang Defa nodded, took some tweezers, and walked out of the pickled fish restaurant.

"Mr. Fan, you're amazing!" Lu Chen gave Fan Yujing a thumbs up. The ability to find fishbone in such a short period of time is not something ordinary doctors can possess.

"Fortunately, you were clever and asked Wang Defa to find tweezers." Fan Yujing said, "Otherwise, it would be of no avail. However, these young parents have not grown up themselves, and they have to take care of the next generation."

The business exchange ended, and both of them laughed.

At this time, the manager of Pickled Cabbage Fish Restaurant walked over quickly.

"Hello, I'm the manager of this store." The manager smiled and handed a business card to Fan Yujing and Lu Chen.

"Is something wrong?" Fan Yujing said lightly.

"Thank you very much for your help just now!" The manager smiled, "In order to express my gratitude, this meal is free of charge!"

In the situation just now, once the little boy made any mistakes, their sauerkraut fish restaurant was basically over.

"Thank you." Fan Yujing said, "But the money we should pay will be paid by ourselves."

When the manager heard the words, he was stunned, there is still such a person, don't you want to be free?

Is it too little?

The manager    immediately said: "We have a heart for this, you must accept it. In addition, I have a membership card here, and you can enjoy a 30% discount in the future!"

Fan Yujing frowned slightly, glanced at the manager, then at Lu Chen, "Give it to my students, I don't want this."

Seeing that Fan Yujing did not refuse, the manager also smiled, "This handsome guy, we are also prepared."

He took out three cards from his pocket and put them on the table.

Fan Yujing saw this and knew that he could not refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

"Thank you manager."

"No no, it's me who should thank you."

The manager thanked Fan Yujing again and then left.

Lu Chen thought, "This manager really knows how to do business."

He not only freed his own table, but also gave a free dish to all the tables present.

At this time, Wang Defa also came back.

Fan Yujing handed him the discount card.

"Thank you, Teacher Fan." Wang De smiled and narrowed his eyes.

At the dinner table, the dinner for the three continued.

However, Fan Yujing also continued her previous topic.

Lu Chen and Wang Defa didn't ask any further questions.

Perhaps, from the rescue of the little boy just now, we can see that Teacher Fan Yujing has a sense of responsibility as a doctor.

This is enough to prove what kind of person Fan Yujing is!

After eating, Fan Yujing sent Lu Chen and Wang De back to the hospital.

At the gate of the hospital, Lu Chen and the two got out of the car.

"I won't send you in." Fan Yujing said.

"Thank you, Teacher Fan." Lu Chen smiled.

He and Wang Defa stood side by side outside the car and waved to Fan Yujing.

"Okay, then I'll go too." Fan Yujing rolled up the window and drove away.

"Mr. Fan." Lu Chen suddenly said.

Fan Yujing was stunned for a moment. The car window was half closed when she turned to look at Lu Chen.

A faint smile appeared on Lu Chen's face, "It's a pleasure to work with you for a month."

Fan Yujing nodded slightly after hearing the words, and then the window slowly closed.

She didn't speak, but Lu Chen read a response in her eyes, which was encouragement, relief, or expectation.

On the way back to the bedroom.

Lu Chen and Wang Defa were on the same road, chatting while walking.

Suddenly, Wang Defa said, "Senior brother, I heard from others in the respiratory department that Teacher Fan used to be very good. It seems that she was indifferent because of a patient's complaint."

"It shouldn't be a rare thing to be complained by a patient, right?" Lu Chen wondered.

Looking at Fan Yujing's character, she will not become so indifferent because of complaints from patients.

"I heard that the patient's condition is more responsible, and other doctors are reluctant to perform bronchoscopy on him." Wang Defa said slowly, "At that time, Mr. Fan was very kind, so he performed bronchoscopy on the patient, but there was an accident during the operation. Finally, the patient's family complained to Mr. Fan..."

Although Wang Defa's speech was vague, Lu Chen almost understood what happened.

In his mind, he seemed to see that Fan Yujing, who was warm and kind.

saw the now indifferent Fan Demon again.

After a long while, Lu Chen smiled slowly: "We shouldn't judge only from surface feelings. Perhaps, we can see the truest side by feeling with our hearts."

Fan Yujing's real side is like thousands of doctors who are indifferent on the surface.

Perhaps, the calm on the surface is like water, and the heart can carry the responsibility of a healer.

(end of this chapter)